
第29章 每天所要感谢的8件事

The Top 8 Things to Be Grateful for Each and Every Day

佚名 / Anonymous

This list seems very basic. Yet not everyone in this country or in the world has, or will be able to be grateful for, all of these things. This list is one which, hopefully, everyone reading it can say applies to them. Perhaps if we are thankful for these basic things daily, it will help ourselves and others gain more abundance, or at least we will appreciate our own more.

1. Waking up Alive.

George Burns once said a great day for him was waking up and not seeing candles, a church, and his friends all dressed in black. He was blessed financially and healthwise. Many, in this country and in other countries, are lucky to make it to age 10, let alone 100.

2. Decent Air to Breathe.

While everyone has this, in some places in the world, the air is so polluted and foul smelling, the people die of respiratory ailments just from breathing.

3. A New Day to Learn and to Earn a Livelihood.

Most of us live in areas with very low unemployment rates. If we choose and need to work and have a job, we can earn money daily or weekly somehow. Others are in school or educational environments. They can learn or increase what they already know.

Many people have no jobs and will never have a chance to learn a basic education.

4. A Home in Which to Eat, Sleep, Live, and Relax.

We are blessed if we are not one of the millions of people whose home consists of a car, an abandoned house or building, cardboard or tin constructed “shelters”, or the bare earth or grass. Think about pictures you may have seen of the homeless when you complain about your home or apartment being too cold or warm, or the utility bill being too high.

5. Ample Clean Food to Eat & the Option to Buy As Much As We Need.

Most of us never have experienced waiting in line 2~6 hours to buy a loaf of bread, some flour, eggs, etc. We don’t know what it is like to wait for a truck to pull up and hand out boxes or containers of rice or Red Cross rations. We’ve never dug in dumpsters behind a grocery store or restaurant to get the food that was thrown out to have for our daily meal. Food is expensive for many.

6. Friends, Family and Pets.

Most of us have one or more of these three things in our life. In some parts of the country and the world, people are alone, young children are alone. And the “pet” may have to end up feeding a family or a group of people due to lack of any other food supply.

7. Clothing to Protect Us from the Elements & to Even Enhance Our Appearance.

True, there are places in the U.S. where people in poverty lack adequate clothing. Compared to our population, however, the majority of us have adequate clothes, and many of us have clothing that is both functional and attractive as well.

8. The Gift of Choice.

This is something everyone has no matter where they live. We all have the choice to make decisions, to act, and to be however we wish, as adults at least. This was given to us at birth and is never taken away, but is often taken for granted, ignored, or not fully developed or used.


1 . 感激每天都能醒来。


2 . 感激每天都能呼吸到新鲜的空气。


3 . 感激有新的一天去学习和生存。



4 . 感谢有一个可以吃饭、睡觉、居住和放松的家。


5 . 感谢能吃到干净的食物,还有权买自己想要的物品。


6 . 感谢朋友、家庭和宠物。


7 . 感谢有衣遮体,甚至可以修饰我们的外型。



8 . 感谢我们拥有选择的权利。


1. Most of us in areas with very low unemployment . If we choose and need to work and have a , we can earn money daily or weekly somehow. Others are in or educational environments. They can learn or increase what they know.

2. We don’t know it is like to wait for a truck to pull up hand out boxes or containers of rice or Red Cross rations. We’ve dug in dumpsters behind a grocery store or restaurant to the food that was thrown out to have for our meal.

1. 感谢有一个可以吃饭、睡觉、居住和放松的家。

2. 如果我们选择或需要去劳动工作,不论每天或每周我们都能挣到钱。

3. 我们都可以,至少成年人可以这样有选择性地去做决定,去实施、去完成我们的梦想。

1. Many, in this country and in other countries, are lucky to make it to age 10, let alone 100.

let alone:更不必说;听任;不打扰

2. We don’t know what it is like to wait for a truck to pull up and hand out b