
第55章 画"连城"游戏,三个国王成一行

HERE are three kings:

Richardf England, Philipf France, andFrederick Barbarssaf Germany.

If yu say their namesver several times, they keep ringing thrugh yur mind and yu can"t seem t stp thinking them whether yu want tr nt.

Jerusalem was captured. But it didn"t stay captured very lng. Muslims attacked and wn it back again.

The Christians started a Secnd Crusade. Thereafter abutnce in a lifetime during the next tw hundred years there wasne Crusade after anther-eightr nine in all. Smetimes these later Crusades wn back Jerusalem fr a while, but fr a whilenly. Smetimes they did nt succeed at all.

The Third Crusade tk place abut a hundred years after the first; that is,nearly 1200 A.D. These three kings-Richardf England, Philipf France, andRichardf England, Philipf France, and Frederick Barbarssa英国的理查、法国的腓力和腓特烈 巴巴罗萨Frederick Barbarssa-startedn the Third Crusade. But they didn"t all finish.

I"ll tell yu abut them in three-tw-ne-rder.

Frederick"s name, Barbarssa, meant Red Beard, fr in thse days it was the custm t give kings nicknames that described them. Frederick"s capital was in Aix-la-Chapelle, as Charlemagne"s had been, but Frederick was kingnlyf Germany. When a yung man, he had tried t make his cuntry as large and pwerful as the new Rman Empire that Charlemagne had made. But he was nt a great enugh man, and s was unable t d what Charlemagne had dne. Frederick was quiteld when he startedutn the Third Crusade with thether tw kings. But he never reached Jerusalem, fr in crssing a streamn the way, he was drwned. S much fr Frederick, the third king.

The secnd king, Philipf France, was jealusf the first king, Richard, because Richard was s very ppular and well liked by the Crusaders. Philip finally gave up the Crusade and went back t France.

Richardf England was then thenly king leftn the Crusade. It wuld have been better if he, t, had gne back t his cuntry insteadf gallivantingffn a Crusade. But he thught gingn a Crusade was much better sprt than staying at hme and wrkingver the difficult businessf gverning his peple.

Richard was kind and gentle, yet strng and brave. Richard the Lin-Hearted they called him. He was hardn wrngders but fair and square. Peple lved him, but they feared him, t, fr he punished the wicked and thse wh misbehaved.

Even Richard"s enemies admired him. The Muslim kingf Jerusalem at the timef this Third Crusade was named Saladin. Saladin, thugh being attacked by Richard, admired him very much and even became his friend. S Saladin, insteadf fighting Richard, finally made a friendly agreement with him t treat the Hly Sepulcher and the pilgrims prperly. As this arrangement was satisfactry t everyne, Richard left Jerusalem t Saladin and started back hme.

n his way hme Richard was captured and put in prisn by the snf Frederick Barbarssa and held fr a large ransm frm England. Richard"s friends did nt knw where he was and did nt knw hw t find him.

Nw, it s happened that Richard had a favrite minstrel named Blndel. Blndel had cmpsed a sngf which Richard was very fnd. When Richard was taken prisner, Blndel wanderedver the cuntry singing everywhere this favrite sng in the hpe that Richard might hear it and reveal where he was.ne day he happened t sing beneath the very twer where Richard was imprisned. Richard heard him and answered by singing the refrainf the sng.

His friends then knew where he was, the ransm was paid, and Richard was allwed t g free.

When, at last, Richard did reach England, he still had adventures. This was the time when Rbin Hd was rbbing travelers. Richard planned t have himself taken prisner by Rbin Hd, s that he might capture him and bring him t justice. Richard disguised himself as a mnk and was captured as he had planned. But he fund Rbin Hd such a gd fellw after all that he frgave him and his men.

Richard"s catf arms was a designf three lins,ne abve thether; and this same designf three lins nw frms partf the shieldf England.

After Richard"s Crusade, there was a Furth Crusade, and then in the year 1212-which is an easy date t remember, because it is simply the number 12 repeatedne, tw,ne, tw there was a crusadef childrennly. This was knwn therefre as the Children"s Crusade. It was led by a French by abut twelve yearsld named Stephen, wh was named after the first Christian martyr.

Children frm allver France left their hmes and their mthers and fathers-it seems strange t us that their mthers and fathers let them startffn such a trip-and marched suth t the Mediterranean Sea. Here they expected the watersf the sea wuld part and allw them t marchn dry land t Jerusalem, as they had read in the Bible the watersf the Red Sea had dne t allw the Israelites t leave Egypt. But the waters did nt part.

Sme sailrs, hwever,ffered t take the children t Jerusalem in their ships. They said they wuld d it fr nthing, just fr the lvef the Lrd. But it turnedut that these sailrs were really pirates, and as sn as they gt the childrenn bard their ships they steered them straight int the very landf their enemies, the Muslims. Here, it is said, the pirates sld the children as slaves. This is nt a Grimm"s fairy tale, and the pirates were nt trapped by the children, s I cannt make a happy ending, fr it was nt.

The lastr Eighth Crusade was led by a kingf France called Luis. He was s pius and s devted t the Lrd that he was made a saint and ever after has been called St. Luis. Yet this Crusade failed, and ever since that time Jerusalem was ruled by Muslims until, in 1918, it was captured by the English, wh kept it until 1948 when the statef Israel was established. Nw, bth Israeli Jews and Palestinians-Muslim and Christian-want cntrlf the Hly City. It"s very sad that this city that is s sacred t Jews, Christians, and Muslims is always at the centerf a war.

Nt all the Crusaders were gd Christians. Like sme peple nwadays, a great many were Christiannly in name. In fact, thugh strange t say, quite anumberf the Crusaders were nthing but scalawags, lking fr excitement and adventure, and they wentn a Crusade merely as an excuse t rb and plunder.

The Crusades did nt succeed in theirbject, which was t keep Jerusalem fr the Christians. In spitef that, the Crusades did a great dealf gd. When the Crusades first started, the Crusaders were nt nearly as civilized as the peple they went t cnquer. But travel smetimes teaches peple mre than bks, and it taught the Crusaders. They learned the custmsf thether lands thrugh which they went. They learned languages and literature. They learned histry and art.

There were then n public schls.nly a very, very few peple had any educatin at all. The Crusades then did what schls might have dne. They taught the peplef Eurpe andpened up t them a whle new wrldf culture and knwledge.



英国的理查, 法国的腓力, 德国的腓特烈 巴巴罗萨。

如果你把他们的名字反复多念几遍,这些名字就会萦绕在你的脑海里,似乎怎么都挥之不去。 耶路撒冷被基督徒占领了。但是好景不长。穆斯林发起进攻又把它夺了回去。 基督徒开始了第二次十字军东征。此后的二百年里,百年一遇的事发生了,他们发起了一次接一次的十字军东征--总共有八九次。有时,这些后来的十字军会 把耶路撒冷夺过来,但都好景不长。有时,他们则一败涂地。

第三次十字军东征发生在第一次十字军东征后大约 100 年左右,就是差不多公 元 1200 年。这三个国王--英国的理查,法国的腓力和腓特烈 巴巴罗萨--开始 了第三次十字军东征。但是他们并没有都完成这次征战。我将按照从后往前的顺序 先讲腓特烈国王的故事,然后再讲其他两位国王。

腓特烈的名字,巴巴罗萨,意思是红胡子,因为给国王起个生动的绰号来描述 他们是当时的风俗。腓特烈国王的首都在亚琛,查理曼也曾在那里建都,但是腓特 烈只是德国的国王。腓特烈年轻力壮的时候,也想让他的国家像查理曼的新罗马帝 国那样庞大、强盛。可是他还不够英明神武,所以成就不了查理曼那样的丰功伟业。 他和其他两位国王发动第三次十字军东征的时候,年纪已经很大了。不过他从未抵 达耶路撒冷,因为半路上过一条小河时他掉进河里淹死了。这就是第三个国王腓特烈的情况。

第二个国王,法国的腓力非常嫉妒第一个国王理查,因为理查深受十字军战士 的爱戴。最终腓力中途放弃了,回法国去了。

这样这次十字军东征途中只剩下英国的理查这唯一的国王了。如果当时他也回 到自己的国家去,而不是随十字军东游西逛,可能会更好。但是他认为比起待在国 内处理棘手的内政问题,参加十字军东征倒是更省心的活动。

理查善良而温和,但是强壮而英勇。人们都叫他"狮心王理查"。他对作恶者的 惩罚毫不手软但却能做到公正公平。人们爱戴他,但是同时也敬畏他,因为他疾恶 如仇,对坏人严加惩处。

甚至理查的敌人都钦佩他。在第三次十字军东征时,耶路撒冷的穆斯林国王名 叫萨拉丁。尽管萨拉丁受到理查的攻击,却非常佩服他,甚至和他成了朋友。所以 萨拉丁没有和理查交战,而是最终和他达成了友好协议,答应以后要爱护圣墓,对 朝圣者也以礼相待。既然对这样的安排大家都很满意,理查也就放心地把耶路撒冷 交给了萨拉丁,踏上回家的旅途。

在回家的路上,理查被腓特烈 巴巴罗萨的儿子抓了起来,关进了监狱,并被 扣为人质向英国索要一大笔赎金。理查的朋友们不知道他在哪里,也不知道怎么找 到他。

碰巧理查有一个宠爱的吟游诗人名叫布隆德尔。布隆德尔曾创作了一首歌,理 查非常喜欢。理查被关起来的时候,布隆德尔在全国游荡,到处吟唱这首理查喜爱 的歌,希望理查能听到,并透露他在哪里。一天,他正好就在理查被关的那座监狱 高塔下吟唱。理查听到他的歌声,就哼唱起这首歌的副歌作为回应。于是查理的朋 友们就知道他被关押的地方,付了赎金,理查被放出来了。

最后理查终于回到英国,回来后他依然继续冒险。那时候大盗罗宾汉经常抢劫 路上的旅客。理查设计让自己被罗宾汉俘获,再趁机抓住罗宾汉,将他绳之以法。 理查乔装成僧侣,正如预谋的那样被抓了。但是他发现罗宾汉终究是个好汉子,就 宽恕了他和他的手下。

理查的盾形徽章是三只狮子的图案,三只狮子从上到下依次排列;现在代表英 国的盾形徽章上面还有部分图案和这个图案一模一样。

在理查的十字军东征后,又有了第四次十字军东征,之后在公元 1212 年--这个年代容易记住,因为它只是数字 12 的重复--1,2,1,2--有了一次只有孩子们参加的十字军东征。这就是所谓的儿童十字军。由一个大约 12 岁的法国男孩率 领,他的名字叫司提反,是以第一个基督教殉道士的名字取名的。

法国各地的孩子离开了家,离开了父母--而他们的父母竟然同意他们出发进 行这样的远征,对我们来说真是不可思议--向南行军到地中海。在海边他们期望 海水会向两旁分开,让他们从海中露出的干地穿行过去到达耶路撒冷,就像他们在 圣经里读到的那样,红海海水分开,让以色列人离开埃及。但是海水并没有分开。

不过有些水手主动提出用船把孩子们送到耶路撒冷。他们说这样做不求任何回 报,只是出于对上帝的爱。可孩子们上船后就发现这些水手其实是海盗,一把孩子们抓上船,他们就把船直接开到十字军的敌人穆斯林的地盘。据说到那儿后,海盗 把这些孩子们卖给敌人做奴隶。如果在《格林童话》里,海盗会被孩子们设的陷阱 困住,可是现实毕竟不是童话,所以我也没法编一个美满的结局。

最后一次也就是第八次十字军东征是由法国国王路易率领的。他非常虔诚,把 自己的全部都奉献给上帝,所以他死后被封为圣徒,从此以后就被称为圣路易。但 是这次十字军东征还是失败了,从那时起耶路撒冷一直由穆斯林统治,直到 1918 年被英国人夺回,从 1918 年到 1948 年以色列建国之前,耶路撒冷一直由英国人掌控。

现在,以色列犹太人和巴勒斯坦人--穆斯林和基督徒--都想控制这座圣城。令 人感到遗憾的是:这座对犹太人、基督徒和穆斯林来说都异常神圣的城市却始终处 于战争的中心。

并不是所有的十字军战士都是善良的基督徒。就像如今有些人一样,那时很多 人不过名义上是基督徒。事实上,尽管说来奇怪,相当多的十字军战士只是寻求刺 激和冒险的恶棍,说穿了他们就是打着十字军东征的名号来烧杀抢掠罢了。

十字军东征没有实现原来的目标,为基督徒保住耶路撒冷。尽管如此,十字军 东征确实也有很多益处。十字军东征刚开始时,十字军战士的文明程度远不如他们 前去征服的人们。可是有时游历比书本让人学到更多的东西,长途征战让十字军战 士增长了知识。他们知道了沿途各地的风俗习惯,熟悉了多种语言和文学,也学到 了历史和艺术。

那时还没有公立学校。只有很少的人接受教育。十字军东征在当时正是起到 了学校的作用。它让欧洲人增长了见识,也为他们打开了一个全新的文化和知识的 世界。

公元 1200 年