
第11章 Family and Friends家庭与朋友


A:What were your scores this semester?A:你这学期的成绩怎么样?B:65 on average.B:平均分65。A:Why so low? What did you do in university every day?A:为什么这么低?你在大学里每天都干什么?B:But dad insisted that I study science, and you know I like western literature. If I had chosen English as my major, I would be the top student in the class.B:爸爸坚持要我学理科,但是你知道我喜欢西方文学。要是我选英语作为我的专业,我就会是班上的优等生。A:If you put your mind to it you could do anything! But you obviously haven't studied hard.A:如果你在学习上用心了你可以做好任何事!但你显然没努力学习。B:I have! It is just that I have no interest in science.B:我尽力了!只是因为我对理科没兴趣。A:You know our family expects so much of you. Who will look after us when we are old? We only want you to have a good future.A:你知道咱们家对你报有多大的期望啊。等我们老了以后谁来照顾我们?我只是希望你有一个好前程。B:But English is the future!B:但是英语专业也有好前程!A:Boys should study science, then you can find a job easily. If you study English, what can you do in the future?A:男孩应该学理科,你可以轻松地找到一份工作。如果学英语,你将来能做什么?B:I can do lots of things. Anyway,it is too B:我可以做很多事情。不管怎么样,讨论late to talk about it.You always think you are right and never consider my feelings. 这个已经太迟了。你们总是认为你们是对的,从来不考虑我的感受。A:Dear, we love you and care about you more than anything else, and yet you never think about our feelings. Please try to study harder next semester.A:亲爱的,我们爱你,关心你胜过任何其他的事,你也从来没考虑过我们的感受。下学期试着学习再努力点儿。B:Yes mum.Only on English.B:好,妈妈。只对英语努力。

A:My sister is getting married this week.A:我姐姐这个星期结婚。B:You have a sister? You are lucky. I wish I had one!B:你有一个姐姐?真幸运。我也想有个姐姐!A:I also have a younger brother. Didn't I tell you that before?A:我还有一个弟弟呢。我以前没告诉过你吗?B:I am afraid you didn't. I am the only child in my family. I really envy those who have brothers or sisters. When I was a child I always felt lonely.B:恐怕没有。我是家里的独生女。我真的很羡慕那些有兄弟姐妹的人。小时候我一直觉得很孤单。A:But it is not easy to get along with them. I still remember my sister and I often fought over everything. And my parents love my brother more so he used to get the best of everything. So I envy you as an only child.A:但是和他们和睦相处并不容易。我到现在还记得我姐姐和我经常为一些事情争吵。我父母都喜欢我弟弟,他常能得到最好的东西。所以我羡慕你是独生女。B:I think that more children make the family happier, even though they sometimes have arguments.B:我觉得孩子多的家庭更快乐,即使有时候会有争吵。A:But I think the only child gets all this parents love. There is no competition.A:但是我觉得独生子女可以得到父母全部的爱,没有竞争。B:Then the whole family pins their hope on you. Sometimes, it seems that you are always living under surveillance.B:那家里会将所有的希望都放在你身上。有时候似乎总是生活在监督下。A:I have never thought about that. But it means they think much of you, it is better than being ignored.A:我从来没有考虑过这个。但是这意味着他们非常关注你,总比被忽视的好。B:You don't know what kind of environment B:你知道我在什么样的环境中生活吗?I'd been living in. I am happy that I am free now. 我非常高兴我现在自由了。A:It seems that we both agree that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.A:似乎我们都是觉得对方的情况好!

A:Hi, how are you? Why do you look so tired?A:嗨,你好吗?你怎么看上去这么疲惫?B:Well, our class has just been discussing a hot topic about whether having one child is good or not.B:嗯,我们班刚才一直在讨论一个热门话题,要一个孩子好不好。A:Oh, what was the result?A:哦,结果呢?B:There are two main views. Some students say that one child for one family is much better. For one child can get more love and care from its parents. And they are healthy physically and mentally. Others say two children are better.B:有两个主要观点。一些学生说一个家庭要一个孩子好。一个孩子可以从父母那儿得到更多的关爱。他们在身体上和精神上都很健康。其他的认为两个孩子更好。A:Yeah, but what's your opinion?A:哦,那你的观点?B:Well, I think two children are the best. An only child is lonely, and some are selfish because they always get what they want from their parents at home.B:嗯,我认为两个孩子是最好的。一个孩子太孤单了,而且在家里总是要什么父母就给什么,有些孩子就很自私。A:Hmm, I agree with you. That's why they are called "little emperors". Are you an only child?A:嗯,我同意。所以都叫他们“小皇帝”,你是独生女吗?B:Yes, I am. I always felt lonely at home. So I wanted to have a brother or sister very much. What about you? Are you the only child?B:我是。我在家里总会觉得孤独。所以我非常想要一个兄弟姐妹,你呢?是独生女吗?A:No, in fact I have an older brother. When we were young, we often played together.A:不是,我有一个哥哥。我们小时候经常一起玩儿。B:Great! I am a little jealous.B:太好了!我有点儿妒忌你了。A:And because he is older than me he A:而且因为他比我大点儿,他总是关心always takes care of me and looks after me. 照顾我。B:Well, I will definitely have two children in the future.B:真好,我将来一定要两个孩子。A:Only when you get a wife.A:那得看你能否找到老婆了。

1.The whole family pins their hope on you.


pins their hope on对……寄予厚望;for two pins 恨不得,巴不得;not care a pin 毫不在乎; not worth a pin 一钱不值;on pins and needles如坐针毡,坐立不安;neat as a pin 毫不在乎。

2.Never mind

意思是不要紧,没关系。off one's mind不要搁在某人心上;take one's mind off sth. 使某人不想某事,转移某人对某事的注意;put one's mind to 专心于某事;know one's own mind有自己的想法,有决断;make up one's mind下决心,决意。









































(一)Pa won't like it爸爸不会喜欢的

A farm boy accidentally overturned his wagonload of corn. The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise and yelled over to the boy.

A:Hey, Willis, forget your troubles. Come in and visit with us. I will help you get the wagon up later.

B:That's mighty nice of you, but I don't think Pa would like me to.

A:Aw, come on, boy.

B:Well, okay, but Pa won't like it.I feel a lot better now, but I know Pa is going to be real upset.

A:Don't be foolish! By the way, where is he?

B:Under the wagon.

(二)Worries about Mad Cow Disease对疯牛病的担心

There are these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields.

A:I tell you, this madcow disease is really pretty scary. They say it is spreading fast, I heard it hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm.

B:I am not worried, it doesn't affect us ducks, does it?

(三)Printer Repair打印机的修理

When a guy's printer type began to grow faint, he called a local repair shop where a friendly man informed him that the printer probable needed only to be cleanned. Because store charged50 for such cleaning, he told him he might be better off reading the printer's manual and trying the job himself.

Pleasantly suprised by his candor, he asked, “Does your boss know that you discourage business?”

“Actually,it is my boss's idea.”the employee replied sheepishly. “We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to fix things themselves first.”












1.Theof advertisement lies in drawing the attention of customers.

2.Please prepare a more proposal.

3.What kind of music is going to be used in the ?

4.We should befor ourselves.

5.May I occupy a few minutes to let you know our product?

6.The is especially for those people who love sports.

7.Could you give me some ?

8.What would we get from your service?

9.Could you the information desk for me?

10.How do you complaints of customers?


A:How is your first semester going?A:你第一个学期过得怎么样?B:Not so well really. I am feeling terribly homesick. Right up to my senior school days I never spent more than a month away from my parents and I have been here for over two months now!B:不怎么样。我非常想家。直到高中,我从没离开我父母超过一个月,可是现在我已经离开两个月了!A:I suggest you do two things to minimize homesickness. First you should keep in touch with your parents by phone, text message, email or letters.A:我建议你做两件事以缓解想家的情绪。首先你应该用电话、短信、电子邮件或者信件与父母保持联系。B:I ring them most nights, especially when I am feeling depressed.B:我大多数晚上都给他们打电话,特别是我觉得沮丧的时候。A:That's good. The second thing you should do is to widen your social circle.A:好。你应该做的第二件事是扩大你的社交圈。B:How do I do that?B:我怎么做呢?A:Chat with your roommates, study with your classmates and take up some team sports that involves you playing with others.A:和室友聊天,跟同学一起学习,和别人一起参加一些团队体育运动。B:Why do you suggest that? They can never replace my parents.B:你为什么建议这些? 它们不可能替代我的父母。A:They are not intended to.But the more A:它们并不是为了替代。但是你越能够independent life you develop then the less dependent you will be on your parents. 适应独立的生活,就越不会依赖你的父母。B:I see. I could also join some clubs and societies, couldn't I?B:我知道了。我也可以参加一些俱乐部和社团,是吗?A:That's right. This is going to be your new home for four years and it won't be long before you have made some new friends and your social diary will be full.A:是的。这是你大学四年里的新家,你很快就可以交到一些新朋友,到时你的日程就会安排得满满的了。B:And that means I won't be as homesick.B:就是说不会特别想家了。A:Yeah. Come on, let's find some of our classmates and shoot a few hoops!A:是的,来吧! 我们找几个同学一起打篮球吧!B:Well, I am so home sick again…B:呃,我又想家了……

A:What are you doing with your mobile?A:你用手机干什么?B:I am deleting old messages.B:我在删除旧信息。A:Oh, why?A:哦,为什么?B:Tomorrow I will go back to my hometown and stay with my parents for the May holidays. You know my parents will check my mobile when I am not around. If they see Lisa's messages they will be angry.B:明天我要回家和父母过五一了。你知道我父母在我不在的时候肯定会检查我的手机,要是他们看见了Lisa的信息该生气了。A:Oh, I see. Your parents still can't accept Lisa as your girlfriend?A:我知道了。你父母还是不接受Lisa做你的女朋友啊?B:No, they can't and what makes me annoyed is that they also check my computer.B:不接受,更让我烦恼的是他们还检查我的电脑。A:That's really not good. Why don't you talk to them about it?A:这样真不好。你为什么不跟他们谈谈?B:I did, my father said, "I am your father, I should know everything about you, what you are doing and what you are thinking".B:我说过,可我爸爸说:“我是你爸爸,我应该知道关于你的一切事情,你在做什么,你在想什么。”A:Well, I think his motive is right, but his method is not good. We are adults and we have the right to our own privacy.A:嗯,我想他的动机是对的,但是方法不太好。我们是成年人了,我们有隐私权。B:Yes, I agree. But what can I do? They never pay attention to anything I say, and they said they didn't have any privacy when they were young, so I should not have any either.B:是,我同意。但我能做什么?他们从不注意我说的话,他们说他们年轻的时候没有隐私,所以我也不能有。A:We are a different generation. I think maybe you should adjust your way of communicating with them too. After all, they are your parents and they only want the best for you.A:我们不是一代人。我觉得你可以调整一下跟他们沟通的方式。毕竟,他们是你的父母,他们只想你好。B:It is not just the generation gap it is that they are completely out of touch with the real world.B:不仅仅是代沟,他们根本就脱离了现在这个时代。A:Then you will have to grin and bear it.A:那你只能逆来顺受了。B:And I will do the same for my generation, haha.B:我对我的下一代也会如此,哈哈。

A:Where are you going?A:你要去哪儿?B:I am going to a job fair. This is the last one held on campus before we graduate.B:去一个招聘会。这是我们毕业前的最后一场校园招聘了。A:Wait a moment, I want to go with you.A:等一下,我想和你一起去。B:Come on, your father is a departmental manager in China Unicom. He will no doubt arrange a good job for you. Why bother going to a job fair?B:拜托,你父亲是中国联通的部门经理。他肯定会给你安排一份好工作。为什么要去招聘会呢?A:Well, I have decided to be independent from now on. I have thought it through carefully. To follow what my father arranged for me is easier and maybe more comfortable. But I won't have the chance to learn and will not really gain much experience.A:嗯,我决定从现在开始学会独立。我已经认真考虑过了,按照我父亲给我的安排,工作会很容易也很轻松。但是我永远没有机会学习,也不会得到更多的经验。B:Wow, seems you have grown up overnight!B:哇,看来你一夜之间长大了!A:Don't laugh at me, I am serious. You have had a parttime job for the last two years and so you have been around a lot. But I still think like a student.A:不要笑话我啊,我是认真的。你前两年一直有一份兼职工作,所以你已经有一些经验了。但是我还是像个学生。B:Hey, I really admire you now. I thought you were a kid that could never live without your parents' help. If you want to be independent, you have to begin now.B:嘿,我现在开始钦佩你了。我以前一直觉得你就是个孩子,永远离不开父母的帮助来生活。如果你很想独立,你现在就得开始了。A:Yes, I will get my CV photocopied.A:是,我要去复印我的简历。B:OK, hurry up.B:好,快点儿。A:Wait, I have not done any resume…A:等等,我还没弄简历呢……

1.That's out of touch.

out of touch意思是“跟不上时代”。touch,在这个短语里是“接触,联系”的意思。如:

I'll get into touch with him early.


2.I have no pocket money this month.

pocket money意思是“零用钱”。pocket,一般都认为是“口袋,衣兜”的意思。但也引申为“财力,钱力”的意思,如:

He has suffered in his pocket.


毕业 graduate

部门的 departmental

怀疑 doubt

独立的 independent

一夜之间的 overnight

意识到 realize

成功的 successful

敬佩 admire

影印 photocopy

露齿而笑 grin

忍受 bear


移动 mobile

家乡 hometown

信息 message

使烦恼 annoy

动机 motive

方法 method

成年人 adult

一代 generation

私人 privacy

空白 gap

完全地 completely

很想家的 homesick

高级的 senior

使最小化 minimize

沮丧的 depressed

社会的 social

圈子 circle

意图 intend

日记 diary

替代 replace

关系 relationship

事业 career

严厉的 strict

基础 foundation


(一)Man's Best Friend男人最好的朋友

For a holiday, an Irishman decided to go to Switzerland to fulfill a lifelong dream and climb the Matterhorn.

He hired a guide and just as they neared the top, the men were caught in a sonw slide.

Three hours later, a Saint Bernard plowed through to them, a keg of brandy tied under its chin.

“Hooray!” shouted the guide.“Here comes man's best friend!”

“Yeah,” said Irishman.“Look at the size of the dog!”

(二)Working on the Fourth Husband算计第四个丈夫

A woman announces to her friend that she is getting married for the fourth time.

A:How wonderful! But I hope you don't mind me asking what happened to your first husband?

B:He ate poisonous mushrooms and died.

A:Oh, how tragic! What about your second husband?

B:He ate poisonous mushrooms too and died.

A:Oh, how terrible! I am almost afraid to ask you about your third husband.

B:He died of a broken neck.

A:A broken neck?

B:He wouldn't eat the mushrooms.

(三)Finding Someone Who Cares找到关心他的人

A lonely frog telephoned the Psychic Hotline and asked what his future holds.

A:You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you.

B:This is great! Will I meet her at a party?

A:No, in biology class.












1.I owe you an for the delay.

2.I willyou if he is able to see you.

3.I have everyto have a meeting this afternoon.

4.We will another time for the meeting if it is rainy tomorrow.

5.Is everyonefor this time?

6.I am coming here to you that you should be up at nine o'clock this morning for a meeting.

7.We will something important in the meeting.

8.I advise us to look at thefrom our accountant.

9.How much do you want to your order?

10.We usually don't grant any for a small quantity.


A:You know, we will soon be going for Spring Festival and I am a bit worried about spending so much time with my parents.A:你知道吗,我们不久就要回家过春节了,和我父母待这么长时间,我有一点儿担心。B:Why's that?B:为什么啊?A:Well, I was brought up by my grandparents and so I am not close to my parents at all. So I feel a little strange around them. A:嗯,我是我爷爷奶奶带大的,所以我跟我父母不是很亲。我跟他们在一起有点陌生。B:Why don't you try to spend as much time with them as possible and just talk about every day topics?B:你为什么不试着跟他们多待些时间,谈论一些日常的话题?A:But I really want to talk about my problems in life, study and relationships with friends.A:但是我只是想谈生活、学习和人际关系上的事情。B:You need to concentrate on small talk first before you get onto weightier matters.B:你先要集中说些日常琐事,然后再谈论一些严肃的问题。 A:Yeah, I know but it is just that I don't seem to have any confidence in talking about anything with them.A:是的,我知道。但是我跟他们谈论任何事好像都没什么信心。B:I know, why don't I pretend to be your B:我知道了,要不我来假装做你的父亲,dad and we can have a cozy chat! 我们来一次舒心惬意的聊天。A:I suppose it is worth a try.A:我觉得这值得一试。B:Well, how are you today?B:哦,儿子,你今天觉得怎么样?A:Fine, dad. What shall we do today?A:很好,老爸。我们今天干什么呢?B:Why don't we have a go at weeding the garden?B:我们给花园锄锄草吧?A:You will have to tell me which are weeds and which are flowers then!A:那你得先告诉我哪些是杂草哪些是花草呀!

A:What is this, father? A:这是什么,老爸? B:Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life. I don't know what it is. B:儿子,我不知道。一生中从没见过这样的东西。 C:I know all the tricks of it. Let me tell you a story. An old lady in a wheelchair rolled up to the moving walls and between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched small circles of lights with numbers above the walls light up. They continued to watch ten circles light up in the reverse direction. The walls opened up again and a voluptuous 24yearold woman stepped out. C:我对此了如指掌。我给你讲个故事吧。一个坐轮椅的老太太转到这堵会动的墙壁前,按下一个按钮。墙打开了,老太太进了一个房间。那堵墙合上后,父子俩看见墙的上面逐一亮起一盏盏嵌有数字的圆形小灯。他们看到有十个灯亮过了。然后又一路亮了回来。墙又开了,一个风情万种的24岁女人走了出来。B:Go and get your mother.B:快去把你妈叫来。

A:I will get my commission as long as there is one more sale. (He knocks at the door of the Smith family.)A:再卖上一笔就可以马上得到佣金了。(他来到史密斯家敲了敲门。)B:What do you want?B:你要做什么?A:Hello. Is your mummy home?A:你妈妈在家吗?B:Yes, but she is very busy.B:在家,不过她正忙着。A:Okay, what about your daddy? Can I have a quick word with him?A:那你爸爸在家吗?我想跟他谈谈,就几句话。B:Nope, he is busy, too.B:不行,爸爸也在忙着。A:What about your brothers and sisters? A:那你的兄弟姐妹呢?他们都在吗?Do you have any?B:Yes, but they are all very busy as well.B:是的,但他们也很忙。A:Grandparents?A:那你的爷爷奶奶呢?B:Nope, they are tied up as well.B:不行,他们也在忙着。A:Are there any other adults in the house?A:那你家里还有其他大人吗?B:Yes, there are two firemen and a policeman here at the moment.B:有,有两个消防员和一个警察。A:You mean your entire family, two firemen and a policeman are all in the house, but they are too busy to see me. What are they doing?A:你是说全家人都在,另外还有两位消防员和一位警察,他们都在忙着,没有时间见我,他们都在做什么呢?B:Looking for me.B:他们正在找我。

1.Don't be in a fuss.


fuss是“忙乱,大惊小怪,紧张不安”的意思,还有其他短语,如:fuss up and down 忙得团团转;kick up a fuss 大吵大闹,滋事;make a fuss of 对……过于体贴。

2.It is beyond my imagination.


imagination是“想象,想象力,创造力”的意思;have a good imagination 想象力好;have a poor imagination差的想象力;be successful beyond imagination出乎意料地取得成功。


































沉思,仔细考虑 contemplate


(一)Real Urgent十万火急

Doctor: I have some bad news and some very bad news.

Patient: Well, you might as well give me the bad news first.

Doctor: The lab called with your test results. They said you have 24 hours to live.

Patient: 24 hours! That's terrible! What could be worse? What is the very bad news?

Doctor: I have been trying to reach you since yesterday.

(二)Good or Bad?好消息还是坏消息?

Patient: I am in a hospital. Why am I in here?

Doctor: You have had an accident involving a train.

Patient: What happened?

Doctor: Well, I have got some good news and some bad news. Which would you like to hear first?

Patient: Well, the bad news first.

Doctor: Your legs were injured so badly that we had to amputate both of them.

Patient: That's terrible! What is the good news?

Doctor: There is a guy in the next ward who made a very good offer for your slippers.

(三)A Good Advice is never Given Twice好话不说二遍

A heavy drinker is warned by his doctor that if he doesn't reduce his consumption he will be dead in five years.

“You have got to cut down to only three drinks a day. The drinker nods in agreement and goes off. A couple of weeks later the doctor comes across the bloke in a terrible state.”

“Hey, I thought you agreed to only three drinks a day?”

“Yes, I did, but I went to five other doctors for second opinions and they all prescribed the same.”

(四)The Champion冠军

When I called to make an appointment with my eye doctor, the receptionist said there was an opening the following Saturday at 10:00 a.m.

“Sorry, I am running in a fivemile race at nine that morning, and I wouldn't make it in time.”

“How about 1:30 p.m. then?”

“I don't know,” I began, remembering my daughter's three o'clock dance recital.

In an incredulous tone, the receptionist responded, “Just how slowly do you expect to run?”












1.To bewith you, a discount of 4% wouldn't help very much.

2.Theof package that catches the eye is surely of great help in pushing the sales.

3.Everyone likes packing which is beautiful and .

4.What about shippingfrom the origin to the destination?

5.Sometimes, the way of combinedhas the complicated formalities.

6.Air freight is certainly becoming more and more because of its speed.

7.The charges are accounted by or volume.

8.I am afraid that there is no paper in the machine.

9.Telex gives a quicker service in .

10.We are willing to ask you and your wife to be our guest at a to mark the occasion next Sunday.


A:Let's talk about our gifts for elderly mother.I built a big house for our mother.What about both of you?A:来说说我们送给母亲的礼物。我建了一个大房子送给我们的母亲。你们两个呢?B:I bought her a Mercedes.B:我给她买了一辆梅赛德斯。C:I have got you both beat. You remember how Mom enjoyed singing hymns in church?And you know she can't see very well.I sent her a remarkable parrot that sings every hymn in the hymnal.It took choir members in the church 12 years to teach him.He is one of a kind.Mama just has to name the hymn title and the parrot sings it.C:我把你们俩都比下去了。还记得妈妈在教堂里是多么喜欢唱赞美诗的吗?还有你们知道她的眼睛不太好使。我送她一只神奇的鹦鹉,她会唱诗集里的每一首诗。教堂里的唱诗班成员们花了12年的时间来教它。因此它是无与伦比的。妈妈只要说出诗的题目,鹦鹉就能唱出来。D:Milton,the house you built is so huge.I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house.Gerald,I am too old to travel,I stay most of the time at home,so I rarely use the Mercedes.Dearest Donald,you have the good sense to know what your mother likes.The chicken was real delicious.D:米尔顿,你建的房子太庞大了。我只住一间房间,却要打扫整个房子。吉拉德,我太老了,不能外出走动。我大部分时间都呆在家里,因此我很少用得上那辆梅赛德斯。亲爱的唐纳德,你有很好的品味,深知你母亲喜欢什么。那只鸡真的很好吃。

A:On the outskirts of town, there was a huge nut tree by the cemetery fence.A:在郊外的公墓的栅栏旁边,有一棵巨大的开心果树。B:Let's fill up a bucket with nuts and sit down by the tree, out of sight, and divide the nuts.B:我们摘满一桶,然后躲在树边的隐蔽处,平分开心果吧。A:One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.A:一颗给你,一颗给我。一颗给你,一颗给我。B:I hear the voices from inside the cemetery, with the same words. One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.B:我听到坟墓里有人发出声音,说着同样的话:一个给你,一个给我。一个给你,一个给我。A:Oh, my God. It is Satan and St.Peter dividing the souls at the cemetery.A:噢,我的天。这是撒旦和圣彼得在墓地里瓜分灵魂。B:Come here quick, you won't believe what I heard. Satan and St. Peter are down at the cemetery dividing the souls.B:快来,你不会相信我听到的声音。撒旦和圣彼得正在墓地里瓜分灵魂。C:Shoo, you brat, can't you see I am finding it hard to walk as it is.C:去,你这个坏孩子,没看到我连走路都困难了吗?B:One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me. Do you hear that?B:一个给你,一个给我。一个给你,一个给我。你们听到了吗?C:Boy, you have been telling the truth. Let's find out if we can see the devil himself.C:孩子,你说的都是实话。让我们看看能不能见到魔鬼本人。A:I heard. One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me. And the last one for you. That's all. Now let's go and get those nuts by the fence, and we will be done.A:我听到了。一个给你,一个给我。这最后一个给你。完了。现在我们去把栅栏边上的那几个弄过来,这样就全部结束了。

A:I come here to collect my husband's test results.A:我来取我丈夫的化验报告。B:I am sorry, madam, but there has been a bit of a mixup and we have a problem. B:很抱歉,夫人,发生了一点混乱,我们有一个问题。A:What is wrong?A:怎么了?B:When we sent the samples from your husband to the lab, the samples from another Mr.Smith were sent as well and we are now uncertain which one is your husband's result. Frankly, it is either bad or terrible!B:当我们把你丈夫的血样送到化验室的时候,另外一个史密斯先生的血样也送过来了,所以现在我们不能确定哪一份是你丈夫的报告单。实话跟你说,一份很糟糕,一份很可怕。A:What do you mean?A:那是什么意思?B:Well, one Mr. Smith has tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other for AIDS. We can't tell which is your husband.B:哦,一位史密斯先生被查出阿尔茨海默病阳性,另一位史密斯先生则是艾滋病阳性。我们分不清哪一份是你丈夫的。A:That's terrible! Can we do the test over?A:太可怕了!我们能不能再化验一次?B:Normally, yes. But you have an HMO, and they won't pay for these expensive tests more than once.B:在正常情况下是可以的。但是你有一份HMO保险单,他们只能支付一次这种昂贵的支付费用。A:Well, what am I supposed to do now?A:哦,那我现在要怎么办?B:The HMO recommends that you drop your husband off in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him.B:HMO建议你把丈夫丢在城中,如果他能够找到回家的路,你就不要和他睡觉。

1.Hurry up, or we will be late.

hurry up赶紧;in a hurry 匆忙,急忙。如:

I am in rather a hurry.


2.I found myself at a loss for words of consolation.


at a loss困惑,不知所措; cut one's losses趁损失不大马上住手;for a loss 处于苦恼中;throw sb. for a loss使某人苦恼。














































(一)Nursing Home养老院

The senior house doctor is doing his weekly rounds at the nursing home. He conducts a memory test with three elderly residents.

The doctor says to the first resident, “What's 3 times 3?”


Turing to the next resident, “What's 3 times 3?”


Turning to the third and final resident, the doctor says “Ok, your turn. What's 3 times 3?”


Startled, the doctor says, “Excellent, how did you come to that?”

“Simple, I subtracted 274 from Tuesday.”

(二)Just Wait Five Minutes就等五分钟

A man visits God and says, “Gods, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”

“No, ask me anything at all.”

So, the man says, “God, you have been around for a very long time, so, for you, how long is a thousand years?”

“For me, a thousand years is only five minutes.”

“That's interesting, God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?”

“For me, a million dollars is only five cents.”

“Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?”

“Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!”














1.We would be very if you could give a talk of about one hour.

2.I am delighted to accept the kind invitation of your company for party.

3.If , I would like to send someone in any place.

4.To our regret, I can't attend you owing to company duty which I have to finish at this time.

5.Please accept our congratulations on your promotion.

6.I should very much like to see you on awhich is of special interest to both of us.

7.If your time allows, we would like to have an to you for lunch after the meeting.

8.I am sorry to tell you that it may be impossible for us to meet during your trip.

9.My schedule has hardly been fixed when I will contact you .

10.Without your , it would have been difficult for me to finish my responsibility.

11.All theare requested to wear formal suits.

12.Could you let me know if their financial is considered strong?