[ 例句] 1 ) Our French teacher speaks gr ammatical English ,but has French accent.
2) That is not a gr ammatical sentence.那句子不符合语法规则。
guise [..aiz ] n.伪装
imagery * [..imid....ri ] n.形象化描述,比喻
[ 例句] The speaker’s vivid image ry made his speech mor e inte resting.
intimacy * [..intim..si] n.亲密(的关系)
[ 例句] 1 ) the intimacy between mother and son.
2 ) She talked to me with an intimacy that was not there before.
nominalize [..n..min..laiz ] v.使名词化
percept ion4 [ p....sep..n] n.①认识,看法②感知,觉察
[ 考点] perception (that ) 看法,理解
my perception of the matte r is that 我对此事的看法是.
a vague perception 模糊的认识perception s and exper iences per ception 观念和经历
visual pe rception 视觉
color perception 色觉
[ 例句] 1 ) Wha t ar e your perceptions of this ma tter?
2 ) His pe rception of the change came in a flash.
portfolio [ p....t..f..uli..u] n.① (个人或公司所持有的) 有价证券②公文包
[ 同义] stock 股票,公债
pre-med* [..pri....med] (是premedical 的缩略形式) n.医学预科生
shrink4 [..ri..k] v.①退缩,畏缩② (使) 收缩
[ 同义] dwindle v.缩小
[ 辨析] shrink;dwindle
shrink 是指(使某物) 收缩(尤指因受潮、受热
或受凉所致);dwindle (away) 是指慢慢地变少
[ 考点] shrink (away/ back) from sth ./ sb.退缩,畏缩
shrink from sth ./ dong sth.= be reluctant to do sth.不愿做某事
shrink into oneself 缩成一团,变得沉默寡言
[ 例句] She suddenly shrank from him c rying ,“Oh!You terrify me .”
sociological* [..s..usi....l..d..ikl ] adj.社会学的
[ 考点] a socioloigcal concern 社会关注的问题
a sociological novel 反映社会问题的小说
a sociological criticism 对社会问题的批评
[ 例句] Forming friends is a basic sociological proces s.
soundness* [..saundnis ] n.完好,完整;健康
[ 同义] fit ,health ,well,sound
[ 辨析] fit;well;health;sound fit 健康的,强健的,指因经常锻炼身体而体形适中;well 健康,指身体一时的好转;health 健康,指身体无疾病;sound 比health 更强调非常健康,没有任何疾病现象。
[ 考点] the soundnes s of her advice 她劝告的正确性
stockbroker [..st..kbr..uk..] n.股票、证券经纪人
visual [..vi..ju..l] adj.视觉的,看得见的
[ 同义] visible
[ 考点] a visual test 视力测试
a visual defect 视力缺陷
the visual ne rve 视觉神经
visual impr ession 视觉印象
visual color 可见色
visual objects 可见物体
[ 例句] Visual knowledge of a place of bat tle helps a general plan his attack.
vivid4 [..vivid] ad j.生动的,栩栩如生的
[ 同义] lively ,bright ,brilliant ,clea r colorful
[ 反义] dull
[ 考点] a vivid blue eyes 碧蓝的眼睛the vivid gr een of leaves in spring 春天嫩叶的鲜绿色
a vivid flash of lightning 闪电的强光
a vivid description (account ) 生动的描写(叙述)
a vivid color 鲜艳的颜色
[ 例句] She gave the police a vivid description of the accident.
wholeness6 [..h..ulnis ] n.完整性
[ 例句] What you have done broke the wholeness of the thing.
yell6 [ jel ] v.喊叫
go into 参加,从事.
[ 例句] Tom wants to go into the a rmy.take someone/ something seriously 认为. 重要,认真对待
[ 例句] Unfor tunately ,no one took my mes sages seriously.
Passage Ⅲ How to Write a Personal Letter
anonymity * [.... n....nimiti] n.匿名
[ 考点] work in anonymity 默默无闻地工作
[ 例句] He wanted the anonymity of suburban life wher e
his r eputation was not known.
application4 [.... pli..kei..n] n.① 申请;申请表,申请书② 应用,实施
[ 同义] request
[ 考点] application for 申请
application to 应用,实施
an applica tion for a job 求职书
application for insurance 投保单
[ 例句] The application of new scientific discove ries to indust rial production methods usually increases efficiency.
attic [.... tik ] n.阁楼,顶楼
blank4 [ bl ....k] adj.①空白的,空着的②茫然的,无表情的
[ 同义] empty ,vacant ,void
[ 考点] go blank 变成空白
look blank 发愣
leave a blank 留个空白
a blank page 空页
a blank look 茫然的一瞥
draw a blank 没有成功,落空
[ 例句] Write your name ,address and telephone number in the blank spaces at the top of the page.
bold4 [ b..uld] adj.①果敢的,冒险的,无畏的②冒失的,鲁莽的,不客气的
[ 考点] as bold as brass 大模大样的,粗鲁无理的
bold faced 厚颜无耻的,厚脸皮的
make (so) bold (as ) to 冒昧,大胆
[ 例句] He is a bold thinker with a lot of original ideas.
brilliance* [..brilj..ns ] n.才华,才智
[ 例句] Eve ryone ma rveled at the young violinist ’s gr eat brilliance.
cheerless* [..t..i..lis] adj.沉闷的,阴郁的,无乐趣的
[ 反义] cheerful
[ 例句] When the team is not playing so well,all the guests feel cheerles s.
declarat ive* [ di..kl .. r..tiv] ad j.陈述的,叙述的
[ 考点] a decla rative sentence dial4 [..dai..l ] v.①拔电话号码②打电话给.
[ 同义] phone
[ 辨析] phone;dial
phone 是telephone 的缩写,指从远处传来的声音;
dial 指拨电话号码。
[ 例句] I dialed several times ,but I got a busy signal each time.
glimpse [..limps ] n.一瞥,一看
[ 同义] glance
[ 辨析] glance;glimpse glance 多指在很短的时间里有意识地从正面匆匆地看一眼,强调动作,不强调具体看到了什么内容;glimpse 多反映在一瞬间无意识地瞥见某人或某物而没有看见全貌,强调看到的内容。
[ 考点] have a glimpse of (或into) sth.粗略的看一下take a glimpse at sth.对某事物看一眼catch (get ) a glimpse of sth.瞥见,看一看glimpse at 看一眼,一瞥
[ 例句] He sometimes went ther e to catch a glimpse
glimpse of the mountain in the distance.
grandkid [....r .. ndkid] n.(外) 孙,(外) 孙女
[ 同义] grandchild
handmade* [..h .. nd..meid] adj.手工制作的
[ 例句] Ther e are a lot of handmade c rafts in the stor es.
humanity6 [ hju....m .. niti ] n.① 仁慈,人道,博爱② 人类,人(总称)
meditate [..mediteit ] v.思考,沉思
obligatory * [....bli....t..ri;(US) -t....ri ] ad j.必须履行的,强制性的
[ 同义] obligation ,duty
[ 辨析] obligation;duty
obligation 是指道义上或法律上的义务,有契约的意思;duty 是指道义上的责任,强调自觉性。
[ 例句] News papers gave the explosion accident of Shijiazhuang its obligatory paragr aph.
old timer [..uld..taim..] n.老人
outrage6 [..aut reid..] n.义愤,愤慨
rainy4 [..reini] a dj.多雨的
[ 考点] rainy day 雨天,多雨的一天;可能碰到的困难日子(尤指财政拮据)
for (against ) a rainy day 为着有朝一日困难时,未雨绸缪
[ 例句] Last week was very rainy;rain fell every day.
relic [..relik] n.遗物,遗俗
salutation* [ s .. lju....tei....n] n.(书信、演讲的开头) 称呼
[ 同义] greeting ,hail,hello
[ 例句] The salutation is very impor tant in a lette r.
terrific6 [ t....r ifik] adj.极好的,玩得很愉快的
thrust4 [..r..st ] v.①延伸,挺伸②猛推,猛塞,把.插入
[ 考点] thrust a hand in 插手,干预
thrust one’s way 向前推进
[ 例句] 1 ) The t ree thrusts its br anches high.这棵树的枝条伸的高高的。
2 ) The thieves thrust him into the back room and tied him up.
trudge [ tr..d..] v.缓慢或吃力的走
uh huh [..n..h..] int.(表示肯定、同意) 嗯,嗯
unanswered* [..n......ns..d] ad j.未给答复的
unsaid* [..n..sed] ad j.未说出口的
care about 关心
[ 例句] She ca res about nobody but he rself.dig out 翻找
[ 例句] What on ea r th did you dig out of that old book.
drift alone 任其自然
[ 例句] He still drift alone ,without a proper job or any sense of purpose.
get over 克服
[ 例句] We should get ove r our timidity.
make for 导致
[ 例句] Dose ea rly rising make for good health?
put away 把.放在合适的地方
[ 例句] John folded the newspape r nea tly and put it away on the table.
now and then 时而,偶尔
[ 例句] Now and then we heard shots in the woods.
shine at/ in 出众,干得出色
[ 例句] He does not shine in conversation.
start over 重新开始
[ 例句] The boy destroyed the building of toy block and star ted over.
tear up 撕毁
[ 例句] Jack got mad and tor e the papers up and threw them away.