
第3章 Te xt B Coming o f Age

P re -re ad in g Sp e ak in g

Ⅰ. Talking about th e p ictu res

1. Look at the above pictures and fill in the following table with the correspondingletters next to the brand names of cars.

2. Can you tell something about these cars,e. g. their history,prices,or popularityamong people?

Ⅱ. Pair wor k

1. How do you understand the meaning of the title“Coming of age”?

2. In what way do you think cars can be related to the phrase?

3. Share your special feelings towards a specific object and tell each other why it is sodear to you.

Ⅲ. Grou p d iscu ssion

In your memory,what made you come of age? Is it a certain age,study at college,orfalling in love with someone? Share your stories with your classmates.

P o s t -re ad in g Sp e akin g

Ⅰ. Talking about th e p ictu res

1. Look at Pictures A and B and talk about the possible meanings they may symbolize.

2. Describe Picture C and talk about the meaning it may represent.

3. Describe Picture D and share your understanding of freedom.

Ⅱ. Grou p d iscu ssion

Childhood Fr iendsby Mindy CarpenterAs childhood friends,we grew up together,Swearing to be friends forever and ever.Sometimes we would argue and fight,Other times we would laugh and stay up all night.We went from playing with games and toys,To talking and dreaming about different boys.My thoughts and feelings,to you I would confide,Never having anything to hide.

Friends we do remain,Things changing,and things staying the same.

To each other we still listen and share,About each other,we will always care.

“In that old car of mine,we had stockpiled memor ies like firewood,knowing thatsomeday,somewhere,we would gather as gray-ha ired men to relight the bla ze of ourfr iendship. ”

-from coming of age by Sam Wa lkerTalk about your childhood friends and share your stories with your classmates.

Ⅲ. Oral p resentat ion

Welcome Me,Adulthoodby Christina CooperWelcome me,Adulthood,I have venturedthrough childhood with all the wonders and dangers in it.

I have placed my childhood fantasies aside,and picked up hopes of becoming who I want to be.

Embrace me knowledge,I am ready to know more and add to what I know already.

I have conquered my fear of the night,now I only fear of becoming nothing.

I have stopped pretending to be what I thought I was going to be,and realized that I am only what I make of myself .

I have come down from the land of make-believe,and I have found the strength to believe in me.

So when I come upon you,open your arms,and welcome me,Adulthood,for I am headed your way.

Coming of age has very little to do with age. Becoming an adult,rather,is alearning process.

College life is an important time for you to grow up mentally.

Talkwith your classmates how you plan to spend your college time,including as manyparts of your life as possible.