split4 [ split ] v.①劈开,(使) 裂开,分裂,分离②分担,分享;分成若干份n.裂开,裂口,裂痕
[ 同义] tea r
[ 考点] a split between the couple 那对夫妇的离异
split off (使) 分裂
split sth.(up) into 把.分开成.
split up 分开,分成
[ 例句] The par ty s plit up into two groups.
tab [ t .. b] n.①制表,标号,TAB 键,标签,制表符,小报,账单②待付账单;
[ 考点] keep tabs (up ) on 记.的账,密切注视.的动态pick up the tab (代他人) 付账,承担全部费用
[ 例句] Who is picking up the tab for the r esea rch?
tabulate [..t .. bjuleit ] v t.把.制成表格
wane [ wein ] n.①月亏,月亏期,衰退,衰退期②减少,减退,衰弱
[ 考点] on the wane 正在减少、衰退、落败
[ 例句] The popular ity of that song is on the wane.a measure of 分量,程度
[ 例句] The new legislation has given women a measur e of independence.
on the wane 日益衰落、衰弱,日益败落
[ 例句] By the 5th century ,the power of Roman Empir e was on the wane.
pick up the tab/ check 承担全部责任
[ 例句] Why should the taxpayer pick up the tab for a private company’s mistake?
play it by ear (没有预定计划) 随机应变
[ 例句] The head of the delegation said his team would play it by ear.
sit back 倚着靠背舒服地坐着
[ 例句] You sit back and watch TV-I’ll was h up.
Passage Ⅲ Why Manners?
beware [ bi..w....] v.小心,谨防
[ 考点] bewar e of 小心
bewar e that 请注意
[ 例句] Bewa re that you do not fall into this mistake again.
brutal6 [..bru..tl ] ad j.残忍的,兽性的
changeability * [..t..eind......biliti ] n.可变性,易变性
civili ty [ si..viliti ] n.礼貌,端庄
[ 考点] do civility 尽礼仪
offe r civility 以礼相待
show eve ry civility to a guest 待客礼貌周到
vapid civility 虚礼
[ 例句] Thank you for your civility in replying to my let ter so promptly.
confrontat ion* [..k..nfr..n..tei....n] n.冲突,对抗
[ 考点] the confrontation between the two big powe rs 两个大国之间的对抗
[ 例句] The Arab Israeli confrontation is causing our firm serious difficulties.
diplomacy [ di..pl..um..si ] n.外交
[ 考点] power diplomacy 强权外交
shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交
gun boa t diplomacy 炮舰外交
dolla r diplomacy 美元外交
diplomat6 [..dipl..m .. t ] n.外交官,有外交手腕的人
[ 考点] a front rank diplomat 第一流的外交家
an inte rnational diplomat 国际外交家
a master diplomat 老练的外交家
a sagacious diploma t 精明的外交家
duel [..dju....l] n.决斗v.决斗
[ 考点] fight a duel with sb.与某人决斗
a verbal duel 舌战
challenge sb.to a duel 向某人提出决斗
[ 例句] The two opposing lawyers fought a duel of wits.
elaborate4 [ i..l .. b..rit ] ad j.精心制作的,详细阐述的,复杂的
[ 考点] elaborate a plan for 为.精心拟定计划
elaborate (up) on a theory/ plan 对某一理论/ 计划作详细说明
[ 例句] The inventor spent months in elaborateing his plans for a new engine.
exquisitely * [ ek..skwizitli] a dv.精巧地,精美地
hairdo [..h....du..] n.< 美> (女子) 发型,发式;做好的头发
indoors4 [ in..d....z] a dv.在户内
intercourse6 [..int..k....s] n.交往,交流
[ 考点] renew one’s intercourse with 重新与.交往
resume one’s intercourse with 与.恢复交往
stimulate friendly intercourse among 促进.间的友好交往
indirect inte rcourse with 与.间接交往
personal intercourse with 与.直接交往
[ 例句] Englis h and French ar e more widely spread and more used in international intercourse than German.
jugular [..d......jul..] n.颈静脉
lice [ lais] n.虱子
lubricate6 [..lu..brikeit ] vt.润滑
machinery4 [ m......i..n..ri ] n.[总称] 机器,机械
medieval6 [ medi..i..vl;(US) mi..di..ivl ] adj.中世纪的,中古的
[ 考点] in medieval times 在中世纪
[ 例句] Some of their methods punis hment ar e absolutely medieval!
neutralize* [..nju..t r....laiz;(US) nu..- ] v.使失效,抵消;使中和;使中立化
[ 例句] Switzerland was neut ralized in 1815.
opponent4 [....p..un..nt ] adj.对立的,对抗的n.对手,反对者
[ 考点] a political opponent 政敌
[ 例句] He bea t his opponent three sets to love.
origin4 [....r id..in] n.起源,开端,出身,血统,[ 数] 原点
[ 考点] the or igins of cance r 癌症的病因
by origin 就出身、血统而言
the ultimate origin 最初的起源
reveal (uncover ) the or igin of 揭示的起源
count ry of or igin 原产地
of worker and peasant origin 工农出身
[ 例句] He was a Frenchman by origin.
peasantry [..peznt ri] n.农民(总称) ,小农阶级
pitchfork [..pit..f....k] n.干草叉,长柄草耙
prudent [..pru..dnt ] adj.谨慎的,慎重的
[ 考点] be modest and prudent 谦虚而谨慎
be prudent in ut terance 说话谨慎小心
the prudent use of resources 资源的节约使用
a prudent busines sman 精明的企业家
[ 例句] He was prudent enough to keep away from the dange r.
rebellious* [ ri..belj..s] a dj.造反的,反叛的,反抗的,难于对付的
reputation4 [ repju..tei....n] n.名誉,名声
[ 考点] build up reputa tion in 在.逐渐树立起名声
blacken the reputation of sb.玷污某人的名声
deserve the r eputation one enjoys 名不虚传
have a reputation for 以.闻名
live up to one’s reputation 不负盛名
business reputation 商业信誉
enjoy some r eputation 小有名气
a man of no reputa tion 默默无闻的人
[ 例句] The teacher gained a high reputation for lea rning.
scythe [ sai..] n.长柄镰刀,大镰刀
server [..s....v..] n.① (特别是正餐时使用的) 盘,盆等上菜,上饮料的器具②服务器
stab6 [ st .. b] n.刺,刺伤的伤口,中伤,伤痛
steward [..stju....d;(US) ..stu....d] n.(轮船,飞机等) 乘务员,服务员,招待员
temper4 [..temp..] n.恶劣的心情,心绪焦虑,性情,脾气,情绪,心情
[ 考点] keep (control/ hold) one’s temper 按住性子,忍着性子
lose one’s tempe r 发脾气
moody temper 喜怒无常的性格
have a hot (quick/ shor t ) tempe r 脾气急躁
a sweet (yielding/ placid) temper 温顺的性格
out of temper 生气
put sb.out of temper 惹.生气
[ 例句] Your fa the r seems to be out of tempe r with you this morning.
theory4 [....i..ri] n.理论,学说
[ 考点] abstr act theory 抽象理论
a well knit theory 严谨的理论
upon the theory that 根据.的理论
set up a new theory 提出新的理论
construct (establis h) theory 创立学说
a c rude theory 不成熟的理论
[ 例句] Ther e were several theor ies about the way in which the fire star ted.
transaction6 [ t r .. n..z .. k....n] n.交易,事务
uncouch [..n..ku....] adj.无教养的,粗鲁的
visible4 [..viz..bl ] ad j.看得见的,明显的,显著的
[ 考点] easily visible 显而易见的
faintly visible 隐约可见的
wholly visible 十分明显的
be visible with microscope 可用显微镜看见
[ 例句] Some a re so small as to be sca rcely visible to the naked eye.
descend on 突然降临,笼罩
[ 例句] The plague descended on the province.
for the most part 多半,通常,在极大程度上
[ 例句] Their design ,for the most pa rt ,corr espond to actual needs.