[ 同义] deface ,disfigure ,mar
[ 反义] embellish
[ 例句] 1 ) Sitting badly for long periods of time can deform your spine.
2 ) His face and hands had been badly deformed.
disorderly4 [dis......d..li ] ad j.紊乱的,混乱的
[ 同义] messy ,untidy ,unsystematic
[ 反义] neat
[ 例句] It’s a disorder ly sor t of a house with books and pa-pers lying around everywhere.
eligibility * [..elid......biliti ] n.合格,资格flatter6 [..fl .. t..] v.① 向. 献媚,奉承② (o f ten passive ) 使高兴,使感到荣幸
[ 同义] adulate ,blandish
[ 考点] flat ter sb.奉承某人be flatte red to do sth.高兴做某事
[ 例句] 1 ) His r ema rks about her new dr ess flat tered he r.
2 ) I knew he was only flatter ing me because he wanted to borrow some money.
gloriously4 [....l....ri..sli] a dv.①光荣地,荣耀地②辉煌地,壮丽地
[ 同义] honorably ,splendidly ,wonderfully ,magnificent-ly
heavyweight* [..heviweit ] n.(拳击) 重量级
indomitable [ in..d..mit..bl] adj.不屈服的,不屈不挠的
[ 同义] invincible,unbeatable
invariably6 [ in..v....ri..bli] adv.始终如一地,总是,不变地
[ 例句] Invariably ,strong periods in an economy give way to recession.
misguided* [mis....aidid] adj.被误导的
[ 同义] misdirected
[ 例句] He was shot as he made a well intentioned but misguided at tempt to stop the robbe r single handed.
needless* [..ni..dlis ] ad j.不必要的,不需要的
[ 同义] unes sential ,unnecessary
[ 反义] needful
[ 考点] needless to say 正如所想的
[ 例句] Needles s to say ,because of the accident he had ,he’ll be off work for a while.
paradox6 [..p .. r..d..ks ] n.自相矛盾的人或事物
[ 考点] It is a pa radox that .是自相矛盾的
[ 例句] 1) I t is a par adox that the French eat so much r ich
food and yet have relatively low rate of hea rt disease.
2) His stories a re full of mystery and paradox.
pipefitter * [ paip..fit..] n.管道工
rape6 [ reip] n.强奸(罪)
[ 例句] 1 ) He had commit ted sever al rapes.
2 ) The girl was dragged from the car and raped.
selflessness * [..selflisnis ] n.无私
[ 辨析] selfles s ad j.无私的;selfish adj.自私的。
[ 例句] Their decision seems to have been motivated by devotion and selflessness.
sexual4 [..seksju..l] adj.性的
[ 考点] sexual ha ras sment (as sault ) 性骚扰
sexual abuse 性虐待
sexual revolution 性解放
[ 例句] 1 ) Many women suffe r sexual harassment at work.
2) She claimed that as a child she had been the victim of sexual abuse.
shield4 [....i ld ] v.保护,包庇,遮挡
[ 同义] safeguard
[ 考点] shield sth.from 保护.
a shield against sth.针对.的遮挡物
[ 例句] 1) She held he r hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun.
2) Anger can function as a shield against even more painful emotions of los s and hurt.
statewide* [..steit..waid] ad j.全州范围的
thankfully * [........kf..li] a dv.①幸运地②感激地
[ 同义] luckily ,gr atefully
thrilling* [....rili..] ad j.令人激动的
[ 同义] exciting ,stimulating
[ 考点] It is (was ) thr illing to do 令人激动地做.
[ 例句] 1) It says on the back of tha t book it’s a thrilling adventure story.
2) I t was thrilling to see so many count ries repr esented.
trainer * [ tr ei..n..] n.教练员
[ 例句] They showed pictur es of the horse and it’s t rainers.
[ 辨析] t rainee n.受训者;a graduate tr ainee 研究生。
unheard of* [..n..h....d..v] adj.前所未闻的
[ 例句] It was not all that long ago that it was almost unhea rd-of for an unmarried couple to live together.
unremarkable* [..nri..m....k..bl ] ad j.平凡的,不出色的
[ 同义] usual ,ordinary
[ 考点] remarkable adj.不平凡的,特别的
[ 例句] 1) The 20th century has been rema rkable for it’s inventions.
2) I t is quite remarkable (that ) no one was hur t in the accident.
witness4 [..witnis ] v.当场见到,目击n.目击者,见证人
[ 同义] viewer
[ 考点] witness sth.目击某事
be witnes s to sth.是某事的见证人
[ 例句] 1 ) She was witnes s to the t ragic event.
2 ) The past few years have witnessed momentous changes throughout Eastern Europe.
and the like 诸如此类,等等
[ 例句] I don’t drink black coffee ,instant coffee,ice coffee and the like.
look to 指望,仰仗,期待
[ 例句] He looks to his uncle’s coming soon.
measure sb ./ sth.against 拿.与.比
[ 例句] She measur ed the shoe against the footpr int ,but it was smaller.
on the surface 在表面上;在外表上
[ 例句] They ar e friend ’s on the surface,enemy in the mind.
on top of 除.之外;以及
[ 例句] On top of a seven day holiday ,she applied for two week s’ wedding leave.
Passage Ⅱ Playing to Win
advocacy [.... dv..k..si ] n.(对某种观点、生活方式人物等的) 支持,拥护
[ 例句] She is r enowned for her advocacy of human rights.
bedraggled [ bi..dr .. ..ld ] ad j.(被雨、泥等) 弄湿或弄脏的;不整齐
[ 例句] 1 ) A few bedraggled passenge rs stood in the rain ,waiting for the tr ain.
2 ) The children ran into the house ,dir ty and bedr aggled from playing in the ga rden.
bleachers [..bli..t....z ] n.(运动场内票价低廉的) 露天座位bound4 [ baund] ad j.① 一定的,必然的② 受约束的,有义务的
[ 反义] unbound ,loose
[ 考点] be bound to do 一定.
be bound for (success ) 一定(成功)
feel bound to do sth.觉得有义务干.
[ 例句] 1) These two young musicians a re bound for international succes s.
2) Authough he’s my son ,I feel morally bound to tell the police what he’d done.
compet itor * [ k..m..petit..] n.竞赛者,比赛者
[ 例句] We’re tying to keep our new product a sec ret from our competitors.
condo(minium) [..k..nd..u..mini..m] n.(AmE) (产权为居住者自有的) 公寓单元,公寓大楼
dental4 [..dentl] a dj.牙齿的,牙科的
dribble [..dr ibl] v.①运球,盘球②流口水
[ 考点] dribble the ball to the edge of the pitch 准备投球
[ 例句] 1 ) She dr ibbled the ball to the edge of the pitch.
2 ) My three month old son had dr ibbled all over my shoulder.
drone [ dr..un] n.①不务正业而依赖他人为生者② 雄蜂③ 嗡嗡声
[ 例句] 1) Outside the tent I could hea r the constant drone of flies.
2) The drone of his voice made me feel sleepy.
exhaustion* [ i....z....st....n] n.精疲力竭
[ 考点] be (feel) ill with/ from exhaustion 感到精疲力竭
expressionless* [ ik..s pr e....nlis] adj.没有表情的
[ 反义] expressive
[ 例句] We thought he r r eading of the poem was quite ex-pr essionles s.
femininity * [..femi..nin..ti ] n.女子的气质
[ 例句] Long hair has tr aditionally been regarded as a sign of femininity.
frilly [..frili ] adj.有很多褶边的
honey4 [..h..ni ] ①宝贝,心肝(亲爱者之间的昵称) ②蜂蜜
[ 同义] beloved ,dear ,darling ,love ,sweethea r t
[ 例句] 1 ) He’s a real honey.
2 ) It’s great to see you ,honey (Mary).
hoop [ hu..p ] n.箍,圈,环
[ 考点] put someone through (the ) hoop (s) 使做某事困难
imply4 [ im..plai ] v.暗示,含有.意思
[ 同义] insinua te,indicate
[ 反义] state ,declar e
[ 考点] implying tha t (clause ) 意味着.
imply sth.暗示.
[ 例句] 1 ) He said he only had time for a couple of pints ,implying that he normally drank mor e.
2 ) I’m not implying anything about your cooking ,but could we eat out tonight?
indifference* [ in..dif..r..ns] n.缺乏兴趣,漠不关心
[ 同义] apathy ,unconcern
[ 反义] concern ,interest ,curiosity
[ 考点] show indiffe rence to/ towards sb.(sth .) 对某人(某事) 无兴趣
[ 例句] 1 ) Many native speakers of a language show indiffe rence to grammatical points.
2 ) I can bear love or hate ,but not indifference.
intense4 [ in..tens ] ad j.①认真的,专注的②热情的,热切的③强烈的;紧张的
[ 同义] grea t ,terrific
[ 反义] faint
[ 考点] intense cold/ heat/ hat red 极冷/ 热/ 憎恨