The University of Cambridge
剑桥大学成立于1209年,是世界十大学府之一,70多位诺贝尔奖得主出自此校。剑桥大学位于风景秀丽的剑桥镇,着名的康河横贯其间。剑桥大学有35个学院,有三个女子学院,两个专门的研究生院,各学院历史背景不同,实行独特的学院制。风格各异的35所学院经济上自负盈亏;剑桥大学负责生源规划和教学工作,各学院内部录取步骤各异,每个学院在某种程度上就像一个微型大学,有自己的校规校纪。剑桥的许多地方保留着中世纪以来的风貌,到处可见几百年来不断按原样精心维修的古城建筑,许多校舍的门廊、墙壁上仍然装饰着古朴庄严的塑像和印章,高大的染色玻璃窗像一幅幅瑰丽的画面。剑桥大学有教师(教授、副教授、讲师)1000余名,另外还有1000余名访问学者。剑桥大学共有学生16 900名,其中包括6935名研究生,72%的研究生来自其它大学,研究生中42%是国外留学生,女生占36%。大学校长为女王丈夫菲利浦亲王(他同时兼任牛津大学校长),设一名常务副校长主持日常工作。
The University of Cambridge is the secondoldest university in the Englishspeaking world. It is considered one of the world,s most academically demanding and prestigiousprestigious adj.享有声望的, 声望很高的 universities, and maintains very selective academic criteriacriteria n.标准 for the admission of its students.
The university was founded in Cambridge, England, probably in 1209 by scholars escaping from the University of Oxford after a fight with locals there, although existing historical records are inexact. Like the other very early universities, Cambridge was not founded in the same sense that later institutions were: it grew out of an association of scholars.
Cambridge has produced more Nobel Prize laureates than any other university in the world, having 80 affiliatedaffiliated adj.附属的, 有关连的 with it, the large majority of whom studied at the university, rather than just having a loose association with it.It has often topped league tables ranking British universities, and recent (although often disputed on the basis of its ranking criteria) international rankings by The Times Higher Education Supplement rated Cambridge first in the world for science, fifth in the arts and humanities, and sixth overall of all global universities and colleges. In 2004, Cambridge was placed third in a major international study ranking the 500 top universities in the world, which was led by Shanghai Jiao Tong University of the People,s Republic of China.
The universities of Oxford and Cambridge, often referred to together as Oxbridge, vie to be seen as the strongest overall university in the UK. Historically, they have produced a significant proportion of Britain,s
prominentprominent adj.卓越的,显着的,突出的 scientists, writers and politicians.
Cambridge is a member of the Russell Group: a network of large, researchled British universities; the Coimbra Group, an association of leading European universities; and the LERU (League of European Research Universities).
Undergraduate admission to Cambridge colleges used to depend on knowledge of Latin and Ancient Greek, subjects taught principally in Britain at feepaying schools, called public schools. This tended to mean that students came predominantly from members of the British social elite. Since the 1960s, the admission process has changed, and aspiringaspiring adj.热心的, 积极的, 有抱负的 students are now expected to have the best, or nearly the best, possible qualifications at Alevel relevant to the undergraduate course they are applying for and to impress college fellows at interview. In addition, in recent years admissions tutors in certain technical subjects, for example mathematics, have required applicants to sit the more difficult STEP papers in addition to achieving top grades in their Alevels. However, there is still considerable public debate in Britain over whether admissions processes at Oxford and Cambridge are entirely meritocratic and fair, and whether enough students from state schools succeed in gaining entry. Almost 50% of the successful applicants come from public schools, but the average qualificationsqualification n.资格, 条件, 限制, 限定, 赋予资格 for these successful applicants are higher than for successful applicants from state schools.
Graduate admission is decided by the faculty or department relating to the applicant,s subject - following this, admission to a college (not necessarily the applicant,s preferred choice) is guaranteed.
Oxford University
古雅、宁谧和淳朴,是牛津留给访古者的最初印象。牛津大学城(The University City of Oxford) 是在伦敦西北方,路程约60英里。
牛津大学的组织,相当复杂而难懂。“大学”一词,对牛津人而言,有异于我们一般所了解的涵义。英国人称之“牛津大学城”(The University City of Oxford),才符合事实。在牛津的地图上,我们找不到一个大学校园的固定地界,倒是散见各区不同学院。在牛津,若要问:“牛津大学在那?”,必定没有人答得出来。英国人,一提起牛津时,要把头抬高,仰起脸,庄重地念着“OxFord”,那个O字要圆而重,才能表示尊重,才是对学术的敬意。