
第9章 出生是人生的起点(1)

Section One Birth Is the Starting Point of One’s Life


The first cry of anyone who comes out of his or her mother’s body into the world is announcing to allpeople on earth that he or she has already begun his or her life. But everyone has different experiences inone’s life and thus one’s life becomes very unique and wonderful.


Let’s read Cao Xueqin’s A Dream of Red Mansions and study the birth, death and life of the writer andthe main characters’ in the novel. We can enjoy their different experiences and wonderful lives and learnmuch from their experiences and lessons in life.

1.1 内容介绍

1.1 Introduction小说《红楼梦》是曹雪芹于18世纪中叶清代(1644—1911)乾隆统治时期(1736—1795)根据自己的身世经历和对现实的深切感受,饱含着血泪写成的。清代的康熙、乾隆两朝号称盛世,但恰恰是在这样的盛世中却潜伏着危机,制造着悲剧,反映到文学创作上,就产生了《红楼梦》这样伟大的悲剧作品。

Based on the writer’s life experience and his deep sense of the realities, the novel A Dream of RedMansions was written by Cao Xueqin with all his devotion in the mid-eighteenth century during the reign(1736—1795) of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911). The two reigns of Emperors Kangxiand Qianlong in the Qing dynasty are known as the Golden Ages, but it is in these Ages that crises arebrewing and tragedy is in the making. Their reflections in the literary writing lead to the birth of a great tragicwork of literature—A Dream of Red Mansions.


By depicting the tragic love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, A Dream of Red Mansions exhibiteda history of the prosperity and decline of the four big families as the predominant Jias, the Shis, the Wangsand the Xues, and portrayed scenes of decline and numerous tragedies in life in the last period of the feudalsociety, thus objectively revealing a historical trend of the ever-declining feudal society. The novel is investedwith sentiment and illusion, of which All Good Things Must End and Songs of A Dream of Red Mansionscan be regarded as its theme song. Chapter Four of the novel not only sums up the main content but also theartistic composition. The author has constructed the plot according to the requirements of the theme. Theprosperity and decline of the four big families, especially the Jias, form the main thread running through thewhole novel. Around this thread unfolds three sets of closely interconnected contradictions: those betweenthe feudal rulers and the ruled, those between feudal orthodoxy and the rebels, and those within the rulersthemselves. The complex development of these three sets of contradictions throughout the story results finallyin the utter bankruptcy of the Jia family. The novel also depicts the inevitable doom of the other big feudalfamilies while presenting the tragic destiny of the Jia mansions, a big aristocratic family of the feudal society,from its prosperity of“gilding the lily and spraying oil over the blazing flames”to its decline of“thetottering building will collapse and the flickering candle will peter out”.

《红楼梦》描写的是一个由社会、家庭和个人三层组成的悲剧世界。就个人层面而言,贾宝玉是众多悲剧人物中的一个代表。小说描写了贾宝玉的人生悲剧。贾宝玉是作者理想化的人物。他生活在温柔富贵乡里,却天生有一种感伤的气质和一种痴情,他不愿走封建家长为他安排的读书做官的道路,却走向了一条背叛封建礼教的叛逆道路。他重情轻礼,喜欢美丽的少女,厌恶男人,他认为女儿是水做的骨肉,清洁无比,而男人是泥做的, 浊臭逼人。


A Dream of Red Mansions depicts a tragic world, which consists of the three dimensions—the society,family and individual. As far as individual dimemison is concerned, Jia Baoyu is a representative of themany tragic characters. The novel portrays the life tragedy of Jia Baoyu, who is an idealized character of theauthor’s. Jia Baoyu lives in the home of pleasure and luxury, but is endowed with sentiment and passionatedevotion. He does not choose to travel the arranged path to do his studies and take his official career by thefeudal patriarchy, but resets himself onto the way to revolt against feudal ethical codes. He thinks more offeelings than of feudal ethical codes, and he prefers beautiful young women to men, thinking that youngwomen are made of water, pure as ever and men of clay, stinking and stifling. He objects to rules of etiquettesand ethics in the male chauvinist society, but appreciates, eulogizes and cares for the female and volunteersto protect them. He upholds his true love for Lin Daiyu and opposes the arranged marriage by the feudalpatriarchy. As his beloved Lin Daiyu and other beautiful young women were tortured to death or scatteredhere and there in the feudal society, he came to recognize the darkness and evils of the realities, feel a pain ofsuffering and illusion in life and eventually renounce his family and the society in utter despair to be tonsuredto become a monk.


Generally speaking, love, marriage and family are the important three steps in one’s life. Thenovel portrays the tragic love and marriage between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu on the one hand andbetween Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai on the other. The love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, whichis“predestined”and based on their mutual love and understanding, is a free and pure love without anyconcern for family status and interests; and it is also a constant and rebellious love, which emphasizes feelingrather than feudal ethical codes, and thus runs counter to feudal ethical codes. This kind of love conforms toneither the feudal ethical codes nor the interests of the feudal families nor the will of the feudal patriarchy, soit is strangled to death and ends in a heart-breaking tragedy, including the death of Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu’sdecision to be tonsured to become a monk. The marriage between Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai is“well-matched”. As a beautiful and virtuous lady, Xue Baochai adjusts herself to feudal ethical codes. She thinksmore of feudal ethical codes than of feelings; She involuntarily restrains her temperament and feelings andalways behaves herself according to the needs of the feudal ethical codes. She knows her place, but she isvery astute. Although Jia Baoyu gets married to Xue Baochai by force, he has little in common with her andfinally decides to forsake her and tonsure himself to become a monk. Thus their marriage without love endsup tragically. Because of the tragic love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and the tragic marriage between JiaBaoyu and Xue Baochai, the“nuclear family”is destroyed as soon as it is built up within the Jia mansions,a big aristocratic family of the feudal society. Without the younger generation’s“nuclear family”, how can abig family last long?


Society is the aggregate of people—men and women living together in a more or less ordered community.

A Dream of Red Mansions depicts the tragedy for the female. It visualizes an Eden for the female—A GrandView Garden, where there live a bevy of beautiful, vivacious and youthful girls, including the aristocratic ladieslike Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Shi Xiangyun and Jia Tanchun, the maidservants like Qingwen, Zijuan and Xirenand the actresses like Ouguan, Fangguan and Ruiguan. All of them are beautiful and intelligent, and eventhe personifications of beauty, but they have ended in tragedy, none of whom stay free from the tortures andpersecutions of the feudal influences. Cao Xueqin extolled their ingenuity, sympathized with their unfortunatefates and bitterly condemned the society of wrecking the beauty. Besides the tragedy for the female, is there notragedy for the male? The striking contrast between the rulers’ world centered by men outside the Grand ViewGarden and the ruled world centered by women inside the Grand View Garden not only exposes the corruptand reactionary nature of the superstructure in the last period of Chinese feudal society but also pronounces theinevitable doom of Chinese feudal society.


While presenting the above three dimensions of the tragedy, the novel also demonstrates how the fourbig families were linked with the court and the local officials to form a network of control with the feudalautocratic state power as its center to savagely oppress and ruthlessly exploit the broad labouring masses allover the country. The feudal rule of the four big families epitomizes the dark rule of feudal society as a whole,just as their decline reflects the inevitable doom of the entire feudal system.


Cao Xueqin did not finish his monumental work before he died. Only eighty chapters written by him areextant in manu form with comments by Zhi Yanzhai. He wrote more than these but unfortunately themanus of the later chapters were lost. The last forty chapters in the present novel were the work of Gao E.

Gao E (1758—1815), courtesy name Lanshu, passed the imperial examination for Jinshi during the reign ofEmperor Qianlong and became a tutor to the Imperial Academy. His literary talent and thought rank next toCao’s and his chapters, therefore, fall behind Cao’s in artistry and thought. However, his merits deserve praisefor he has written the sequel to A Dream of Red Mansions and made a complete whole of it.