
第1章 PartI(1)

Unit 1

I.Word Definition.

Find in Column B descriptions that fit the words in Column A.


1.betray.A.a wood fire made in the open air by campers.

2.incentive.,B.get pleasure out of.

3.bookworm.C.shine brightly.

4.erudition.D.from this time onwards.

5.campfire.E.a person devoted to reading.

6.sturdy.F.physically strong.

7.cafeteria.G.learning acquired by reading and studying.

8.henceforth.H.encouragement to greater activity; motivating factor.

9.relish.I.a self-service restaurant.

10.beam.J.be disloyal or un faithful.

II.Word Spelling.

Spell the following words with the help of their definitions and the first letters.

1.c belief in one s own or another s ability.

2.p a person who has unusual and very noticeable abilities,usually at an early age。

3.c required by law or rule.

4.f contract the brows, as in displeasure or deep thought。

5.i put money into sth.with the expectation of profit or other.

6.v one of a set of books of the same kind.

7.o of, from or concerning Asia.

8.p a strong, deep, often uncontrollable feeling.

9.r feeling of comfort at the end of anxiety, fear, or pain.

10.c the result or effect of an action or condition.

III.Word Finding.

Cross out the word in each group that does not belong.

1.ancient modern old archaic.

2.mostly mainly hardly largely.

3.stumped confused puzzled frustrated.

4.gaze wink stare gape.

5.tempt lure attract charm.

Class Activity

I.Word Choices.

There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1.He is to be to the London Branch next year due to his excellent performance in the last several months.



2.He tried every means to the gulf between him and the girl that he has been dreaming of.


3.When I saw the picture on the wall, an idea me suddenly.

A.came across.B.came around.

C.came to.D.came by.

4.I ve already told you that it s a,but you didn t believe me and lost 0,000 dollars.


5.He often stopped at the sound of his own steps and was afraid to look his shoulder.

A.round,B.back, C.over,D.beyond

6.The price of beer from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.


7.Although crowded cities seem to be a of our crowded world,only 0 percent of the world s people live in cities as large as Madrid or larger.

A.scene,B.symbol ,C.signal,,D.site.

8.As you have seen, the value of a nation s currency is a of its economy.

A.reaction, B.reflection,, C.response,,D.revelation.

9.The tomato juice left brown on the front of my jacket.

A.spot,B.point, C.track,D.trace.

10.The shy girl felt and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher s question.

A.amazed,B.awkward, C.curious,D.amused.

11.Writing is a slow process, requiring thought, time, and effort.



12.Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as sicknesses.

A.normal B.regular, C.average,D.ordinary.

13.The ceremony was not for the of the dead, but for the comfort ofthe living.

A.sake,B.purpose, C.respect,D.impression.

14.The travelers their journey after a short break.

A.recovered,B.resumed, C.renewed,D.restored.

15.When trapped in drifting sands, do not struggle, or you will be in deeper.

A.absorbed,B.pushed, C.heaved,D.sucked.

16.We have had to raise our prices because of the increase in the cost of materials.

A.primitive,B.rough, C.original,D.raw.

17.The day before yesterday, I a former friend whom I hadn t seen for more than ten years.

A.came along,B.came about.

C.came across,D.came around.

18.He was at the of his career when he was murdered.

A.glory,B.power, C.pride,D.height.

19.Professor Taylor s talk has indicated that science has a very strong on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.



20.Do you have any about what living beings on other planets would be like?



II.Word Distinguishing.

Choose a suitable word from the given groups to complete the following sentences and try to figure out the difference in meaning.


scheme a clever and dishonest plan plot a plan, especially for doing something evil plan arrangement for carrying out some future activity.

(1) The police worked out a to catch the thief.

(2) The police have destroyed the to assassinate the president.

(3) Their to evade taxes was very crafty.

2.on the contrary/in contrast/on the other hand.

on the contrary (used for expressing strong opposition or disagreement with what has just been said) not at all; no in contrast showing the surprising difference between two very different facts on the other hand used for adding a new and different fact to a statement.

(1) It is hot in the desert in the day, but it is very cold at night.

(2) Nuclear power is relatively cheap., you could argue that it s not safe.

(3)“Does it rain a lot in the desert?”“it hardly ever rains.”

III.Phrases Study.

Complete the following sentences with a phrase from the list.Change the forms where necessary.

the apple of sb.s eye file into out of focus sweep sb.off his/her feet come across pore over get sth.in be absorbed in hang on one s words beyond one s wildest dreams.

1.The handsome young man when she saw him at the first sight at the party.

2.The thought that she would give birth to a genius of music was.

3.The children s faces in the photograph.

4.For the next two hours she the film, which turned out to be as good as she had hoped.

5.She was watching his face,.

6.The manager opened the door, and all the members the meeting room.

7.The old couple have been regarding little Mary as ever since herbirth.

8.Aunt Bella sat at the table, catalogues, surveying the accounts,calculating.

9.I found it impossible for me to all the details in the limited time.

10.I ve never anyone quite like her before.

ost-class Activity

I.Synonyms and Antonyms.

Decide if the following pairs of words are synonyms or antonyms.If they are synonyms, circle S.If they are antonyms, circle A.

1.junior senior S A.

2.sturdy strong S A.

3.presence absence S A.

4.enormous tiny S A

5.consequence result S A.

6.smart dull S A.

7.separate connect S A.

8.casually formally S A.

9.compulsory optional S A.