

Today the world is fear-ridden.The threat of A-bombs and H-bombs,and who knows what other kinds of new and even more destructive bombs,hangs over the globe.Under such horrific conditions,it is no wonder that the economic life of millions in all lands is in a delicate state of unbalance,and that fear of a third world war exists in the minds of great masses of people.Add to this the profound hates and resentments which seethe among various races,the fears and suspicions which,unhappily,tragically exist,and it requires great faith and courage for the individual to maintain the right mental attitude.

But,in the face of all this,it is absolutely imperative that you learn to control your emotions—your fears and worries—that you picture yourself receiving guidance and protection from the power within,so that you will be safe and secure,no matter what may come to pass in the world at large,so that you can do all in your power to help bring about better conditions in your community and extend your own influence for good as far as possible.

Be positive! Be courageous,believe,have faith,prepare your mind today,so that you can to a great degree control your individual future.

Remember this: human beings are human beings the world over,whether in Prague or Timbuctoo; all subject to the same emotions,the same influences,the same vibrations; and What is a community,a city,a nation but merely a collection of individual human beings?

Once again: "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."

As members of a community think—so they are; as a city thinks—so is it,and as a nation thinks—so is it! Make your contribution to the thought of your times where you live.Your positive attitude will help others become more positive.Never mind a few setbacks ...or obstructions.

When a train roars across the track in front of you,you put on the brakes of your automobile,throw the gears into neutral and idle your engine.You are on your way again just as soon as the train passes but you certainly do not throw your gears into reverse and go backwards!

Compare yourself to the gears of your automobile.In reverse,place all fears,worries,troubles,aches and pains.Okay.Then when things go wrong,instead of getting upset about it,losing control of yourself,simply put on the brakes,idle your engine until you can clearly see the road ahead.

In high is everything you desire: health,wealth,happiness,success.No power in the world except your hand can put the gears of your automobile in reverse.If your own gears get in reverse,remember: You alone put them there! And you put them there with your own thoughts,because:

"There is nothing either good or bad,but thinking makes it so."


Therefore,as you think,you move either forward or backward,in high gear or in reverse.When you place yourself in reverse,worry and fret,you are using the tap,tap idea to bring into existence the things you would most avoid!

Say to yourself: "From this moment on I will be positive!" When you say it,mean it!

Erect a steel wall on the right side of the reverse gear so that you will never go into reverse again.Close the door of yesterday.Keep it closed.Then shift from low gear to high—and stay there!


Before you can accomplish what you want to achieve,in and through your own mind,you must know more about the workings of your subconscious.There is a great deal of mystery associated with its functioning,and many scientists,physicians,biologists,anthropologists,psychologists,physicians,psychiatrists and every other kind of authority are trying to gain more light on what happens in the deep recesses of man's brain.They've now discovered that great sections of a man's brain can be removed without impairing his consciousness or his intelligence.You've heard of the electroencephalograph,that sensitized apparatus that detects and records brain waves.I've recently learned of a new instrument,now under development,by which the positive and negative currents in every organ of the body can be charted,to determine their "electrical" state of health.

You see,the physical body isn't the grossly material organism we once thought it was.It is now referred to as an electro-chemical machine of great sensitivity.A few years ago,scientists thought that the so-called "soul" was a part of the body,and died with the body.Today,they are not so sure.In fact,many scientists have concluded that intelligence,consciousness,may not be a part of the body at all,but simply manifests through the body.Picture yourself,then,as a temporary tenant,living in your wonderful house of flesh,gaining experience and evolving your soul or consciousness through this experience while here,finally departing from this house when it has become impaired or outworn its usefulness

Fantastic? Nothing is fantastic any more in this Buck Rogers age.What the mind of man can conceive,the mind of man can achieve.Man has desired immortality for as long as man has had conscious existence.He has dreamed and written and sung of a "life to come" in his religions,his philosophies,his songs and his personal aspirations.Now it is becoming apparent that man has been intuitively sensing "a land beyond the reach of the five physical senses," no less real than the world he is now in,a land which awaits his coming after the change called "death."

As you develop your own awareness,you,too,will become conscious of an increasingly positive conviction that "this life is not all"; that it is "just the beginning" of a continuously unfolding experience and adventure in God's great universe!

The key to this deeper understanding of self and your true relationship to the God consciousness within is to be found in your developed control and direction of the subconscious part of you.