
第41章 Unit Eleven Heroes (5)

[ 例句] Alan Howa rd has been very impr essive in“Henry IV”at the Na tional Theater.

instill [ in..stil ] ad j.逐渐地灌输

[ 同义] teach ,educate ,brainwash

[ 考点] instill sth.in sb.逐渐地给某人灌输.

[ 辨析] teach;educate;instill

teach 教某人,尤其是孩子、青少年如何举止,或该信仰什么;educate (尤其是在一段很长时间内) 教给人们在生活中对他们有帮助的事;instill 在一段时间内通过言传和身教,教某人举止或思维的方式,尤其是道德和良好举行。

[ 例句] Dick and Donna instilled good manne rs in their children from an early age.

insufficient [ ins....fi....nt ] adj.不够的,不充分的

[ 同义] sca rce ,inadequate

[ 反义] exces sive ,sufficient

[ 考点] be insufficient to do sth.不足以做.

[ 辨析] insufficient;sca rce;inadequate

insufficient 正式用语,不足够;scarce 与需要的数目、数量相比不足够;inadequate 不够一个特定目的所用。

[ 例句] The data we have is insufficient to enable us to form any conclusion.

macadamia [m .. k....deimi..] n.澳洲坚果树

marker [..m....k..] n.标记

[ 例句] I’ve put in some ma rkers where I planted the seeds.

medal4 [..medl ] n.奖章,奖牌,勋章

[ 同义] prize,award ,honor ,t rophy

[ 考点] award/ give sb.a medal for sth.因.颁给某人奖章

win a medal 赢得奖章

[ 例句] He was awa rded a medal for bravery.

mourn6 [ m....n] v.哀悼,感到痛心的

[ 同义] rejoice

[ 反义] grieve

[ 辨析] grieve;mourn

grieve 由于所爱的人死去而极度悲伤;mourn 显示你对所爱人的死有多悲伤。

[ 例句] They mourned for their dead children ,killed during the wa r.

perseverance [..p....si..vi..r..ns ] n.坚持不懈,不屈不挠

[ 同义] determina tion ,will ,resolve ,drive

[ 辨析] determina tion;will;resolve;pe rseve rance

determina tion 决心去完成决定要做的事情的素质;will 想完成或做某事的强烈愿望;resolve 正式用语,做好某事的强烈决心,尤其是因为你认为这事是好事;pe rseve rance 长时间不断尝试做某件困难的事的能力,即使这件事成功的可能性不大。

[ 例句] Learning a foreign language requir es patience and perseverance.

pluck [ pl..k] n.勇气,胆量

[ 同义] boldness ,bravery ,courage ,spi rit

[ 例句] I t took pluck to star t out on a new ca ree r at his age.

reservoir4 [..r ez..vw....r] n.①储藏,汇集②水库,蓄水池

[ 例句] 1 ) Over the years the depar tment had built up a r eservoir of exper t knowledge.

2) The big storm in August refilled the reservoir.

sadness [..s .. dnis ] n.伤心,悲伤

[ 同义] unhappiness ,mise ry ,sorrow ,grief ,gloom

[ 辨析] sadnes s;unhappiness;misery;sorrow;gr ief;gloom

sadnes s 悲伤的情绪;unhappines s 不高兴的情绪,尤其是因为你处在一个艰难、不愉快的境地,一点也无法享受;misery 极度不高兴,尤其是因为工作或生活条件很坏;sorrow 悲伤的情绪,尤其是因为某人的死去,或遇到了可怕的事情;grief 因为所爱的人死去而十分悲伤;gloom 因为某事而觉得十分不高兴,尤其是因而觉得将来没有希望了。

[ 例句] During he r life she had known great joy and gr eat sadness.

saxophone [..s .. ks..f..un] n.萨克斯管

[ 例句] The saxophone is used mainly in Jazz and dance.

scout4 [ skaut ] n.童子军;侦察员,侦察兵

[ 例句] A group of scouts in scout uniform were waiting outside the scout hut.

soar4 [ s....] v.升腾,高涨

[ 同义] rocket ,s hoot up

[ 反义] fall

[ 辨析] shoot up;soar;rocket

shoot up (价格、数目、温度) 上得迅速而突然;soar 很快地增长到一个高的水平;rocket (花费、价格、利润、销售) 很快地增长到一个很高的水平。

[ 例句] Industrial unemployment soar ed to 40%.

someday [..s..mdei] adv.将来总有一天,他日

[ 例句] Maybe someday you’ll both meet again.

sturdy6 [..st....di] ad j.坚强的,坚定的

[ 同义] firm

[ 反义] weak

[ 例句] They put up a sturdy defence of their proposal and it was finally accepted.

testimony6 [..testim..ni;(US) -m..uni ] n.见证,证明

[ 同义] affirmation ,confirmation ,evidence,witnes s

[ 考点] testimony to sth ./ of sth.对.的证明

[ 例句] The reports are testimony to the many hour s of the r esea rch completed by this committee.

token6 [..t..uk..n] n.标志,象征

[ 同义] indication ,symbol,evidence ,sign

[ 考点] a token of sth..的标志,象征

in token of 标志着,象征着

[ 例句] Please accept this small gif t as a token of our gr atitude.

trail4 [ t reil] n.小路,小径

[ 同义] path ,footpath

[ 辨析] path;footpath;t rail

path 乡间天然形成的道路;footpath (英国英语) 让人们穿越公园、农场、小山的公用窄路;tr ail (尤其是在森林或山区) 供人或动物行走的小路。

[ 例句] We followed a narrow t rail which led into the forest.

unlock [..n..l..k] v.启示,揭示;开.的锁

[ 同义] unbolt

[ 反义] lock ,fasten.

[ 辨析] unlock;unbolt

unlock 打开门、盒子、橱柜上的锁;unbolt 打开关门用的门闩。

[ 例句] He took a key out his pocket and unlocked the door.

unquenchable [..n..kwent....bl ] adj.永不熄灭的,不可磨灭的

vigil [..vid..il] n.祈祷,守夜

[ 同义] sleeples snes s,wake ,watch

[ 考点] hold/ maintain/ stage a vigil,keep vigil 不断祈祷

[ 例句] 1) Her friends plan to hold a daily vigil outside the prison to protest about he r unfai r conviction.

2) His parents keep vigil beside his bed for weeks befor e he finally died.

voyager [..v..iid....] n.航行者

[ 例句] Those voyage rs who fir st ventured into space certainly showed courage.

against all odds 尽管有难以克服的困难

[ 例句] Against all odds ,I finally got the tickets of the concer t.

fall short 未达到目的或标准;短缺或不足

[ 例句] 1 ) The agreement fell shor t of full diplomatic ties.

2 ) Is ther e anything falling shor t?

forge ahead 继续进行,取得进展

[ 例句] He seems dete rmined to forge ahead ,at least on higher productivity.

leave behind 遗留,留下,把.撇在后面

[ 例句] I hated having to leave behind all my friends.

pick oneself up (跌倒后) 爬起来

[ 例句] He picked himself up and walked along.

press on 坚定地继续进行

[ 例句] They courageously pressed on with their vital r epair work.