
第12章 the sunshine

i love the sunshine everywhere-

in wood, and field, and glen;

i love it in the busy haunts of town-imprisoned men.

i love it, when it streameth in the humble cottage door,and casts the chequered casement shade1upon the red-brick floor.

i love it, where the children lie deep in the clovery grass,to watch among the twining roots the gold-green beetle pass.

1 chequered casement shade: the shadow of the diamond-paned window frame onthe floor.

i love it, on the breezy sea, to glance on sail and oar,while the great waves, like molten glass, come leaping to the shore.

i love it, on the mountain tops.

where lies the thawless1 snow; and half a kingdom, bathed in light,lies stretching out below.

kindness like sunshine

1 thawless: never melting.

o! yes, i love the sunshine!

like kindness, or like mirth, upon a human countenance,is sunshine on the earth.

upon the earth-upon the sea- and through the crystal air1-or piled-up clouds-the gracious sun is gracious everywhere.

-mary howitt

1 crystal air: air clear as glass.