
第92章 菜名(36)


煎全熟蛋over hard

炒蛋scrambled eggs

煮蛋boiled egg;(半熟soft boiled)


(Japanese Cuisine)冷盘(刺身)cold platters

综合生鱼片aturnipssorted sashimi

生鱼片sashimi:[金枪鱼maguro(tuna);鲷鱼madai(sea bream);黑鲈suzuki(sea bass);鲣鱼katsua(bonito);鳟鱼masn(trout);鱿鱼ika(squid);章鱼kato(octopus);北极贝geoduck(mirugai)];Sashimi served with soya sauce and wasabi

生鲜虾片fresh shrimp appetizer

生鲜牛肉fresh beef appetizer


味噌汤miso shiru;miso soup

明虾汤prawn soup

天麸罗(甜不辣);拌面油炸鱼虾tempura;battered and deep fried seafood

煮菜simmered dishes(nimono)

福袋stuffed tofu pockets

寿司sushi;cooked rices with seafood


荞麦面soba noodles





南瓜鸡米pumpkin with chicken

煮金线鱼soy simmered golden thread

筑前煮chikuzen ni

金平牛蒡beef with burdock root

煮昆布小鱼simmered kombu fish rolls

冬瓜蟹肉Crab meat with wintermelon

味噌烤肉酱fish bone and grilled meat sauce

土豆奶汁烤菜grilled potato with milk

土豆可乐饼minced potato shortcake

什锦寿司卷aturnipssorted sushi roll

生火腿干酪卷色拉ham and cheese salad

烧竹简及鸭片伴寿司roated sushi and duck meat in bamboo slip

羊羹aturnipgar thick soup

蟹柳扒鲜草菇braised button mushroom with crab sticks

茶巾寿司sushi rice packaged in egg pancake

大福袋bean curd bag

豆腐皮寿司beancurd sheet sushi

鲑鱼生鱼片沙拉salmon salad

海鳗鸡骨汤conger eel and chicken soup

海鲜小火锅seafood chaffing dish

荷兰豆烧麦garden pea shaomai(dumplings)

金枪鱼调味酱tunny sauce

麻婆锅mapo pot

面豉烧龙虾生豪伴海胆prawn and oyster with flour sauce

漆匠萝卜boiled radish strips

菜肉卷天麸罗vegetable and pork roll

番茄肉饼tomato and meat pie

茄子肉饼eggplant and meat pie

青椒肉饼green pepper and meat pie

生拌金枪鱼肉mixed fresh tunny meat

和风海鲜沙律seafood salad

汉堡扒hamburg beef

海鲜刺身seafood and radish

锅塌明虾prawns baked in apan

冰镇芥蓝broccoli on ice

茶壶蒸海鲜steamed seafood in teapot

和风星鳗散寿司sushi with eel

芥蓝炒咸鸡fried salted chicken with broccoli

紫苏天麸罗deep fried vegetables

竹荚鱼块寿司scad sushi

鱼卵小寿fried bean sprout with preserved vegetable

味噌汤fish bone soup

土豆蟹鱼糕potato crab and fish cake

胜井braised pork with sauce

炸猪排fried pork

炸豆腐fried bean curd

海带烧排骨braised chop with kelp


(Korean Cuisine)韩国泡菜kimgee

韩国烤肉korean barbecue


清蒸八宝鸭steamed duck with “eight treasures”

辣子牛肉丁hot diced beef

烂鸡海参steamed sea cucumber and chicken meat

鳓鱼冻chinese herring jelly

栗子焖鸡stewed chicken with chestnuts

栗子烧猪肉braised pork with chestnuts

莲蓬鲜贝braised fresh scallop like lotus seed pod

凉拌三丝three kinds of cold mixed vegetables

溜鲈鱼braised weever

熘鹌鹑braised quail

罗汉大虾aturniprhat prawns

萝卜沙拉radish salad

麻辣牛肉beef with cayenne pepper

麻辣兔肉rabbit meat with cayenne pepper

马不停蹄braised pork and front trotter

美味双耳braised double mushrooms

焖炒平菇fried oyster mushroom

面包虾仁bread and shrimps

明月红松鸡braised chicken legs like moon

蘑菇炒牛肉丝fried shredded beef with mushroom

蘑菇炖鸡stewed chicken with mushroom

蘑菇海参braised sea cucumbers with mushroom

茉莉银耳汤jasmine and white fungus soup

牡丹虾仁braised shrimp meat like peony flower

奶卤虾仁braised shrimp meat with milk

花生米炒牛肉丁fried diced beef with peanuts

花生米炒虾仁fried shrimp meat with peanuts

滑狗里脊braised dog fillet

滑溜猪里脊braised pig fillet

黄瓜炒牛肉fried beef with cucumber

黄瓜炒小虾fried shrimps with cucumber

黄瓜羹cucumber thick soup

黄瓜泡菜pickled cucumber

鸡茸葵花汤sunflower shape chicken mash soup

鸡茸银耳汤mashed chicken and white fungus soup

红烧兔肉braised rabbit with brown sauce

红烧熊掌braised bear′paw with brown sauce

红烧猪肉丸子braised pork balls with brown sauce

红煨牛肉stewed beef in brown sauce

红煨笋鸡braised chicken in brown sauce

红枣煨鸡braised chicken with red date

红烧裙边braised edge of soft shelled turtle with brown sauce

红烧牛头braised cattle head in brown sauce

红烧牛肉狮子头braised big beef meat ball with brown sauce

红花焖鹌鹑stewed quail with saffron

松仁炒鹌鹑丁fried diced quail with pine nuts

松蘑炖鹌鹑stewed quail with mushroom

四鲜丸子four delicacy balls

双味海带two flavor kelp

生烤野兔roated hare

生菜牛肉romaine lettuce and fried beef

生拌鲻鱼mixed fresh mullet

神仙炉celestial stove

烧猪肉条braised streaky pork strips

砂锅海鳝braised moray in marmite

三鲜汤three delicacy soup

三鲜鲍鱼three delicacy abalone

软炸蟹油soft fried crab

软炸番茄soft fried tomato

软炸豆角soft fried carob beans

软溜狗肉片braised dog meat slices

如意蛋卷egg roll

酥炸野兔crisp fried hare

素炒什锦fried aturnipssorted vegetables

酸甜海带sweet and sour kelp

糖醋里脊fried pork billet mixed with sweet and sour sauce

甜辣鸽丝hot and sweet pigeon slices

酸辣豆腐汤hot and sour bean curd soup

铁排明虾braised prawns

炒什锦西红柿fried tomato with multiple seasoning

炒贻贝fried mussel

炒杂烩fried assorted ingredients

炒章鱼fried octopus

陈皮炸鹅fried goose with seasoned orange peel

齿绿苦荬菜(苦苦菜)herba lxeris

葱爆牛肉stir fried beef with shallot

葱辣鳜鱼条fried mandarin fish with dried chilli and shallot

脆皮鹌鹑crisp quail

脆皮嫩鸡crisp tender chicken

大白菜泡菜pickled cabbage

大酱豆腐bean curd with brown sauce

蛋白丸子muscle balls

党参炖鸡stewed chicken with gensing

地枣狗肉条fried common squill bulb and dog meat strip

炖牛掌stewed cattle hoof

番茄黄焖鸡块braised chicken with tomato

番茄牛肉菠菜汤beef and spinach with tomato sauce

翡翠鸡茸豆腐汤mushed chicken and bean curd soup

翡翠鲜贝球emerald scallop balls

粉丝煨牛肉丝sliced beef with vermicelli

凤凰里脊braised fillet like phoenix

凤凰氽牡丹jellyfish and braised chicken breast

芙蓉蹄筋braised pork tendon with egg white

芙蓉虾仁braised shrimp meat with egg white

盖浇饭rice with beef and assorted vegetables

干贝海参dried scallops and sea cucumber

香酥鹌鹑spiced crisp quail

香酥鸡腿spiced crisp chicken legs