
第24章 日常生活(7)

wash dark colors separately


do not wash 不可洗涤

do not spin 不可旋转

dry 晾干

line dry 绳子晾干

dry flat 平摊晾干

drip dry 悬挂滴干

tumble dry low 低温滚筒干燥

tumble dry medium


tumble dry high 高温滚筒干燥

do not tumble dry 不可滚筒干燥

delicate cycle 柔和脱水

permanet press 稍强脱水

remove promptly 迅速移开

tumble dry no heat


line dry away from heat


iron 熨烫

low iron 低温熨烫

medium iron 中温熨烫

high iron 高温熨烫

medium steam iron


high steam iron 高温蒸汽熨烫

do not iron 不可熨烫

on reverse side only


use press cloth 使用垫布

iron damp 湿熨

no steam 不用蒸汽

steam only 只用蒸汽

bleach 漂白

use only non-chiorine bleach


bleach when needed


no bleach 不可漂白

dry clean 干洗

professionally dry clean


professionally fur clean


reduceed moisture 减低湿度

short cycle 短周期

no steam 不可蒸汽

steam only 只用蒸汽

do not dry clean 不可干洗


情境1 听音乐会


Is there a ticket for the concert performance tonight?


Can I get tickets for tonight's performance?


I have an extra ticket for the concert.我富余一张演唱会的门票。

Where can I see an opera?哪里有歌剧演出可以看?

Where is the concert this evening?今晚的音乐会在哪儿举办?

The concert will be held at the Culture Center.


What time does the performance begin?演出几点开始?

What time is the performance over?演出几点结束?

What concert is it?是什么音乐会?

Are you fond of music?你喜欢音乐吗?

Do you like music?你喜欢音乐吗?

What kind of music do you like best?你最喜欢什么样的音乐?

Do you play any instruments?你会演奏什么乐器吗?

Do you play the piano?你会弹钢琴吗?


Won't you go to the concert with me this evening,if you are not busy?


Won't you come with me to the concert?你不跟我一起去听音乐会吗?

Will you come with me to the piano recital?


→recital 独奏会

I have two complimentary tickets.别人送了我两张门票。

I managed to get two reserved seats.我设法弄到了两张票。

How soon does the next part of the program begin?


What is the chief performance this evening?今晚的表演主要内容是什么?

What is on the program?这节目是讲什么的?

Who is conducting the orchestra tonight?今晚管弦乐表演的指挥是谁?

→orchestra 管弦乐队

Who plays the violin-solo?今晚的小提琴独奏者是谁?

Mr.Smith is an excellent vocalist.史密斯先生是位杰出的声乐家。

→vocalist 声乐家

He is one of the best conductors in the United States.


His performance is wonderful.他的表演实在是太棒了。

He often plays on the television.他经常上电视演出。

Which do you like better,classical music or popular music?


I like classical music better.我更喜欢古典音乐。

Do you have a lot of music records?你有很多音乐唱片吗?

Music is not in my line.我不好音乐。

I have no ear for music.我不太会欣赏音乐。

I hear you are very good at the piano.我听说你钢琴弹得很好。

I can play the piano a little.钢琴我可以弹一点。

Please let me hear you play some time.有空让我听听你的演奏吧。

情境2 参观美术展览


Is the exposition very crowded?展会上人很多吗?

I would like to go to the exposition.我想去参加展会。

Is the museum near here?博物馆离这儿远吗?

Where is the Municipal Art Gallery?市美术馆在哪儿?

When can I go inside there?什么时候能进去?

May I go inside and look around?我能进去参观一下吗?

How much is the admission fee?门票多少钱?

Where is the exhibition guide?有展会指南吗?

Is it all right to take pictures?可以拍照吗?

Where will I find the pictures of Picasso?请问毕加索的画在哪里?


How late is the museum open?博物馆什么时候开门?

Is the admission for this gallery free?这个画廊是免门票的吗?

Do you have a Chinese edition of this


Do you have any catalogues of the pictures here?


May I have a pamphlet?能给我一份宣传册吗?

Do you have a bookshop in this gallery?这个美术馆里有书店吗?

Do you sell picture cards?你们卖明信片吗?

情境3 欣赏戏剧


Is there a play tonight?今晚有戏剧表演吗?

What time is the play over?表演几点结束?

When does the play begin?表演几点开始?

What time does the door open?几点开门?

How long will the play run?表演多长时间?

Is the performance going on now?现在演出开始了吗?

Where can I buy tickets?我该去哪儿买票?

What is the admission?入场费是多少?

I would like a ticket for next Saturday.我想要下周六的票。

Is the admission included in the tour fare 入场费包含在游览费用里了吗?

There are two performances a day.一天有两场演出。

Do you have any seats on the ground floor?一层还有座位吗?

Please show me to my seat.请带我去我的座位。

Are there any good seats?有什么好座位吗?

May I sit here?我能坐这儿吗?

How long are the intermissions?幕间休息时间有多长?

Let's go to the lobby and rest there for a while.去大厅休息一下吧。

The costumes are very beautiful.演出服装非常精美。

The stages are splendid.舞台实在是太精彩了。

Is the show worth seeing?演出好看吗?

Where is the way out?出口在哪里?


Are there any plays in the theater of this town?


What is playing at the Today Theater now?


What time will the play get statred?表演几点开始上演?

Will it be long before the performance begins?表演还有很长时间才开始吗?

Do you sell tickets in advance?门票提前发售吗?

→in advance 提前

Will you buy two tickets for classical plays?


The advance tickets for classical plays are very popular.


Please give me two tickets for the matinee.我要两张日间演出的门票。

Can I get tickets for tonight's performance?


I would like two tickets in the balcony.我想要两张包厢票。

Is there a cover charge?有附加费吗?

Which is the entrance to this seat?这个座位怎么进去?

There is an interval of thirty minutes.幕间有三十分钟的休息时间。

Let's go to the foyer.咱们去休息室休息一会儿吧。

Shall we go to the dining room during this intermission?


How do you like the theater?你觉得这场演出怎么样?

Have you ever seen a classical play?你看过古典戏剧吗?

Who are the stars in the play?剧中有什么明星吗?

Who do you think is the best actor in China?


Which do you like better,musical plays or classic plays?


I advise you to see a musical play.我建议你去看一场音乐剧。

What kind of program are they giving at the A Theater?


The musical plays which are now on at the Broadway are very popular.


What kind of plays and shows do you want to see?你想看什么样的表演?

What is showing just now?现在上演的是哪部剧目?

情境4 看电影


Do you often go to the movies?你经常去看电影吗?

I go to the movies three times a month.我一般一个月看三次电影。

I like love-story best.我最喜欢看爱情故事片。

How do you like American films 你觉得美国电影怎么样?

Who do you think is the best movie actress 你觉得谁是最棒的女影星?

What is the film at this cinema 这个电影院正在放哪部电影?

This theater is packed because it releases only the latest films.这个电影