
第20章 紧紧握住梦想的航标 (6)

Last but not least, you have to find time for relaxation and thinking about your wish. So, your thoughts will be clear. Do not think about the past and all bad things that have happened! Do not think about the future because you will move your wish into the future time! “NO” and “NOT” are important and they do not have any place in your wish. It is better to say: “I want…” instead of “I do NOT want…”

My last advice: Live, think and act in the present! There is enough power in the Universe! Use your personal power to catch the success!







Measures of Success When You’re Unemployed寻找失业的成就感

My current job search is perhaps the only time in my life where I’m finding it’s more helpful to be task-oriented rather than goal-oriented. In recent weeks, I’ve found that setting goals like: It’s necessary to get an interview with any company, seem to end in frustration.

There are so many factors I cannot control. This week, I’m trying to focus on more manageable, short-term tasks such as making three follow-up calls for the day. True, these small tasks lack the glamour of larger goals but they give my Type A personality the sense of accomplishment it craves. Being the impatient sort, it also helps to have a list of completed tasks on hand to remind myself that I am doing all I can and that is all I can ask.

For me, being laid off was like diving into cold water. I was prepared mentally but it was impossible not to feel a jolt. From day one my strategy has been to keep moving. I spend my time online at job boards, researching companies, writing introductory emails and if I’m lucky returning a phone call or two.

A job search is not a linear process. There are decisions and steps that cause you to repeat yourself. This is most difficult for a person with perfectionist tendencies such as myself. Understanding the process has forced me to reconcile the idea that success can only be measured by the completion of tasks which I can control.

But keeping busy is not the problem; the challenge is feeling like I’m making progress.

Readers, share your thoughts, advice and personal experiences on how to measure success when searching for employment.





