
第17章 备忘录

Pay attention to the following items when you write memorandum:

1.The wording is concise and the narration is precise.There are facts, only facts, without any personal ideas or opinions.

2.Every decision should have a number and a heading to state the main idea.

3.A blank should be left at the bottom of the minutes for the secretary and the chairman to sign their names.The secretary signs first, while the chairman signs after the minutes are approved in the next meeting.





for the following purposes 议程/目的如下

A directors meeting will be held in the meeting room of the company on Monday, 29December 2006at 3∶00 p.m.for the following purposes.


The second annual meeting of shareholders of the company will be held at the conference hall of Baijing Hotel, Hong Kong on Wednesday 24December 2006at 11∶00 a.m.for the following purposes.


Personnel division meeting is scheduled for 10February for the following purposes.


Resolution... 第……项决议

To receive and adopt the report of the directors and the accounts for the year ended 30 June 2006and the report of the auditors thereon resolution 1.


To declare a final dividend for the year ended 30 June 2006resolution 2.


To elect directors resolution 3.


To fix the remuneration for the non executive directors resolution 4.


To re appoint Price Howard & Co.as auditors of the company and to authorize the directors to fix their remuneration resolution 5.


Resolution 6.the chairman proposed that an annual remuneration of HK55,000 for each non executive director be fixed.


Present 出席者

Present:Mr.Jim Green, Miss Tnez Black, Ms.Wu Li, Mr.Yang Yang, Miss Nell William, Ms.Wang Nan.


Present: all directors, all members of the election committee, a quorum of shareholders.


The meeting closed at... 会议在……结束

The meeting closed at 12∶45p.m.with a vote of thanks to the former board of directors and all the staff of the company.


The meeting closed at 16∶40 p.m.with a decision of the organization of employee orientation workshop.


The meeting closed at 12∶00 with the achievement of 5% discount.



The second general meeting of shareholders of the company was held at the conference hall of ××Hotel, Hong Kong on Wednesday, 24December 2002at 11∶00 a.m., Mr.Sun in the chair.

Present:All directors

All members of the election committee

A quorum of shareholders


Resolution 1

The report of the directors and the accounts for the year and the report of the auditors were read by the secretary, which, with the consent of the meeting, have been accepted as read, and then the chairman delivered an address and proposed that the reports and accounts be now put before meeting, showing the status of the company in the year ended on 30 June 2002, be approved and adopted.

After director Mr.D.J.Yip seconded the motion, the chairman invited members to raise some questions and dealt with their problems.Then the motion was put into meeting and was carried unanimously.

Resolution 2

The chairman further proposed that based on the increased profit of the company, the final dividends recommended by the directors, i.e.8% on the preference shares and 22%on the ordinary shares, for the year ended on 30 June 2002, be and are hereby declared payable to such shareholders as appear in the register of share holders at the closing date of the books on 23December 2002.

Some members raised some questions, which were explained by the auditors at the meeting.After the motion was seconded by 2directors, it was carried unanimously.

Resolution 3

The chairman of the election committee declared the names of the candid ates.Then the members voted by secret ballot.As a result, Mr.P.C.Sun, Mr.D.J.Yip, Mrs.W.C.Wong, Miss Y.O.Lee, Mr.W.K.Hung, Mrs.H.F.Cheung, and Mr.L.M.Ng were elected directors of the company for the year 2002/2003ended on 30 June 2003.

Resolution 4

The chairman proposed that an annual remuneration of HK15,000 for each non executive director be fixed.Some members objected to the amount but the motion was finally carried by the majority.

Resolution 5

According to the recommendation of the directors, the chairman proposed that Price Howard & Co., the auditors who have been serving the company for 3years, be re appointed as auditors of the company and that the directors be authorized to fix their remuneration.After the motion was seconded, it was carried unanimously.

Close of Meeting

The meeting closed at 12∶45p.m.with a vote of thanks to the former board of directors and all the staff of the company.

























Reviewing the Importance of Merit Ratings

To:All Managers and SupervisorsFrom:Donna Kingsley

Subject:Merit RatingsDate:14May 2006

Each of you will receive this week merit rating forms for the employees under your supervision.

I think it is necessary to point out that these ratings should not be taken lightly.As you know, they play a major role in employee promotion, salary increases, and opportunities for advancement.

I am sure you know that you are expected to rate each employee with complete honesty, yet some people insist on giving an “outstanding” rating in all categories. It s hard for me to believe that there are no average or below average employees in this company.Certainly there are numerous employees who will be given the highest ratings possible, yet when someone puts all his or her ratings in this category, I suspect the rater is taking the easy way out.

Remember, it is your obligation to discuss with each employee the rating you give her or him, pointing out tactfully what you consider to be strong and weak points and suggesting how the employee can improve attitudes, job performance, dependability and so on.

I intend to do a random sampling of the completed merit ratings each of you turns in, and you can expect to hear from me if I think your ratings are unrealistic.










This will confirm our discussion in my office on Thursday in which we agreed on the following:

1.I am authorized to hire 2additional people: an instructor and an audio visual specialist, effective 1August, at a total annual salary not to exceed

US58,000.I many allocate this amount as I see fit, depending on the quali fications of the people hired.I am to talk with Allene Masters to discuss my needs and get information about her department s applications on file.

2.Two additional modular office units are to be installed on the 4th floor, and I am authorized to order these units and the equipment that will be required by the 2new employees.We agreed on a total expenditure of US12,600 for these units and equipment, and I am to prepare the purchase orders for your signature.

3.Hugh Hansfield is to be promoted to the position of coordinator of training materials also effective 1August, at a 15% increase over his present salary.I will prepare a memorandum for your signature, announcing Hansfield s promotion, which will be sent to distribution Lists B and C.

If you have any questions about these points, please let me know.Otherwise, I will assume that we are in agreement on everything mentioned.


1.经授权得以增聘两名员工:一位讲师及一位视听教育专员。这项人事任命将于8月1日起生效,两位新聘人员的年薪总金额不超过50 800美元。我个人有权依照实际需求及新聘人员的资历分配薪金。我会找艾伦妮·马斯特兹讨论我的人事需求,并调阅她所在部门的求职者档案。





To:Phil SimonFrom:Tina Matthews

Subject:Sales Rep Turnover in Richmond RegionDate:4February 2006

Dear Phil,

As you suggested, I spent the past week in Richmond to see what I could learn about the heavy sales rep. turnover there.

I was able to get in touch with the 6representatives who resigned during the past 7weeks.Each spoke highly of our products and the company as a whole.I found that in every instance the overriding reason boils down to money.All claimed big increases in income in their new jobs—in three cases 25% or more.Also, the incentive plans based on increase in sales volume offered by other companies were a powerful inducement.Of the 6who left, 4went to McAlister, which is our toughest competitor in Richmond area.

I visited with 7of our present representatives and the subject of money came up constantly.Indeed, there were veiled threats that they may leave soon if our salary incentive arrangement is not changed.

It seems to me, Phil, that we need to take a close look at our compensation policy, and I suggest we name a task force composed of yourself, me, the personnel director, and 3regional managers (my choice would be King, in Indianapolis; sherron, in Akron; and rosen, in Pittsburgh). I am sure you know

that time is important here, and I hope we can get this task force set up in the next week or two.





我和6位在过去7周内离职的前任销售代表取得了联系。每一个人对公司的产品以及公司本身都有相当高的评价。但是从每一次的访谈中,我都发现,原来“钱”是最主要的因素。 这6位前任员工在薪资收入上的确是另有“高”就,其中有3位薪资的提升幅度超过25%。其他同业以销售业绩为准而制定的奖金制度也是一个重要的诱因。6位离职员工有4位进了麦克亚历思特公司,该公司是我们在里士满地区的头号对手。

