forbea rance 指冷静、沉着,即使遭到挑衅也不对某人或某事采取行动。
[例句] Tolerance between the races of the wor ld is a must.
unthinking [] ad j.无思想的,不留心的,未加思虑的,考虑不周的,疏忽的
withdrawal * [wi....dr......l] n.① ( 社交场合或情绪方面的) 冷漠②取款,提款③撤退,撤回
[考点] withdrawal by notice 通知退约,通知撤销
withdrawal from the t reaty 退出条约
withdrawal of curr ency 货币回笼
t roop withdrawal 撤军
[例句] He made seve ral large withdr awals from the bank within the space of a week.
zip [zip] v.(用拉链或像拉链那样) 合上或打开
[考点] zip on/ up 拉上拉链
zip off 拉开拉链
zip ac ross the horizon 突然成名
[例句] He zipped up his coat before going out.
in order ①合适的,适宜的②整齐,有条不紊③按顺序,按次序
[例句] 1 ) An apology is ce rtainly in orde r.
2 ) Please put the dictionaries in order afte r use.
3 ) Name all the American Pr esidents in order.
blurt out 脱口而出
[例句] 1 ) He blur ted out the secret.
2 ) He blur ted the sec ret out before we could stop him.
come up 出现,发生
[例句] I will let you know if anything comes up.
eat one’s words 承认说错,收回前言
[例句] He thinks we won’t finish on time ;let’s make him eat his words by finishing ear ly.
in the way 妨碍,阻碍
[例句] Can you move ,please,you are in the way.
make peace wi th somebody 和解,言归于好
[例句] The two wa rring count ries finally made peace with each other.
run into someone 偶然遇见某人
[例句] I ran into an old friend at the airpor t yesterday.
speak up 明确而坦率地发表意见
[例句] She spoke up in defense of he r beliefs.
straighten out 处理,解决,整顿
[例句] The police tr ied to st raighten out the mess. heart 对.深为感动,为.而悲痛
[例句] 1 ) He took to hear t her sudden death.
2 ) He took the los s to hear t.
weigh. against 权衡,掂量,斟酌
[例句] We ’re just weighing the advantages against the disadvantages.
zip one’s lip 缄口不言,不露风声
[例句] Yes ,we do know why he’s gone ,but a t pr esent
we must zip our lips.
Passage Ⅱ Overcoming Procrastinat ion:
A Practical Approach 词汇精解
appraisal6 [....preiz..l ] n.①对.作出的评价、鉴定、评估② 评价,鉴定,评估
[考点] a realistic appraisal of the difficulties 对困难实事求是的估计
make an appr aisal of $60 ,000 on the house 对房屋作6 万美元的估价
[例句] His appraisal of the stock is too high.
bothersome* [..b......s..m] a dj.引起麻烦的,令人厌烦的
[同义] t roublesome
[考点] a bothersome problem 棘手的问题
[例句] This is a bothe rsome question.
buster [ r) ] n.起破坏、制止作用的人或物
[考点] a c rime buster 刑事警探
take a bad buster 猛然倒地的一跤
completion* [k..m..pli......n] n.完成
[考点] completion of a course 修完课程
completion of a term 期满
bring to completion 使完成
be payable on completion 完工即可获利
[例句] He didn’t live long enough to see the completion of the unification of his count ry.
imperat ive [ r..tiv] n.命令,诫命,需要,规则,祈使语气
ad j.命令的,强制的,紧急的,必要的,势在必行的,
[语法] 祈使的
[考点] the impe rative of survival 生存的需要
economic imperatives 经济上的需要
an imper ative gesture 命令的手势
an imper ative manner 专横的态度
[例句] It is an impe rative of national policy.
incentive6 [in..sentiv] n.动机,刺激,鼓励
[考点] ma terial/ economic incentive 物质/ 经济刺激
a new incentive scheme 新的奖励方案
an incentive to exer tion 努力的动机
a real incentive 真正的动机
[例句] Scientific object is the main incentive of the expedition.
ingrained [ eind] ad j.根深蒂固的,牢固的
[考点] an ingr ained way of life 根深蒂固的生活方式
an ingr ained fool 十足的傻瓜
[例句] The belief that one should work ha rd is ingrained in our cultur e.
interruption* [] n.打断,阻碍,中断
[考点] service interruption 业务中断
tempora ry interruption 临时中断
momenta ry interruption 短暂的中断
[例句] Af ter the interruption they went on with the concer t.
manageable* [..m .. ] adj.易处理的,易管理的,易控制的
[例句] Are your children manageable ?
momentum6 [m..u..ment..m] n.动力,要素,冲力,势头
[考点] add momentum to 给.增加动力
with this as a momentum 以此为契机
the momentum of at tack 进攻的锐气
with the momentum of an avalanche 以排山倒海之势
[例句] The momentum towa rds victory seemed i rreversible.
procrastinate [ .. stineit ] v.延迟,拖延,耽搁
[考点] procr astinate until oppor tunity is lost 坐失良机
[例句] He procr astinated his return on various pretexts.
recommend4 [..rek....mend] v.①建议,劝告②推荐,举荐
[同义] ①suggest ,advise②commend
[考点] recommend doing sth.建议做某事
recommend do sth.建议某人做某事
recommend sb.向某人推荐某物
recommend sb.sth.向某人推荐某物
[例句] I highly recommend you to follow your doctor ’s advice.
repercussion [ri..p....k......n] n.①弹回,反响,( 光、声等的) 反射② ( 间接的) 影响,后果
[考点] have repercussions all over the world 在全球产生影响
[例句] The repercussion of the World Wa r II a re still felt all over the wor ld.
representation* [..r epr izen..tei....n] n.①表现,描述,描绘② 代表,代理
[考点] hear sb .’s representations 听取某人的陈述
symbolic r epresentation 想像
a coded representation 代码
[例句] The painting is a r epresentation of a storm at sea.
subconscious* [..s..b..k..n....s] adj.& n.下意识( 的) ,潜意识(的)
[考点] a subconscious fea r/ motive 下意识的恐惧/ 动机
[例句] We should r elax and let the subconscious take ove r.
trivial6 [..t rivi..l ] ad j.琐细的,价值不高的,微不足道的,不重要的,琐碎的
[考点] a t rivial offence 小过失
t rivial mat ters 琐事
t rivial formalities 繁文缛节
put the t rivial above the impor tant 本末倒置
consider ivial 认为某事无关紧要
[例句] Don’t marry that t rivial young man.
unrealistic* [....nri....listik] ad j.不切实际的,不实在的,不现实的
[考点] an unrealistic novel 非现实主义小说
an unrealistic hope 虚幻的希望
[例句] This demand is unrealistic and unworkable.
break down.into 把.分解为、分类为
[例句] The figures break down into several kinds ,showing
us different ways of looking a t the firm’s activities.
bring. to a halt 使停止,使停顿下来
[例句] He brought the ca r to a halt.
clean up ①做完②彻底扫除③整治,清除
[例句] 1 ) Let us clean up the broken glas s before someone walks on it.
2 ) The mayor has decided to clean up the city.
cross. off 划掉,勾销
[例句] They c rossed his name off the list.
fall victim to 成为.的受害者、牺牲品
[例句] He fell a victim to the dragger of an assassin.put.into effect 实行,实现,使生效
[例句] They have already begun to put the plans into effect.
Passage Ⅲ How We Can Change Our
Wasteful Habits
accessory6 [ ] n.① ( 为全套衣服增加完善感、美感的) 服饰,小件②附件,附属品③从犯,同谋者
[考点] an accessory to the crime 从犯
acces sories to the costume 服装的附属装饰物
automobile acces sory 汽车附件
stage acces sory 舞台小道具
[例句] She often wears acces sories such as a diamond
bracelet ,a necklace and earr ings.
air conditioner [......k..n..di....n..] n.空调器
appalling [] ad j.骇人的,严重的
[例句] An appalling accident happened yeste rday.
begrudge [bi....r..d..] vt.嫉妒,羡慕,舍不得给,吝啬
[同义] envy
[例句] The local government did not begrudge the millions to be spent on irriga tion projects.
bloated [] ad j.①浮肿的,发胀的,傲慢的②极其富裕娇惯的
[考点] bloated bur eaucracy 臃肿的官僚机构
an already bloated defense budget 业已庞大的国防预算
boom4 [bu..m] v.激增,繁荣,迅速发展
[考点] an English boom 英语热
a computer boom 计算机热
a boom in real estate 房地产生意兴旺
[例句] The country is having a great boom in indust ry.
burial6 [..beri..l ] n.埋葬,葬礼
[考点] cave burial 穴葬
state burial 国葬
sea bur ial 海葬
[例句] His bur ial was held at a public cemete ry.
butt [b..t ] n.柄,笑柄,底端,蒂头
[考点] make a butt about sb.嘲弄某人
the but t of.的笑柄
a but t of r idicule 嘲笑的对象
cigaret te but ts 烟头
[例句] The queer boy was the butt of their jokes.