
第8章 美食文化(2)


I prefer something light. What would you recommend我想来些清淡的,你能有什么推荐吗?


Will you make out the bill请您结账,好吗?

make out the bill结账,买单

Bill please.请结账。

Can we have our check, please请给我们账单。

I’m buying.我来埋单。

It’s on me.我来付。

My treat.我请客。

It’s my round.我做东。

Let me settle the bill today.今天让我付账。

Let’s go Dutch.咱们各付各的吧。

go Dutch各自付账

I’m afraid there is a mistake here.我觉得这算错了。

How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card您如何付款,是现金还是信用卡?

credit card信用卡


Waiter, why is there a fly in the soup服务员,汤里为什么会有苍蝇?

What sort of food is this It’s disgusting.这是什么菜?一点都不好吃。


I’d like to see your manager.我要见你们经理。

The meat is a little tender.这片肉不太熟。

There’s a hair in my salad!我的沙拉里有根头发。

I’ve never eaten such terrible food.我从来没有吃过这么糟糕的饭菜。

This fish is raw.这条鱼不熟。


I’d like to return it.我要把它退掉。

The milk has gone bad.牛奶已经坏了。

Could you have this dish changed, please能不能把这盘菜换一下?


Did you tip the waiter你给那侍者小费没有?


How much should I tip我应该付给多少小费?

No tips here.这里不收小费。

Thank you, this is your tip.谢谢了,这是给你的小费。

Don’t forget to add in the tip.别忘了把小费也算上。

10% service charge.另加10%的服务费。

service charge服务费

It’s for you.这个给你。

Thank you, sir. But it’s no tips here.谢谢您先生。但是这里不收小费。

Don’t forget to tip the waiter.别忘了给服务员小费。

You won’t forget to tip the driver, will you你不会忘记给驾驶员小费的吧


What about going to the buffet at the new restaurant去新开的餐厅吃自助餐怎么样?


Can I go to a buffet我可以吃自助餐吗?

Two sets of buffet, please.两位,吃自助餐的。

Can you please have a buffet lunch我们中午去吃自助餐吗

You can choose whichever you want.你想要什么就选什么。

The buffet is over there. Please help yourself.自助餐在那边。请自便。

This is a cafeteria. We have to serve ourselves.这是自助餐馆。我们得自己动手。


What a variety!品种真多呀!


You can choose whatever you like.你可以选择任何你喜欢的食物。

The buffet is over there. Please help yourself.自助餐在那边。请自便。


Do we need to make a reservation要预订吗?

make a reservation预定,预约

How many people in your party, please请问你们有多少人?

Table reservation, please.请您帮我预定餐位。

We are fully booked tonight.我们今晚已经订满了。

Is there any chance of a table by the window有没有靠窗的位子?

Can we have a table by the window, please请你给我们靠窗的桌子,可以吗?

by the window在窗户旁

How much is the full-course meal套餐多少钱?

I’d like a private room, please.请给我一个单间。

private room包间

Can I use this coupon here这张优惠券在这儿能用吗?


I’d like to reserve a table for two, please.我想订一张两个人的桌子。


Where would you like to sit您想坐哪里?

How about this table这张桌子怎么样?

What about the table over there那边那张桌子怎么样?

Would you like to be seated now现在要就座吗?

Could we have a table by the window, please有靠近窗户的空桌吗?

Would you like to sit by the window or near the doorway您想靠窗坐还是靠门口坐?


Which kind of table would you like to have, in the hall, or in the room您想要哪一种餐桌,是大厅的,还是包间里的?


I’m afraid we don’t have anything for six at the moment.恐怕暂时没有6个人坐的空桌子了。

at the moment此刻

The floor is slippery.小心地滑。


Be careful where you walk.小心脚下。

Please come and follow me.请跟我来。


Don’t read at the table.不要边吃饭边看书。

Don’t gargle with your soup.不要用汤漱口。


No TV during dinner.吃饭时不要看电视。

Chew with your mouth closed.闭着嘴巴嚼食物。


Please keep the table clean.请保持桌面干净。

Don’t put your elbows on the table.不要把手肘支在餐桌上。


Excuse me for a minute.我失陪一会儿。

Don’t take huge mouthfuls of anything.不管吃什么都不要过于大口。

Don’t slurp your soup.喝汤不要发出声音。

Put the bowl down gently.轻轻地把碗放下。


Don’t put your elbows on the table.不要把双肘放在桌子上。


Have you forgotten my order你们忘了我点的菜了吧?

We’re starving. And would you mind hurrying我们饿了,能快点吗?


How much longer还要等多久啊?

Why is it taking so long为什么要这么久?

Are you ready to serve up你们可以上菜了吗?

serve up上菜

Please hurry up!请快一点!

Just a moment, please.请稍等。

Where are our dishes我们的菜呢?

Our meal hasn’t arrived yet.我们的菜还没来。

Would you please serve a little quicker能快点上菜吗?

We’re all hungry now!我们都饿了!

You serve the dishes too slowly!菜上得太慢了!

I"ll bring the order at once.我马上为您上菜。

We’re very sorry for the order.抱歉耽搁了。