
第38章 Unit Eleven Advertising (3)

[ 考点] be in the background 在幕后,不公开地

background informa tion/music 背景资料/音乐

against a background of 在.背景下

[ 例句] The demonst ration took place against a background of foodstuff crisis.

ban* [ b .. n] v.禁止


[ 同义] v.prohibit,forbid


[ 考点] ban sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事

ban a book/movie 查禁一本书/一部电影

put a ban on (或put. under a ban) 禁止.

lift/remove the ban on 解禁.

[ 例句] The play was banned by the censor.

candidate* [..k .. ndideit ] n.候选人

[ 考点] candidate for sth..的人选

[ 例句] He was the st rongest candida te for the position.

consent* [ k..n..sent ] v./n.同意,准许

[ 同义] v.approve

[ 考点] consent to (do) sth.同意(做) 某事

ask s b. ’s consent 征得某人的同意

give one’s consent to sth.同意.

have sb. ’s consent 得到某人的同意

[ 例句] She readily consented to my request.

conviction* [ k..n..vik....n] n.①确信,信念②定罪,判罪

[ 同义] ①belief

[ 考点] speak with conviction 自信地说,令人信服地说It’s my conviction tha t 我深信.

political convictions 政治信念

[ 例句] She had a firm conviction that she was right.

copywriter [..k..pi..r ait..] n.广告撰稿员

distract* [di..st r .. kt ] v.① 分心,分散(注意力) ② 困扰,困惑

[ 同义] ②bewilde r,pe rplex,puzzle

[ 考点] dist ract sb.from sth.分散某人的注意力

be distr acted with/by 因.而精神不能集中

[ 例句] Noise distr acts my attention from studying.

governmental * [......v..n..ment..l ] adj.政府的

[ 考点] gove rnmental institutions 政府机构

hence* [ hens] adv.因此,所以

[ 同义] for this r eason (后面的动词常省略)

[ 例句] The hotel was built on the side of a r ive r,hence the name“Riverside”.

issue* [..i..ju..,..isju..] n.问题,争论点

[ 同义] problem,matte r,argument

[ 考点] political/envi ronmental is sues 政治/环境问题

the ma tter at issue 争议中的(问题)

bring up/r aise an issue 提出问题

settle an issue 解决争议

[ 例句] What are the latest is sues in politics in your count ry?

manipulate* [m....nipjuleit ] v.操纵,摆布

[ 同义] handle,cont rol

[ 考点] manipulate public opinion 操纵舆论

manipulate the stock market 操纵股票市场

[ 例句] A cleve r politician knows how to manipulate public opinion.

manipulat ive [ m....nipjuleitiv] adj.(对他人) 操纵的,控制的

[ 考点] manipulative power/pr actices 操纵别人的能力/行径

medium* [..mi..di..m] n.(复数~s 或media ) ①手段,工具② 媒介

[ 同义] ①means

[ 考点] mass media 大众传媒(如报刊、广播、电视等)

through/by the medium of 通过.的手段

[ 例句] Television can be an excellent medium for educa-tion.

messenger * [..mesind....] n.送信者,报信者

minority * [ mai..n..r..ti,mi-] n.少数民族,少数

[ 例句] Only a minor ity of Br itish households do not have a ca r.

project* [ pr....d..ekt ] v.①发射,投出②投射(光、影等)

[ 同义] ①hur l,launch ②tr ansmit

[ 考点] project sth.on/onto 把(光、影等) 投射于.

project a mis sile into space 把导弹发射到宇宙空间

[ 例句] The tr ee projects a shadow on the gr as s.

promote* [ pr..u..m..ut ] v.①发场,促进②提升,提职

[ 考点] promote friendship/economic growth 促进友谊/经济增长

[ 例句] Pupils who pas s this test will be promoted to the next grade.

propaganda* [..pr..p........ nd..] n.宣传

[ 考点] political propaganda 政治宣传

regulat ion* [..re..ju..lei....n] n.规章

[ 同义] rule

[ 考点] t raffic regulations 交通法规

break/violate regulations 违反规定

establish (或lay down) regulations 制订规章

[ 例句] I am ti red of all these rules and regulations telling me wha t I must and must not do!

restrict* [ r i..st rikt ] v.限制,约束

[ 同义] rest rain,confine

[ 考点] rest rict sb./sth.to 把某人/事限制在.范围

[ 例句] He restr icted himself to two ciga rettes a day.

sentiment* [..sentim..nt ] n.① 感情,情绪② (常用复) 意见,感想③感伤,多愁善感

[ 同义] ①feeling②opinion,attitude③emotion

[ 例句] 1 ) She expres sed her sentiments on world peace.

2 ) The re is no room for sentiment in business.

skillful * [..skilful] a dj.熟练的

[ 考点] be skillful at/in (doing) sth.善于(做) 某事

[ 例句] Soon they became very skillful in answer ing such questions.

slogan* [..sl..u....n] n.口号,标语

slot* [ sl..t ] n.(电视、广播的) 时段

solut ion* [ s....lu......n] n.解决(办法)

[ 同义] answer

[ 考点] a solution of/for/to a trouble 纷争的解决

find a solution 寻找解决的方法

come up with a solution 找到解决的办法

[ 例句] Ther e seems to be no solution to the problem.

specialist* [..spe....list ] n.专家

[ 同义] expe rt

[ 例句] She is a specialist in Easte rn European affairs.

stereotyped* [..ster i..utaipt ] ad j.(形象、思想、人物等) 模式化的

[ 同义] fixed,standa rdized,without individuality

[ 例句] He gave the us ual stereotyped answers to the questions

of the newspaper r epor ters.

viewer* [..vju....] n.观众,观看者

violence* [..vai..l..ns ] n.①暴力②猛力

[ 同义] ①brutality②force

[ 例句] 1 ) He was compelled to use violence.

2 ) He slammed the door with violence.

voice over [..v..is....uv..] n.画外音,旁白

vote* [ v..ut ] v.投票,选举

[ 考点] vote for/against 投票赞成/反对.

vote on sth.就某事投票表决

vote.down 投票否决

[ 例句] If we cannot agree,let’s vote on it.

voter * [..v..ut..] n.投票人,选举人

be targeted at 以.为目标

[ 例句] Campaigns to stop the spread of AIDS must continue to be ta rgeted at the whole popula tion.

identify with 把.与.等同起来

[ 例句] Wealth cannot be identified with happines s.

persuade someone of 使某人相信/信服.

[ 例句] He tr ied to pers uade me of his innocence.

reduce.to 使.变成,使.简化成

[ 例句] We can reduce his statement to three simple facts.

restrict.to 把.限制在.之内

[ 例句] The doctor has r est ricted my smoking to ten ciga - rettes a day.

say no to 拒绝

[ 例句] The offer was so good that I couldn’t say no to it.

share in 分享,分担

[ 例句] She sha res in my troubles as well as in my joys.