
第9章 城市导航City Guide(7)

Big kids (Mum and Dad) and little kids alike can,t afford missing at least one visit to the Archaeological Resource Centre. Become an archaeological detective... what was life really like in Viking times? Explore a Viking,s rubbishrubbish n.垃圾, 废物, 废话 pit, handle genuine 1000year old bones, pottery, bits of leather shoe, beautifully carved antler hair, combs, even iceskates.

A little “off the well beaten track” but equally worth while is Castle Howard (1699). The palatially Palladian Vanbrugh/Hawksmoor creation is surrounded by the rolling Howardian Hills, acres of terraced gardens, landscaped vistas and a scattering of monuments and obelisks. After 300 years of continuous occupation, this epitome of an English stately home remains the private residence of the Howard family - although thousands of visitors troop through the public rooms annually to view the Chippendale furniture, collectablecollectable adj.可收集的, 可代收的 items and works by Canaletto, Holbein, Gainsborough and Reynolds. Outdoor treats include the walled rose garden, the Ray Wood woodland garden and Hawksmoor,s Mausoleum.

Be rattled, shiver and shake on one of the local Haunted Tours. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, don,t miss going on a ghost tour here, as many buildings are reputed to have ghostly connections. Join in on an evening walking tour that takes you along narrow passagewayspassageway n.过道,出入口 and dark streets to investigate bloodcurdling tales of scandal and death - of phantoms, ghosts, apparitions and supernatural stories of the strange and macabre... Meet outside the Jorvik Centre on Coppergate Walk at 7:30p.m. every night from Easter to Halloween and every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from November to March, (whatever the weather).

Visitors can hardly avoid not seeing the famed York Minster. Dominating York,s landscape and psyche, it is proudly marketed as the largest Gothic cathedral in northern Europe. The building,s foundations reveal the site,s ancient history, including evidence of the original assembly hall that lay at the heart of the Romans, military headquarters; the wooden chapel built for bishop Paulinus, baptism of King Edwin in 627; a subsequent stone church; the church destroyed by William the Conqueror during his “harrying of the North”; and a Norman church dating from around 1060. The structure,s historical significance is more than matched by its worldbeating collection of stained glass, most notably the fabled Great East Window (1408), the largest medieval stainedglass window on the planet. Don,t miss it!



谢菲尔德市位于英格兰中部,在伦敦以北273公里,是英格兰第四大中心城市。该市曾一度以钢铁工业闻名于世,是世界着名的、优秀的教学研究中心。有人口54万多,距Peak District国家公园仅几分钟路程,市区还有150片绿地和50个公园,这使得该市成为全英绿化最好的城市,被喻为英国的“氧吧”。市区周围是美丽的乡村景色。该市还被英国内务部评为全英最安全的城市。该市经济繁荣,生活费用低。市民生活安逸、和谐,并享有友善和好客的美名。

该市是一个各方面良好的大学城,当地的许多店铺都出售学生优惠价物品,如食品、饮料、服装、以及光盘磁带等。该市与英格兰最发达的西南地区紧密相连,并有自己独具特色的服装、酒吧、咖啡馆和餐馆。该市有几家全英最好的剧院,剧院位于市中心并出售学生票。目前该市仍在不断发展建设新项目,如市展览中心,博物馆等。受大众欢迎的“冬季公园”(Winter Park)则是一个室内公共休闲场所,你可以在这里开展娱乐活动或消闲会友,市中心的“和平公园”则是另一个让你避开喧嚣城市生活的又一休闲去处。


Sheffield s a city and metropolitan boroughborough n.自治的市镇, 区 in the north of England. It has grown from its industrial roots to encompassencompass v.包围, 环绕, 包含或包括某事物 a wide economic base and is now one of the ten largest cities in England. The population of the City of Sheffield in 2003 was estimated at 512,500, with1,811,701 in the Sheffield Metropolitan City region. As such, it is one of England,s core cities.

The city boundaries of Sheffield include a significant area of the countryside which surrounds the main urban region. One third of Sheffield is within the Peak District National Park (no other English city has a national park within its boundary), and Sheffield is generally recognized as England,s greenest city, containing 150 woodlands and 50 public parks.

The present boundaries were set in 1974, when the former county borough of Sheffield merged with Stocksbridge urban district and part of Wortley Rural District.

Sheffield is largely unparished, but Bradfield and Ecclesfield have parishparish n.教区 councils and Stocksbridge has a town council.

The area is now part of the county of South Yorkshire, and borders on Nottinghamshire,s forests and the Derbyshire Dales. Sheffield was historically part of the West Riding of Yorkshire and, before this, the Saxon shire of Hallamshire.

The city nestles in a natural amphitheatre of seven hills, at the confluenceconfluence n.汇合 of five rivers: Don, Sheaf, Rivelin, Loxley and Porter. As such, much of the city is built on hillsides, with views into the city centre or out to the countryside. Directly to the west of the city is the Peak District National Park and the Pennine hill range.

Economy and Government

Sheffield is governed by an elected City Council. Its Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparenttransparent adj.透明的, 显然的, 明晰的 and accountable to local people.

Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose. The Constitution is divided into 16 articles which set out the basic rules governing the Council,s business. More detailed procedures and Codes of Practice are provided in separate rules and protocols.

The city also has a Lord Mayor. In the past, the Office of Mayor had very considerable authority, and carried with it executive powers over the finances and affairs of the Corporation. The Mayor carried out many of the duties later attached to the office of Town Clerk, and as well as presiding over the meetings of the Corporation, the Mayor also presided over the Bench of Magistrates as Chief Magistrate of the Borough Court.