The mockingbird is also known as a fierce protector of its nest and environment.It is sometimes seen swooping down on a dog,cat or predator that may be venturing too close to the birds protected territory.
Abundance:Common urban bird
Wing Span:14inches
General description:Diurnal,omnivore(不偏食的鸟),altricial(孵出后需母鸟照顾一段时期的,晚成雏的)
Sexual maturity:1year
Mating season:Spring and early summer.Mockingbirds usually nest twice a year sometimes 3or 4times when conditions are favorable.
Breeding territory:1pair per 20acres
Gestation:Eggs hatch in 12—13days,the young fledge 11—13days after that.
Number of young:Eggs are bluegreen with brown markings.The 2—6,usually 3—5,eggs per nest are a pale bluegreenish with brown spots.
Nest Location:Groundlow nesting
Nest Type:Opencup The nest,a joint male/female project,is a bulky,open cup of grass,twigs and rootlets(小根,支根)carelessly arranged in a dense.
Migration Status:Permanent resident.This yearround resident is known for its fierce defense of the family nest.
Diet:Mockingbirds require open grassy areas for their feeding,thick,thorny shrubs(灌木,灌木丛)for hiding the nest and high perches where the male can sing and defend his territory.Gardens are among its favorite dwelling(住处)places especially if winter berries are available.The Mockingbirds primary diet is insects (beetles,ants,grasshoppers and spiders),berries and seed.
1.Only unmated males sing at night.
2.Mockingbirds often form longterm pair bonds.
3.Mockingbirds vigorously defend their territory against many other species including dogs,cats and man!
4.Female mockingbirds often build a new nest while the males finish feeding older fledglings(羽毛初长的雏鸟,刚会飞的幼鸟)and teaching them to fly.
5.Scientists have found that female mockingbirds are attracted to males that can make the most different sounds.
6.Mockingbirds are the state bird of Arkansas,Florida,Mississippi,Tennessee,and Texas and one of the few birds found in every kind of habitat(栖息地,居留地),from desert to forest to city.
7.Mockingbirds are thought to raise and lower their wings in order to scare up a meal of insects,frighten snakes and impress their mates.
〖MZ(3H〗State Flower州花〖MZ)〗
The apple blossom was adopted as the Arkansas State Flower by the Thirtythird General Assembly of 1901.Apple blossoms have pink and white petals and green leaves.At one time Arkansas was a major appleproducing state.The town of Lincoln in Washington County hosts the annual Arkansas Apple Festival.
The apple blossom was chosen because at that time Arkansas was known as the apple state and sometimes called “The Land of the Big Red Apple”.At one time Benton County was the chief appleproducing county in the U.S.Today Arkansas ranks 32nd in apple production.
This is a wellknown tree,growing from 20to 40feet high,with rigid,crooked(弯曲的),spreading branches,and a rough,blackish bark.The apple tree is a native of Europe,naturalized(使入国籍,移植)in this country,and flowers from April to June.There are,probably,nearly 1000varieties cultivated in the United States,and all of which are said to be derived from the Wild crab (Pyrus coronaria,Linn.From the fruit cider(苹果酒)is manufactured,and both the fruit and its cider are much used for domestic and medicinal purposes.
Leaves:The leaves are from 2to 3inches long,about 2/3as wide,ovate(卵形的),or oblongovate,serrate(锯齿状的),acute,or shortacuminate,pubescent(思春期的,有软毛的)above,tomentose ([解][植]被绒毛的)beneath,and on petioles(叶柄,柄部)from 1/2to 1inch in length.
Flower Color:The flowers are pink,sometimes fading to white,and very fragrant.The attractive flowers resemble the common apple bloom.Flowers scent the May landscape.Fruit is greenish and ripens(成熟)in September.
Flower Size:The flowers are large (4cm)fragrant,expanding with the leaves,of palerose color,and borne in subumbellate corymbs([植]伞状花序).The calyxtube is urnshaped,with limb(肢,翼,分支)5cleft;the pedicels([植]花梗)and calyx villosetomentose.Petals 5,roundish,or obovate ([植]倒卵形的),with short claws.Stamens(雄蕊,雄性花蕊)numerous;styles 5,united,and villose at base.
Bloom Season:April—May
Fruit:2.5—3cm in diameter;like a small apple;yellowgreen,maturing in late summer
Conditions:Moist soils in openings and borders of forests
〖MZ(3H〗State Flag州旗〖MZ)〗
阿肯色州旗是由Miss Willie K.Hocker设计的,在1913年“当选”为州花。25颗星暗示阿肯色是被美国承认的第25个州。在中心位置的三颗大的星代表统治过阿肯色州的三个国家,它们是西班牙、法国和美国。在ARKANSAS上面最大的星象征从1861—1865年阿肯色州是联盟的一部分,这25颗星形成的钻石象征阿肯色州是美国惟一生产钻石的州。
The Arkansas state flag,designed by Miss Willie K.Hocker of Wabbaseka,Arkansas,was adopted in 1913.The 25stars indicate that Arkansas was the 25th state admitted to the United States.The three large stars in the center stand for the three nations that have ruled Arkansas:Spain,France and the United States.Also,Arkansas was the third state formed from the Louisiana Purchase.The large star above ARKANSAS symbolizes the Confederacy which Arkansas was a part of from 1861—1865,and the diamond formed by the 25stars represent Arkansas as the only diamondproducing state in the Union.
The following is History and Meaning .
Can you imagine Arkansasflag with an ocean steamer or a dancing bear—Instead of the handsome and dignified red flag centered with a diamond and stars,such flags could have flown over the twentyfifth state if a 1913committee had not acted with wisdom.
The battleship(战舰)U.S.S.Arkansas was to be commissioned and the Pine Bluff chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution voted to present a state flag to the ship.But first,the flag committee of the chapter had to learn about the state flag.A letter to the Secretary of State Earl W.Hodges was sent by a committee of three,Mrs.C.W.Pettigrew (whose idea it was in the first place),Mrs.W.A.Taggart and Mrs.Frank Tomlinson.Before long they had the answer:there was no state flag.