
第27章 Unit Eight The Media (3)

[例句] To everyone’s gr eat surprise ,the princess arr ived at the ball unaccompanied.

undercurrent* [....nd....k..r..nt ] n.①暗流②潜流

[考点] unde rcurrent of r acism 种族主义

unde rcurrent of violence 恐怖的暗流

[例句] Beneath the smooth surface of day to day political life ,one senses powerful and dangerous undercurrents.

empty into 流入,把.中的东西装入.

[例句] I’ve almost finished packing—I’ve just got to empty tha t drawer into my suitcase.

go about 干,做,从事

[例句] I wish she’d stop going about telling eve ryone what to do.

of note 值得重视的,有名望的

[例句] Ther e was nothing of note in the report ,just lots of familiar sta tistics.

make one’s way 前进,行进

[例句] Just as I made my way to the cinema ,my mother called me back.

Passage Ⅲ The Power of the Press


bandwagon [..b .. nd..w .. ....n ] n.① 运动,浪潮② 乐队彩车,宣传车

[考点] climb/ jump on/ aboard the bandwagon 加入大有成功之系列

a bandwagon effect 宣传效应

[例句] The success of the product lead many firms jump on the bandwagon.

bully6 [..buli ] n.①恃强凌弱的人②威胁某人( 做某事)

[同义] annoy ,bother ,ha ras s ,pester ,tease,torment

[考点] a big bully / a bully boy 恃强凌弱的人

bully s b.( into doing sth .) 威胁某人( 做某事)

[例句] Teachers usually know who the bullies a re in a class.

clumsy4 [..kl..mzi] adj.笨拙的

[同义] awkward ,crude ,ungainly ,ungraceful

[反义] clever ,dexterous ,skillful

[考点] you clumsy idiot 笨蛋

[例句] The first mobile phones we re heavy and clumsy to

use but nowadays they a re much easier to handle.

cruelty * [..kru..lti] n.残酷,残忍

[考点] c ruelty to animals 虐待动物

mental cruelty 恶语中伤

[例句] The fa rmer was accused of cruelty to animals.

Democrat [..dem..kr .. t ] n.民主党人

depress4 [di..pres] v.①使沮丧,使忧郁②使减值

[同义] deject ,discourage ,dishear ten ,lower ,sadden ,weaken

[反义] encourage ,inspi re

[考点] It depresses me to think.想起.让我沮丧

It depresses me + that 让我沮丧的是.

depress the grain ma rket/ grain prices 降价

depress the company’s ea rnings/ profits 减少公司收入/ 利润

depress the economy 使经济萧条

[例句] 1 ) It depresses me that I’ll probably still be doing exactly the same job in ten years time.

2 ) It depresses me to think that I’ll probably still be doing exactly the same job in ten years time.

hatred4 [..heit rid] n.憎恶,仇恨

[反义] affection ,love

[考点] hat red of s b.仇恨某人

racial hat red 种族仇恨

self hat red 自恨

[例句] What is very clea r in these let ters is Cla rk’s passionate hat red of his father.

humiliate [hju....milieit ] v.羞辱,使丢脸

[同义] abase ,degrade,demean ,disgrace,embarrass ,humble ,insult ,mor tify ,shame

[辨析] humiliating & humiliated ad j.羞辱的,丢脸的

It’s humiliating to do ( or + that )

I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life.

The government suffered a humiliating defeat in yesterday’s debate.

Some people think it’s humiliating to have to work for someone younger than themselves.

[例句] How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that ?

inept [i..nept ] ad j.不恰当的,荒谬的,拙劣的

[同义] awkward ,clumsy ,unsuitable ,imprope r

[反义] suitable ,proper

[考点] make an inept a ttempt to do sth.荒谬地做某事

be inept at sth.笨拙于某事

inept comment/ remark 不恰当的评论/ 话

[辨析] ineptnes s = ineptitude 荒谬,拙劣

[例句] He was always r ather inept a t spor ts.

ineptness [ineptnis ] n.荒谬,拙劣

janitor [..d.... nit..( r) ] n.清洁工

libel [..laib..l ] n.诽谤

[考点] be pure libel 纯属诽谤

a vicious libel on sb.or sth.对某人或某事( 物) 的恶意诽谤

the libel case 诽谤事件

[例句] He claims the statements in“The Times”a re pur e libel.

opposit ion* [....p....zi....n] n.反对,对方

[反义] proposition

[考点] opposition to sth.( doing sth .) 反对某事

be in opposition to sth.反对

the Leade r of the Opposition 反对党领袖

[例句] The unions a re in opposition to the government over the is sue of privatization.

prerequisi te [..pr..i..rekwizit ] n.必备条件,先决条件,前提

[考点] a prer equisite for/ to sth..的前提

a prer equisite of doing sth.做某事的必备条件

the prer equisite + that 前提条件是.

[例句] 1 ) Public suppor t is a prer equisite for/ to the success of the project.

2 ) They had to agree to cer tain conditions as a pr erequisite of being lent the money.

profitable6 [pr..fit..bl ] adj.有利可图的,有益的

[反义] profitles s ,unprofitable

[例句] Over the years it has developed into a highly profitable busines s.

promoter* [pr..u..m..ut..( r) ] n.支持者,提倡者

[考点] a promoter of peace 和平的倡导者

a boxing/ rock conce rt promoter 拳击赛/ 摇滚音乐会的赞助者

[例句] The bishop ( 主教) str es sed the ever increasing

role of the church as a promoter of peace between two nations.

publisher [..p..bli....( r) ] n.出版商,发行人

Republican [ri..p..blik..n] adj.& n.共和党的,共和党人

tribune [..tr ibju..n] n.( 常用于报刊) 论坛,讲坛

unfriendly * [....n..frendli ] ad j.不友好的,有敌意的

[同义] aloof ,cool ,distant ,inhospitable,remote ,unsociable

[反义] agr eeable,amiable ,fr iendly

[例句] I hope she didn’t think I was being unfriendly—I just wasn’t in a mood for talking.

be apt to do something 往往,很有可能

[例句] The kitchen roof is apt to leak when it r ains.

cast one’s vote 投票

[例句] Most people have cast their votes in the election and the counting now begin.

come upon 偶然遇到,碰上

[例句] I came upon a litt le man sitting beside the path.

in someone’s hands 在.的掌握中,在.的控制下

[例句] You ’ ll be in her hands—s he ’ s one of the best surgeons in the count ry.

jump/ climb on the bandwagon 赶浪头,随大流

[例句] They have jumped on the Popular Front bandwagon.

nine t imes out of ten 十有八九

[例句] Nine times out of ten she wouldn’t come.

pretend to something 自称有

[例句] She cannot pretend to enthusiasm about her job when the boss is a round.

under way 在进行中,在前进着

[例句] Economic recovery is already under way.

write up ①记下过错②写文章,报道

[例句] Most students spend two year s doing research for thei r themes and one yea r writing it up.