Passage Ⅰ Beauty and the Beast
appreciative* [....pri....i..tiv] ad j.表示感激的,欣赏的,有欣赏力的,承认有价值的
[ 考点] be appreciative of one’s advice/ suggestion/ c riticism 感谢某人的忠告/ 建议/ 批评
[ 例句] They a re deeply appr eciative of your help.
banish [..b .. ni..] vt.消除,流放,驱逐
[ 考点] banish sth.from memory 忘却某事banish 把某人流放到
[ 例句] banish gloom from your thought.Napoleon was banished to Elba.
conceited [] a dj.自负的,骄傲自满的,自以为是的,逞能的,狂想的
deformity [ di..f..miti ] n.畸形;(制度、道德、智力等的) 缺陷
[ 考点] the c riminal’s deformity conduct 罪犯的丑恶行为
the deformities of r epresenta tive system 代表制的缺陷
deformities of style 文体上的缺陷
[ 例句] Doctors can now cure many deformities.
departure4 [di..p....t....] n.启程,出发,离开
[ 考点] take one’s depa rture 离开,出发
a t one’s depar tur e 出发时
on my depar ture from 当我出发之际
a new depa rture in physics 物理学上的新起点
one’s depa r ture for home 动身回家
[ 例句] He took his depar tur e hurriedly.
engrave [ in....reiv] v.雕刻(线条、文字、图案) 于一硬面
上,深印于(心上) ,使铭记,铭刻
[ 考点] be engr aved in sb .’s hear t 被铭记在某人的心头
be engr aved (up) on sb .’s memory 在某人记忆中留下深刻的印象
[ 例句] The scene will r emain for ever engraved on my memory.
fatten* [..f .. tn] vi.长肥,(靠. ) 发财,养肥
[ 考点] fatten (up ) on 靠长肥,靠致富
fatten out 长胖,养肥(文章内容的) 充实
fatten up 把(人) 养胖,把(家畜) 喂肥
[ 例句] For yea rs the directors have been fat tening on the effor ts of the worke rs.
gown6 [..aun] n.① (教士、法官、教授等的) 礼服,长袍②女裙服;女礼服
[ 考点] take the gown 当律师,当教士
an academic gown 大学礼服
a bathing gown 浴衣
the black gown 有学问的人,学者
[ 例句] Her wedding dr ess was a long gown of beautiful white lace.
grief6 [..ri..f] n.悲痛,伤心事,不幸,忧伤
[ 考点] grief a t (for/ over) 对感到悲伤,痛苦
acute grief 深切的悲痛
bitte r gr ief 悲痛
[ 例句] We had much grief at that mat ter.
grief-stricken* [..ri..f str ik..n] ad j.极度悲痛的
hideous [..hidi..s ] ad j.极丑的,可怕的,骇人听闻的
[ 考点] a hideous monster 丑恶的怪物
a hideous face:可怕的脸相
horrible4 [;(US) ..h....r- ] a dj.可怕的,恐怖的,讨厌的
howl6 [ haul] v.① (狼、狗等) 凄厉的嚎叫② (因疼痛、愤怒、悲伤等而) 吼叫,哀号,嚎哭
hug6 [ h....] n.拥抱
[ 考点] hug oneself at (on/ for) (为.而) 深自庆幸
[ 例句] They hugged each other for the victory.
jealous4 [..d..el..s ] ad j.妒忌的,猜疑的,嫉妒的
[ 考点] be jealous of sb.嫉妒某人
[ 例句] I remember I was always jealous of his achievement.
jealousy * [] n.嫉妒
[ 考点] burning jealousy 强烈的忌妒心
a love r’s jealousy 情人的嫉妒,吃醋
magnificence* [m ......nifisns] n.豪华,华贵,壮丽
magnificent4 [m ......nifisnt ] adj.豪华的,华贵的,壮丽的
mansion6 [..m .. n..n ] n.大厦,官邸,公寓(用复数,用于专有名词中)
[ 考点] Executive Mansion (美) 总统官邸(白宫)
a lordly mansion 华丽的大厦
a private mansion 私宅
a stately mansion 雄伟的大厦
merchandise [..m....t....ndaiz ] n.商品,货物
[ 考点] make merchandise of oneself 把自己当作商品
gener al me rchandise 一般商品,杂货
valuable me rchandise 贵重商品
the returned mer chandise 退货
mistress6 [..mist ris ] n.① 主妇,女主人,女能人,情妇②
(诗歌、文学用语) 使男人为之倾倒的女人
[ 考点] be one’ own mistr ess (女子) 对自己的事情做得了主
Mist res s of the World 世界霸主
monster6 [..m..nst..] n.怪物,妖怪
onion4 [....nj..n] n.洋葱
[ 考点] know one’s onion 非常熟悉自己的业务,精明能干
a good onion 讨人喜欢的人
green Chinese onion 大葱
spring onion 小葱
a tough onion 一条硬汉
off one’s onion 神智失常
[ 例句] After four drops of beer I am prope rly off my onion.
overjoyed* [] ad j.狂喜的,极端高兴的
[ 考点] be ove rjoyed a t (with) sth.对.非常高兴
[ 例句] The childr en were overjoyed at seeing me.
roar4 [ r....] n.吼叫,怒号
[ 考点] roar at sb.对某人嚷嚷
roar with laughter 纵声大笑
roar with rage 咆哮如雷
[ 例句] Don’t roa r at me.
rosebush* [ r..uzbu..] n.玫瑰丛
swift4 [ swift ] n.[ 鸟] 雨燕,(梳棉机等的) 大滚筒
ad j.迅速的,快的,敏捷的,立刻的
[ 考点] as swif t as thought 顷刻间
swift in motion 动作迅速
swift to anger 易于发怒
swift of foot like a ha re 健步如飞
[ 例句] The river is too swif t to swim.
tremble4 [..t rembl] n.战栗,颤抖
vi.战栗,发抖,震动,(树叶等) 摇晃. 摇动,焦虑
[ 考点] t remble at 一.就发抖
t remble for 因.而发抖
t remble for sb.担心(忧虑) 某人
t remble from 因.发抖
t remble with 因.发抖
t remble in every limb 四肢发抖
t remble in one’s shoes 害怕得发抖
[ 例句] His voice t rembled with excitement.wand [w..nd] n.①棒,棍,杖,(表示官职的) 权杖,(柳树等幼树的) 嫩枝②魔杖
wicked4 [..wikid] a dj.坏的,邪恶的,缺德的,不道德的,恶劣的,刻毒的,淘气的
[ 考点] wicked habits 恶习
wicked weather 恶劣的天气
witch [ wit..] n.巫婆,女巫,迷人的女子
be consumed wi th/ by (为某种感情) 而不断受折磨
[ 例句] He was consumed with guilt af ter the accident.
for the sake of 为了的利益
[ 例句] You’d bet ter give up smoking for the sake of your health.
in place of 代替
[ 例句] Now we have t rucks in place of car ts.
put an end to sth.结束
[ 例句] Ther e’s too much money being wasted ,and it ’s time we put an end to it.