1100:现免费向公众开放。Now open to the public free ofcharge.
1101:再次向公众开放。It will be open to the public again.
1102:八月延长开放时间。Extended opening hours duringAugust.
1103:不准用闪光灯拍照。Flash photograph is not permitted.
1104:即将展出。Forthcoming exhibitions.
1105:全年每天10:30am -6:00pm 开放。Open 10:30am -6:00pm every day throughout the year.
1106:每周7天开放。Open 7days a week.
1107:楼内不许拍照录像。Photography and video are notpermitted inside the building.
1108:勿触摸展品。Do not touch the exhibits.
1109:看那画太美了,我们拍张照吧!Look at thosebeautiful paintings,let’s take pictures of them.
1110:你能介绍博物馆的展览吗?Could you introduce exhibition in the Museum?
1111:先生,你们有几个人?Sir,how many people are you?
1112:您这儿有青铜器复制品吗?Do you have any copies of the bronze object?
1113:您怎么辨别真假?How can you tell it is genuine or fake?
1114:您怎么知道年代呢?How can you tell the age?
1115:佛教展厅现在开着吗?Is the Buddhism gallery still open?
1116:请帮我指路进展厅。Please help me find my way to the exhibition hall.
1117:你要多少票?How many tickets do you want?
请给我两张。Two tickets,please.
1118:我能照这个么?Can I take a photo for this?
可以,请不要用闪光灯。Sure,No flash,please.
1119:打扰了,先生,能为我拍张照吗?Excuse me,Sir,Could you take a picture for me?
当然了,我很乐意。Sure,It’s my pleasure.
1120:打扰了,请问馆长办公室在哪里?Excuse me,Couldyou mind tell me where is the office of the director?
没问题,很荣幸告诉你,请随我来。Sure,It’s mypleasure.follow me,please.
1121:这些东西做什么用的?What are these for?
这些是陈设品,供欣赏用。These are decorations,justfor appreciation.
1122:最近有什么特展吗?Are there any special exhibitionthese days?
我们有个******展。在一楼展厅。We have one,about Chairman Mao Zedong in the first floor.
1123:这些瓷器是在哪里烧制的?Where were theseporcelain wares made?
大部分在江西省景德镇烧制。Most of them weremade at Jingdezhen.
1124:我的当事人对警察的暴力行为提出了一些令人信服的指控。My client has made some very convincing allegations of police brutality.
1125:他声称你的警官殴打了他。He claims that your officers assaulted him.
1126:你很快会收到我的消息的。You’ll be hearing from me soon.
1127:我需要报案,有人失踪。I need to file a missing person’s report.
1128:这个月逮捕的人数减少了。Arrests have declined this month.
1129:他激烈地拒捕。He resisted arrest violently.
1130:我想给我的律师打电话。I want to call my lawyer.
1131:我们有几个问题想问你。We just have a few questionsfor you.
1132:这位警官对我帮助很大。The officer was very helpfulto me.
1133:那个区域不在我们司法权管辖范围内。That area isout of our jurisdiction.
1134:这是这个城市最繁忙的管辖区。This is the busiestprecinct in the city.
1135:我需要你在这报告上签名。I need your signature onthis report.
11306:请不要移动您的车辆。Please do not move yourvehicle.
1137:请把您的车移到路边。Please move your vehicle to theside of the road.
1138:这些指控你有什么证据吗?Do you have any proof ofthese claims?
1139:你能认出嫌疑犯吗?Can you identify the suspect?
1140:你确信嫌疑犯放火不止一次了吗?Are you sure thesuspect fired more than once?
1141:需要我们给您的家人打电话吗?Shall we call your family?
1142:您需要去医院吗?Do you need to go to the hospital?
1143:您要救护车吗?Do you need an ambulance?
1144:能不能告诉我这儿发生了什么事?Can you tell me what happened here?
1145:在车撞上您之前,您看见车了吗?Did you see the car before it hit you?
1146:您记得车牌号码吗?Do you remember the driver’s license plate number?
1147:您开多快?How fast were you going?
1148:您和前面车子的距离是多少?How far were you from the car in front of you?
1149:您是从哪个方向来的?Which direction were you coming from?
1150:您要往哪个方向去?Which direction were you going?
1151:您注意到红灯了吗?Have you noticed the red light?
1152:当时您在哪个车道行驶?Which lane were you in?
1153:我想登记。I would like to register.
您把必需的文件都带来了吗?Did you bring allnecessary documents?
1154:你们需要什么文件?What documents do you need?
您的护照,住宅文书,您房东的身份证。可以是复印件。Your passport,your housing documents,andyour landlord’s ID.Photocopies are accepted.
1155:你能回答我几个问题吗?Would you mind answeringa few questions for us?
1156:您受伤了吗?Are you hurt?
没受伤,我还好。No,I’m fine.
1157:您移动过您的车吗?Have you moved your car?
还没有。Not yet.
1158:您给您的保险公司打电话了吗?Have you called yourinsurance company?
打了,他们马上就到。Yes.They will be right here.