In 1969, Brockhole a beautiful country house on the shore of Lake Windermere was purchased and became England,s first National Park Visitor Centre. No matter what the weather, Brockhole is a great place for a day out for all the family, with exciting and innovative displays, which bring the history, traditions, geology, flora and fauna of the Lake District to life.
The unique atmosphere and scenery of the Lake District has provided inspirationinspiration n.灵感 to a host of artists and writers. Names such as William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy, who lived much of their lives in the Lake District. William together with his friends, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey became known as “The Lake Poets”. The Victorian writer, artist, reformer and philanthropist John Ruskin, Hugh Walpole author of the Herries chronicle, (set in Cumbria), Arthur Ransome, the author of Swallows and Amazons, and of course Beatrix Potter, author, artist, local farmer and conservationistconservationist n.(天然资源的)保护管理论者. The homes of some of these celebrated persons are open to the public; lovely and fascinating places to visit.
The Lake District National Park, is the destination of millions of visitors each year. Some come to pursue the challenges of the mountains, or the pleasures of sailing, hiking and horse riding. Some to visit its many and varied attractions, while others come to the events and festivals in the area. Many visit the picturesque towns and villages, and enjoy quiet lakeshorelakeshore n.湖岸 walks, and all who visit appreciate the grandeur of the scenery unique to Lakeland.
The main attraction is the lakes and fells carved by glacial erosion and providing dramatic and inspiring scenery although much modified by man,s intervention mainly by farming. It is the former home of cultural luminaries such as William Wordsworth and John Ruskin, and the walks and fells are famously documented by Alfred Wainwright.
First settled in the Stone Age (some residents still exist) and occupied by the Romans the area was heavily influenced by the Norse in their occupation circa 900A.D. They cleared the woods to produce charcoal to smelt lead in Glenridding and copper in the Borrowdale Valley and Coniston. They introduced the Herdwick sheep to the fells and left a legacy of language such as “gill” gorge, “beck” stream, “tarn” lake, “dale” valley and “force” waterfall; of them all “thwaite”, a clearing in a wood, is the most common.
The Agricultural Revolution and the Enclosure Acts in the 18th century saw the erection of the dry stone walls which are a predominantpredominant adj.卓越的, 支配的, 主要的, 突出的, 有影响的 feature on the fellsides. The 19th Century saw the advent of tourism with the arrival of the railway in the town of Windermere where it terminates.
The destination is popular with national and international visitors and this can easily cause congestioncongestion n.拥塞, 充血 in busy periods at the most popular locations. Visitor attractions are numerous and not limited to scenic attractions.
泰晤士河之于伦敦,似乎比塞纳河之于巴黎更为显要,伦敦的标志性建筑几乎无一不是依河而立,从古朴的威斯敏斯特教堂、伦敦塔、大本钟、莎士比亚博物馆到前卫现代的伦敦眼、宛若子弹头的Gherkin (Mary Axe Tower) ,让人找不到城市统一的风格和主题。一向作风保守的英国人在二战后变得出奇的前卫,玻璃钢的螺旋巨塔和皇家气派的塔桥比邻而居,这在巴黎或许是不可想像的。巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔、蓬皮杜艺术中心始建之初都曾在法国掀起了舆论巨浪,反对之声不绝于耳,如今看到泰晤士河沿岸的景致,真是佩服英国的新新人类们的挑战精神了。