in proportion 成比例;恰如其分地
[ 例句] The length and height of the room a re in proportion. rise to one’s feet 站起来
[ 例句] The old man rose unsteadily to his feet to reply the speech of welcome.settle down 习惯.;安定下来
[ 例句] He soon settled down in his new much so that 到这样的程度以至
[ 例句] I was scared,so much so that I couldn ’t say a word.turn out ①把.赶出去②证明(是)
[ 例句] The old man turned his own son out of the house.
Passage Ⅱ A Letter to God
amiable [ ] ad j.亲切的
bean* [ bi..n] n.豆
brow* [ brau] n.眉头
bunch* [ b..nt..] n.一束/捆/伙
[ 同义] cluster,gang
[ 考点] a bunch of 一群/束/串
[ 例句] We picked quite a big bunch of flowe rs.
career* [ k....r i..] n.①职业②生涯
[ 同义] ①vocation②work
[ 考点] enter upon/begin/star t/launch career 开始. 的生涯
[ 例句] He star ted a new car ee r with much inter est.
centavo [ sen..t....v..u] n.分(辅币单位)
charity* [..t.... r..ti] n.①慈善②施舍物
[ 同义] ①vi rtue②gift
[ 考点] out of cha rity 出于恻隐之心
rega rd sb. ’s fault with charity 宽恕某人的过错
charity for the needy 对穷人的施舍
[ 例句] She ca red for the orphans out of char ity.
comment* [..k..ment ] v.①评论②注解
[ 同义] ①remark②explain
[ 考点] comment on/upon/about 评论
[ 例句] The ministe r refused to comment publicly on these claims.
confidence* [..k..nfid..ns] n.①信心②信任
[ 同义] ①self reliance②faith,t rust
[ 反义] ①self doubt②distrust
[ 考点] place/have confidence in s b.信任某人in confidence 私下的(地)
[ 例句] I have lit tle/much confidence in what she said.
conscience* [..k..n....ns] n.良心,是非感
[ 考点] in (all ) conscience 凭良心说on s b. ’s conscience 引起某人内疚的
[ 例句] A ma tter has been on my conscience for a long time.
contentment* [ k..n..tentm..nt ] n.满足
[ 同义] content
[ 反义] discontent
[ 考点] find/seek contentment in 在.得到满足
[ 例句] He found contentment in r eading books.
convince* [k..n..vins] v.使确信
[ 同义] assur e
[ 考点] convince sb.of/that 使某人确信
[ 例句] We finally convinced him of his mistakes.
corral [k....r....l ] n.畜栏
correspondence* [..k..r i..s p..nd..ns ] n.①通信②一致
[ 同义] ①communication②accord
[ 考点] be in correspondence with (sb.about sth .) 与某人就某事进行通信联系;与.一致
[ 例句] His account of the accident was not in corr espondence with the driver’s.
crest [ krest ] n.顶,顶部
daybreak [..deibreik ] n.黎明
deny* [di..nai] v.①拒绝②否认
[ 同义] ①refuse,r eject ②disaffirm
[ 反义] ①accept ②admit,affirm
[ 考点] Ther e is no denying that .很明显,不可否认deny doing/that 否认做(是) deny sb.sth.拒绝给予
[ 例句] 1 ) Do you deny having stolen the bike?
2 ) He denies nothing to his children.
dot* [d..t ] v.点缀n.小点
[ 考点] a dot of 一点儿.
on the dot 准时地
to the/a dot 完全,全部
be dot ted with 用.点缀
[ 例句] 1 ) She’ll be here on the dot.
2 ) The sky was dot ted with sta rs.
drape [ dreip] v.披盖
employee* [..empl......i..] n.雇员
evident* [..evid..nt ] ad j.明显的
[ 同义] clear,obvious,appar ent
[ 反义] uncer tain exclaim* [ ik..skleim] v.惊叫(由于激动、惊奇、痛苦、高兴等)
[ 同义] c ry out,s hout
[ 考点] exclaim at/over 呼喊,惊叫
exclaim in/with delight 欢呼
exclaim against 指责
[ 例句] 1 ) She exclaimed at the beautiful view.
2 ) The newspape rs exclaimed against the
government’s action.
hail * [ heil ] n.冰雹
hailstone [..heilst..un] n.雹块
hailstorm [..heilst....m] n.雹暴
heartily [..h....tili ] adv.尽情地
hillside* [..hilsaid ] n.山坡,小山(山腰)
instruct* [ r..kt ] v.①指导②通知
[ 同义] ①teach②inform
[ 考点] inst ruct 在.指导
inst ruct sb.about/on 就某事给某人以指示
inst ruct do 指示某人做某事
[ 例句] 1 ) The captain inst ructed the soldie rs to r etr eat.
2 ) He was inst ructing the soldie rs in how to do the dr ill.
intimately * [..intim..tli ] adv.详尽地
kidney * [..kidni ] n.肾,腰子
lick * [ lik] v.①舔② (波浪) 轻拍
[ 同义] touch
[ 考点] lick off 舔掉
lick up 舔净;(火) 吞噬
[ 例句] 1 ) The children have just licked off the cream and left the jelly.
2 ) The cat licked up the milk from the bowl.
locust [ ] n.蝗虫
oblige* [....blaid..] v.①迫使.做②使感激
[ 同义] ①force,compel②thank
[ 考点] oblige s do 迫使
be obliged to sb.for 因.而感激
[ 例句] We’re much obliged to you for all your help.
pearl * [ p....l ] n.珍珠
peso [..peis..u] n.比索(拉美国家和菲律宾的货币单位)
plague* [ plei..] n.①温疫②令人烦恼的人或事物
[ 考点] a plague of .的灾
plague to sb.成为.的烦恼
[ 例句] London’s fogs used to be a plague to r esidents.
postmaster * [] n.邮政局长
predict* [ pr i..dikt ] v.①预言②预报
[ 同义] ①foretell,foresee②for ecast
[ 考点] predict that/wh 从句预言.
[ 例句] Is it pos sible to pr edict when one will die?
rainfall [..reinf....l ] n.一场雨
resemble* [ ri..zembl ] v.相像
resolut ion* [] n.决定
[ 同义] intention
[ 考点] resolution to do/that 决定做.
[ 例句] My father often makes a r esolution to stop smoking.
resow* [..ri..s..u] v.重新播种
salary * [..s .. l..r i] n.薪水
[ 同义] wage,pay
[ 考点] boost/increase/raise salary 加薪
get/have/receive/take salary 领取薪水
[ 例句] He receives a salary of ■ 2,000 a yea r for his work.
scan* [ sk .. n ] v.细察
signature* [] n.签名
slight* [ slait ] n.轻视
[ 反义] ad j.conside rable
[ 考点] the slightest 一点也不,根本不
put a slight on/upon 轻视(人)
[ 例句] You couldn’t offend me in the slightest.
soli tary * [..s..lit..r i] ad j.弧单的
sorrowful * [..s..r..uful] adj.悲伤的
ask for 要求得到
[ 例句] She asked for a dr ink of wate r.
come up wi th 想出;追上
[ 例句] He came up with a new solution to the problem.
for nothing 免费地;白白地
[ 例句] Children unde r 5 can t ravel for nothing.
look on 观看;旁观
[ 例句] Two boys wer e fighting.The rest we re looking on.
st ick to 坚持;粘住
[ 例句] If you stick to the t ruth,you’ve nothing to fea r.