[ 同义] ra tify ,approve ,sign
[ 例句] He had to endor se the check before the bank would cash it.
ensuing* [ in..sju..i..] ad j.随后的,下一个,继而发生的
[ 例句] A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.
existing [ i....zisti..] ad j.现有的
[ 考点] existing circumstances 现况
facilitative* [f....sili..teitiv] ad j.便利的
[ 考点] 该词从不以人作主语
[ 例句] I t would be facilitative if you were more coopera - tive.
facilitator * [ f....siliteit..] n.帮助者,服务商,服务性企业
functional * [..f....k....nl ] ad j.功能的,实用的,从使用的观点
[ 考点] functional furniture 实用的家具
functional organization 职能机构
[ 例句] When will the ventila ting system be functional again.
generalist [..d..en..r..list ] n.多面手,通才
[ 例句] Journalists a re rega rded as gener alists who a re in touch with everything from the local grass roots to the most complicated international events.
horizontal4 [..h..r i..z..ntl ] adj.①地平线的,水平的② 相同地位的,同行业的
[ 同义] even ,f lat ,level
[ 反义] ver tical
[ 考点] horizontal bars 单杠
[ 例句] He r eceived a horizontal promotion ,retaining his old sala ry and title but with a diffe rent depar tment of the firm.
housing* [..hauzi..] n.供给住宅,住宅群,机架,住房供给
[ 辨析] housing;house
housing 指某一地区能够提供给人们居住的房屋、单元房等,如Most of the housing in the ar ea is sub standard and nothing is being done to improve it.house 指提供给人们居住的建筑,一般不只一层,可以是独立的,也可以是和其建筑相连的,如Our house is the one with the pink door.
[ 例句] Besides ,as the housing problem in the city gets mor e serious ,people have to pay high rents for very tiny flats.
impetus [..impit..s ] n.推动力,促进,刺激
[ 同义] momentum,push ,thrust
[ 例句] The first tr ain ran into the second with grea t impetus.
ini tiator * [ i..ni..ieit..] n.创始人,发起人,传授者,教导者,启动程序
irreplaceable* [ iri..pleis..bl ] ad j.不能调换的,不能代替的
[ 反义] replaceable
[ 例句] This is an irr eplaceable antique vase ,the only one of its kind.
panacea [..p .. n....si..] n.万能药,解决一切问题的方法
[ 例句] The re’s no single panacea for the count ry’s economic ills.
participat ive* [ p......tisi..peitiv] ad j.参与的paternalism [ p....t....n..liz..m ] n.家长式的作风,家长式的管理
paternalist ic [ p....t....n....listik] adj.家长式作风的
recreat ional* [..rekr i..ei....n..l] adj.休养的,娱乐的,消遣的
[ 例句] recreational activities/ facilities 娱乐活动/ 游乐设施
subordinate6 [ s....b....din..t ] (常与to 连用) ad j.次要的,从属的,下级的n.下属v.服从
[ 同义] dependent ,inferior ,seconda ry
[ 反义] coordinate
[ 例句] In the a rmy ,lieutenants ar e subordinate to captains.
viable [..vai..bl ] ad j.能养活的,能生育的,可行的
[ 考点] a viable plan 可行的计划
[ 例句] Is the newly c reated State viable?
vulnerable6 [..v..ln..r..bl ] adj.易受攻击的,易受. 的攻击,脆弱的,敏感的
[ 同义] defenseless ,exposed ,sensitive ,susceptible ,unprotected
[ 例句] Achilles was vulner able only in his heel.
wholly4 [..h..ulli ] adv.整个地,统统地,全部地,专门地
[ 同义] completely ,entir ely
[ 反义] par tially
[ 例句] I’m not wholly convinced by your argument.
bring in 引进,提出
[ 例句] The government intends to br ing in a new law a - bout wearing safety belts in car s.
carry out 执行
[ 例句] We all have cer tain duties and jobs to carry out.
fall into 分成
[ 例句] These books fall into thr ee classes.
go along with 赞同,支持
[ 例句] We will go along with your suggestion ,although it’s not exactly what we wanted.
persuade somebody of something 使相信,使幸福
[ 例句] We were able to pe rsuade the prisoner of the wisdom of telling the truth.
Passage Ⅲ Doing Business in Asia
distribution4 [..dis..t ribju......n] n.①分发,分配② 分布,散布③ (商品的) 销售,推销
[ 例句] After the contest the dist ribution of prizes to the winners took place.
division4 [ di..vi..n ] n.① 分开,分割,区分,除法② 部门,公司,(军事) 师,分界线
[ 反义] multiplica tion
[ 例句] 1 ) His brother works in the foreign division of the company.
2 ) The river forms the division between the heavy industrial and light indust rial areas of the city.
literal6 [..lit..r..l] ad j.文字的,照字面上的,无夸张的,精确的
[ 考点] literal t ranslation = word for word tr anslation 直译
fr ee tr anslation 意译
a literal account of a conve rsation 谈话的精确记录
[ 例句] I hea r nothing in the lite ral sense of the word.
mentality * [ men..t .. liti ] n.智力,精神,心理,思想情况
[ 例句] He has many years’ experience of the criminal mentality.
negotiate4 [ ni......u..ieit ] v.(与某人) 商议,谈判,磋商,买卖,让渡(支票、债券等) ,通过,越过,处理
[ 同义] consult
[ 考点] negotiate with sb.和某人磋商
[ 例句] 1 ) They negotia ted a peace tr eaty.
2 ) The climbe r had to negotiate a steep rock face.
networking* [..netw....ki..] n.网络,网状物,广播网,网络体系(在多域网络中,域之间的通信技术。不严格地说,指网络服务的使用。)
prosperous4 [..pr..sp..r..s ] ad j.繁荣的,成功的,繁荣的,兴旺的
[ 同义] affluent ,thr if tily ,flour ishing
[ 反义] unpros perous
[ 考点] a prosperous family/ count ry/ busines s/ industry 富裕的家庭,繁荣的国家,兴隆的生意,兴旺的行业
reciprocal6 [ ri..sipr..kl ] adj.互惠的,相应的,倒数的,彼此相反的
[ 考点] reciprocal tar iff 互惠关税
reciprocal t rade 互惠贸易
[ 例句] The reciprocal of 8 is 1/ 8.
repay6 [ ri..pei] v t./ vi.①付还,偿还②报答,回敬
[ 例句] He repaid her kindnes s with blows.
scholarship4 [..sk..l....ip ] n.①奖学金②学问,学识
[ 例句] He has won a scholarship to the university.
sizable / sizeable [..saiz..bl ] ad j.相当大的,大的
[ 考点] a sizable/ sizeable field/ house/ sum of money 一大块地/ 一座大房子/ 一大笔钱
successor6 [ s..k..ses..] n.继承者,接任者,后续的事物
[ 反义] predecessor
[ 考点] the successor to the throne 王位继承人
[ 例句] This ca r is the successor to our popular hatchback model.
superstitious [..su..p....sti....s ,..sju..- ] ad j.迷信的
[ 考点] superstitious beliefs/ ideas/ people 迷信的说法/ 观念/ 人们
[ 例句] I always put my lef t shoe on first;I’m supe rstitious about it.
branch out 扩大(兴趣、活动) 范围
[ 例句] The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling music and r ecords.
by far 最.
[ 例句] It is quicker by far to go by tr ain.
come down 下跌,下降
[ 例句] Sever al tr ees came down in last night’s storm.
in other words 换句话说,也就是说
[ 例句] The company says it has to r educe its labor costs;in other words,some of us are going to lose our jobs.
take into account 考虑,注意
[ 例句] When you’re planning a ga rden pa rty you’ll have to take the weathe r into account.