
第29章 家庭理财(2)

I really need this next paycheck or I won’t be able to make rent.我盼望下月的工资,否则我就交不起房租了。

I’m scared I’ll have to take out a second mortgage.我怕我又得交第二期的抵押贷款了。


I don’t think I’m going to be able to make ends meet.我觉得我没办法做到收支平衡。

make ends meet量入为出

I run out of money every month.我每个月的钱都会用光。

I can’t save a single penny.我一分钱都没法存下来。

I’m a moonlight clan.我是一名月光族。

I’m a moonlight boy.我是一个月光族男孩。

I live from paycheck to paycheck.我是月光族。

paycheck to paycheck靠薪水生存。

I’m broken.我身无分文了。


Do you often use the credit card你经常使用信用卡吗?

Have you ever maxed out your credit cards你是不是曾经将信用卡透支?

When do you pay off the credit card every month你每个月什么时候偿还信用卡?

You’d better throw away your credit card.你最好扔掉信用卡。

Pay off your credit cards every month.请每个月偿还你的信用卡账单。

Can I pay by credit card我可以用信用卡支付吗?

I can’t accept credit card.我无法接受信用卡。

I have a credit card, but I never overdraft.我有信用卡,但是我从来都不用透支的。


Credit card makes me spend too much!信用卡让我花钱太多!

Our cost is too high to our endurance.我们的花销超出了我们的预算能力。

Don’t be late on credit card payments.千万不要延误信用卡还款时间。

I forgot the payment due date of my credit card.我忘了信用卡的还款日了。

due date到期日

It is very convenient to pay by credit card.用信用卡付款非常方便。


How are your stocks doing你的股票怎么样了?

How shall I go about trading in a major corporation我要买一家大公司的股票,我应该怎么做?


How many listed companies are there all together总共有多少家上市公司?

all together总共

Everyone wants the stock market to go up.人人希望股票上涨。

stock market股票市场

Could I buy and sell shares through your bank我能通过你们银行买卖股票吗?

Can I place my order by phone我可以通过电话安排买卖吗?

What’s a bull market什么叫牛市?

bull market股市中的牛市,旺市

I want to trade stocks.我想炒股。

I lost all of my money buying stocks!我买股票把钱都赔光了。

Do you know what stocks are low right now你知道现在哪只股票的价格低吗?


I paid out of my own pocket.我是自己掏的腰包。

I’m out of cash.我没带现金。

I don’t have much money on me now.我现在没有多少现金。

May I borrow some money能借点儿钱吗?

I didn’t bring very much money with me.我身上没带多少现金。

I’m a little short of money now.我现在钱不够用。

I’m out of money.我钱花完了。

May I borrow ten dollars能借给我10美元吗?

He is always borrowing money from me.他老是向我借钱。

Should I borrow money from friends or family我该不该从朋友或者家人那里借钱?

She borrowed some money from me.她向我借了一些钱。

Can you lend me some money你能借我些钱吗?

I never lend money.我从不借钱给别人。

He beguiled me into lending him money.他骗我借钱给他。

I discouraged him from borrowing money.我劝他不要借钱。


I wouldn’t stoop to borrowing money.我不愿厚着脸皮向人借钱。

stoop to屈尊


You should spend some money on insurance.你应该花一些钱购买保险。


My friend tried to persuade me into buying insurance for my son.我的朋友试着想说服我为我儿子买保险。


What sort of people will buy insurance on the exchange怎样的人群会买保险来兑换?


Many more people buy insurance in America than in China.在美国,买保险的人比中国多。

What types of insurance can you accept你能接受的保险类型是什么?

This is our insurance policy.这是我们的保单。

insurance policy保险单,保单

My grandmother gets by on social security.我祖母是靠社会保险金过日子的。

social security社会保险

Do you have life insurance你买了人寿保险吗?

Please tell me the health insurance company and policy number.请告诉我您购买的医疗保险公司和保险单编码是多少。

I don’t have health insurance.我没有买医疗保险。

I took out a life insurance policy and made my wife the beneficiary.我买了份寿险,受益人是我妻子。


You’d better get some insurance too. Just in case.你也买份保险吧。以防万一。

just in case以防万一