
第1章 England Overview(1)










England is the largest and most populouspopulous adj.人口多的, 人口稠密的 country of the United Kingdom, occupying most of the southern twothirds of the island of Great Britain. It shares land bordersborder n.边界, 国界, 边, 边沿, 边境vt.与……接壤, 接近v.接壤 with fellow UK countries Scotland, to the north, and Wales, to the west. Elsewhere, it is bordered by the sea. England is named after the Angles, one of a number of Germanic tribes originating in Angeln in Northern Germany, who settled there in the 5th and 6th centuries. It has not had a distinct political identity since 1707, when Great Britain was established as a unified political entity; however, it has a legal identity separate from those of Scotland and Northern Ireland, as part of the entity “England and Wales”. England,s largest city, London, is also the capital of the United Kingdom.

Symbols and Insigniainsignia n.勋章, 徽章

The two traditional symbols of England are the St. George,s cross (the English flag) and the Three Lions coat of arms (heraldically, three leopards) (see above), both derived from the great Norman powers that formed the monarchy - the Cross of Aquitaine and the Lions of Anjou. The three lions were first definitely used by Richard I (Richard the Lionheart) in the late 12th century (although it is also possible that Henry I may have bestowed it on his son Henry before then). Historian Simon Schama has argued that the Three Lions are the true symbol of England because the English thronethrone n.王座, 君主 descended down the Angevin line.

A red cross acted as a symbol for many Crusaders in the 12th and 13th centuries. It became associated with St George and England, along with other countries and cities (such as Georgia, Milan and the Republic of Genoa), which claimed him as their patron saint and used his cross as a banner. It remained in national use until 1707, when the Union Flag (which English and Scottish ships had used at sea since 1606) was adopted for all purposes to unite the whole of Great Britain under a common flag. The flag of England no longer has much of an official role, but it is widely flown by Church of England properties and at sporting events. (Paradoxically, the latter is a fairly recent development; until the late 20th century, it was commonplace for fans of English teams to wave the Union Flag, rather than the St. George,s Cross.)

The rose is widely recognised as the national flower of England and is used in a varietyvariety n.变化, 多样性, 种种, 品种, 种类 of contexts, for example as the badge of the English Rugby Union team. This rose is either a red rose (which also symbolises Lancashire), a white rose (which also symbolises Yorkshire) or a “tudor rose” (symbolising the end of the War of the Roses).

The Three Lions badge performs a similar role for the English national football team and English national cricket team.


England comprisescomprise v.包含, 由……组成 the central and southern two thirds of the island of Great Britain, plus offshore islands of which the largest is the Isle of Wight. It is bordered to the north by Scotland and to the west by Wales. It is closer to continental Europe than any other part of Britain, divided from France only by a 21mile (34km) sea gap.

Most of England consists of rolling hills, but it is more mountainous in the north with a chain of low mountains, the Pennines, dividing east and west. The dividing line between terrain types is usually indicated by the TeesExe line. There is also an area of flat, lowlying marshlandmarshland n. 沼泽地 in the east, much of which has been drained for agricultural use.