

On Future-mindedness

Guidance for Reciting

“Preparedness ensures success,unpreparedness spells failure.”The importance of future-mindedness can find expression in this saying.

Aland developer takes his cousin on a tour of the city he is building. He describes the broad streets,rows of houses and a teeming metropolis. But his cousin looks around bewildered. All she sees is a forest.“Where are the beauties and improvements which you were to show me?”She asks. He's astonished she couldn't see them.“Where!Why,everywhere,”he replies. For though they are not yet built on earth,he has built them in his mind,and they are as concrete to him as if they were already constructed and finished.

The story illustrates a distinct American trait,future- mindedness:the ability to see the present from the vantage point of the future;the ******* to feel unencumbered by the past and more emotionally attached to things to come. As Albert Einstein once said,“Life for the American is always becoming,never being.”


1.bewildered [bi5wildEd] a. 困惑的

2.unencumbered [5Qnin5kQmbEd] a. 没有阻碍的(没有负担的)




