was feeling lazy that morning so I got the bus instead of walking.
[例句] Men are left idle when machines break down.
impede [im..pi..d] vt.阻止,妨碍
[同义] hamper ,hinder ,inhibit
[例句] What impedes your making an ea rly sta rt ?
incoming [..in..k..mi..] ad j.引入的,进来的,即将开始的,新任的
[反义] outgoing
incorrect* [..ink....r ekt ] ad j.错误的,不正确的,不适当的,不合适的
[同义] faulty ,improper ,inaccur ate ,wrong
[反义] correct
indicative6 [in..dik..tiv] ad j.指示的,预示的,可表示的
[考点] indicative of sth./ that 预示着.
[例句] Their failure to act is indica tive of their lack of interest.
install4 [in..st....l] v t.安装,安置,使就职
[同义] furniture
[考点] install a dean 使院长就职
install a heating system 装暖气设备
to install oneself in an easy chair 安坐于安乐椅中
[辨析] install;fit
install 指将机器、设备、部件等安放在建筑物中待用,尤其是指由收费后的建筑师或工程师来做,如All gas sta tions have now installed pumps for lead free gasoline.fit 指将设备的零件、部件或新配件安放到位以备用,如The landlord has fit - ted a safety lock to the front door.
[例句] She installed he rself in her father ’ s favorite armchair.
keystroke [..ki..st r..uk] n.键击,按键,敲键
mismanagement* [..mis..m .. nid..m..nt ] n.办错,管理不善
perpetuate* [p....petjueit ] vt.使永存,使不朽,使不被遗忘
[考点] a perpetuate st ream of visitors 宾客络绎不绝
perpetuate calenda r 万年历
perpetuate motion 永恒运动
perpetuate punishment 永远的惩罚
[例句] They decided to perpetuate the memory of their
leader by e recting a statue.
purposefully * [..p....p..sfuli] adv.蓄意地,有意地
[例句] He st rode purposefully into the meeting.
quantifiable* [..kw..nt....fai..bl ] ad j.可以计量的,可量化的
sweatshop* [..swet-....p] n.血汗工厂( 指工人劳动条件差,工作时间长,工资低的工场或工厂)
telecommunications6 [..telik....mju..ni..kei....nz ] n.电信,远距离通讯,电信学
telemarketing [..teli..m....kiti..] n.电话销售,电话推销,电话购物
widget [..wid..it ] n.小产品,小器具,装饰品,小配件
be indicative of 表示或暗示某事物
[例句] Their failure to act is indica tive of their lack of interest.
listen in on 偷听,窃听
[例句] How da re you listen in on my telephone conversation !
spy on 暗中监视,窥探
[例句] How much did you pay the man to spy on your husband ?
Passage Ⅲ Lost in the E mail
ambiguous6 [.. m..bi..ju..s ] ad j.暧昧的,不明确的,有多种意思的,意思含糊的,歧义的
[反义] clear ,definite,distinct
[考点] an ambiguous r eply 意思含混的答复
[例句]“Look at those pr etty little girls’ dr esses”is ambiguous,because it is not clea r whether the girls or
the dres ses are“pret ty”.
conform6 [k..n..f....m] v t.使一致,使遵守,使顺从
[考点] conform to/ with sth.使.一致,遵守.
[例句] 1 ) Do you think a wife should conform he r habits and tastes to those of he r husband ?
2 ) His ideas do not conform with mine.
3 ) The building does not conform to safety r egulations.
corridor [..k..r id....( r ) ] n.走廊,通道,回廊
[同义] aisle ,hallway ,passageway
[例句] Go down the corr idor ,to the second room on the right.
descriptive* [di..skriptiv] adj.描述的,叙述的
[例句] The r epor t was so desc riptive ,I felt as if I wer e ther e.
e mail4 [..i....meil ] ( elect ronic mail 的缩写) n.电子邮件,电子信函
enslave [in..sleiv] v.使.成为奴隶,奴役
[例句] He r beauty enslaved many young men.
gigabyte [....i....bait ] n.十亿字节( giga 为字首,意为“十亿”)
hibernate [..haib..neit ] v.冬眠
[例句] Each winter finds us hibe rnating in Florida.
inefficiency* [..ini..fi....nsi] n.无效率,无能
[反义] efficiency inherent6 [in..hi..r..nt ] ad j.固有的,内在的,与生俱来的
[同义] instinctive,inte rnal ,na tural
[反义] acquir ed
[例句] Polar ity is inher ent in a magnet.lightning4 [..laitni..] n.闪电
ad j.闪电般的,极快的
[考点] lightning st rike 工人的突然罢工
lightning storm 雷雨
lightning rod 避雷针
lightning bug 萤火虫
lightning war 闪电战
misinterpret * [..misin..t....prit ] vt.曲解,误释,误解
[例句] He misinterpr eted he r silence as indicating agreement.
nonverbal [n..n..v....bl] adj.不用动词的,不用言语表达的
[例句] Gestur es ar e a nonve rbal means of expr ession.
originator * [....rid....neit..( r) ] n.创作者,发明人
overcrowded* [....uv....kraudid] v t.容纳过多的人,使过度拥挤,拥塞
[例句] Shops are very ove rcrowded befor e Christmas.
overload* [....uv....l..ud] v t.使超载,超过负荷
[考点] overload sth./ with sth..超载
[例句] 1 ) The lights fused because the system was overloaded with electrical appliances.
2 ) The donkey was so over loaded ,it could hardly climb the hill.
overuse* [....uv....ju..z] ) vt.使用过度
short circuit [........t..s....kit ] n.电路,一圈,周游,巡回
v t.使短路,简化办事手续,走捷径
[例句] The lights short circuited when I joined up the wi res.
speedy * [..spi..di ] ad j.快的,迅速的,敏捷的
[同义] fast ,quick ,rapid ,swift
[反义] dilatory
[考点] wish sb.a speedy recovery from illnes s 希望某人迅速康复
strive6 [str aiv] v.努力,奋斗,力争,斗争
[同义] st ruggle,fight
[考点] to st rive to succeed/ for success 努力求成功
to st rive after happines s 追求幸福
to st rive for liber ty 力争自由
to st rive with/ against difficulties 与困难抗争
subdue [s..b..dju..] vt.征服,克服,使缓和,使平静
[同义] conquer ,vanquish ,calm
[考点] to subdue one’s enemies 征服敌人
a subdued voice 降低的声音
to subdue one’s desires 抑制欲望
[例句] She managed to subdue her mounting anger.
thoughtless* [........tlis] adj.缺少考虑的,粗心的,轻率的,自私的,不关心他人的
[例句] Young people ar e often thoughtless for the future.
trillion [..t rilj..n ] num.(AmE .) 万亿兆,(BrE .) 百万兆
underling [....nd..li..] n.部下,下属,走卒
volume4 [..v..lju..m] n.①卷,册②体积,量,音量③大量
[同义] amount ,content ,capacity
[考点] ( pl .) volumes of smoke 大量的烟
speak volumes ( for sth .) 明白表示,有力地说明
the volume of pas senger t ravel 旅客的数量
the volume of sales 销售量
[例句] If more and mor e ca rs run in the st reet ,a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off ,polluting the atmospher e.
as of/ from 自.起
[例句] As from next Monday you can use my office.
bring someone in 请来,让参加
[例句] We may have to bring extr a workers in to help us with this big job.
conform to 符合
[例句] We have to conform our ideas to those of the society in which we live.
get something off one’s chest 倾吐胸中的烦恼等
[例句] If you have any complaints about the way I’m running this office,you ’d better get them off your chest now.
in part 在某种程度上,部分地
[例句] She was only res ponsible for the accident in par t.keep pace with 跟上
[例句] The tall girl took such long steps that I had a st ruggle to keep pace with her.