Mom was very proud that she had lost ten pounds。On the way to the store with my husband and me she talked of little else。We dropped her off in the lingerie department,but when we returned,we could not find her。Thinking she might be in the fitting room,I asked the saleswoman if she had seen my mother。“What does she look like?”the clerk asked。
My husband said simply,“She just lost ten pounds。”
“Third door on the left,”the woman replied with a smile。
例:He is dieting。他在节食。
fitting room试衣间
优美的身材graceful figure,瘦削的身材lean figure,匀称的身材neat figure
丰满的身材plump figure,大腹便便的身材paunchy figure,细长的身材slender figure
苗条的身材slim figure,瘦小的身材slight figure,矮壮的身材stocky figure
高大的身材stout figure,优美健壮的身材superb figure,又胖又圆的身材full figure
笨拙的身材ungainly figure
人人都想拥有骄人的身材,于是在美味佳肴面前,很多人无奈地说句I am on a diet。(我在节食。)为了达到I am trying to lose weight。(我正在努力减轻体重。)节食者对饮食进行了极大的限制,如:I am trying to stay away from sweets。(我正试着不吃甜食。)不过节食可千万别过火了,别得了漂亮,丢了健康!
A:Oh,a very rich dinner。(哦,非常丰富的晚餐。)
B:Come here,Lily。You see,these are your favorite foods。There is beef,chicken,pork……(过来,莉莉。你看,这是你喜欢吃的菜,有牛肉,鸡肉,猪肉……)
A:But dad,I am on a diet。(但是爸爸,我在节食。)
B:Why?You're not fat。(为什么?你又不胖。)
A:My girl classmates are thinner than me。I can only have vegetables。I have to be slim。(我的女同学都比我瘦。我只能吃蔬菜,我必须苗条。)