
第15章 American Christmas美国人的圣诞节

Family visits, gift giving, holiday parties, decorations, and charity. And dont forget Santa Claus.

American Christmas

Once a simple observance in America, Christmas is now a complexcomplex adj.复杂的, 合成的, 综合的n.联合体 mixture of religious services, family visits, gift giving, holiday parties, decorationsdecoration n.装饰, 装饰品, and charity. And dont forget Santa Claus.




This has become the cliché of an American Christmas—a shopping frenzyfrenzy n.狂暴, 狂怒 that boosts the earnings of stores across the United States, and leaves shoppers exhausted and stressed. But Christmas is more than that.

For Americans, Christmas is a sentimental time, with friends and family being the priority. For Tyler Beasley, having his father home in time for Christmas was all he wanted. Tylers father Marine Sergeant Rodney Beasley, is stationed Iraq. But he did arrive home, and along with Santa Claus, came to Tylers classroom to surprise him. After a twoweek stay with his family, Sergeant Beasley returns to Iraq.

Every year, U.S. Marines hold an annual Christmas toy drive, where they collect toys and donations for underprivileged children. Volunteers take the children into a makeshift “store” where they are allowed to pick a few items for themselves. The “Toys for Tots” program is national campaign that has helped millions of children.




Across the United States, people use lights and decorations to mark the Christmas holidays. In one neighborhood in Texas, residents have outfitted their homes with thousands of lights. Some homes have specific themes, like politics or current events.

This homeowner explains why he decorates. “Most people are awedawed adj.充满敬畏的, 表示敬畏的 by it.” ‘I have never seen anything like this.’ And that makes us feel good. ‘It sort of makes it worth the effort it takes to put it up,” he says.

And for many Americans, an enduring symbol of Christmas is the National Christmas tree on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The President or the First Lady in a nighttime ceremony usually lights the tree. And finally, for many Christians, this candle could be the ultimate gift. In Minnesota, storeowner Kim Foels, is selling candles that claims to have the same scent as Jesus Christ.



对许多美国人来说,圣诞节的一个永久性象征是华盛顿国家大草坪上的国家圣诞树。在一个晚间庆祝仪式上,通常由总统或第一夫人点燃这棵树上的圣诞灯。对许多基督徒来说,圣诞蜡烛可能是最好的礼物。 在明尼苏达州,一个名叫金·弗尔斯的店主正在出售据他所说的带着耶稣清香之气的蜡烛。

She says the aromaaroma n.芳香, 香气, 香味 is very comfortingcomforting 安慰的; 令人鼓舞的. A devout Christian couple manufactured the candles. They based the candles scent on a biblical verse that says Jesus’ garments smell like myrrh, aloe and cassia.



第一章 British Christmas—Games, Goats and Carrots英式圣诞——游戏、山羊和胡萝卜

Everybody has a favourite Christmas memory. Fondness makes it easy to recall your cream of the crop of the UKs favourite holiday.

British Christmas—Games, Goats and Carrots

Everybody has a favourite Christmas memory. Fondnessfondness n.爱好, 溺爱 makes it easy to recall your creamcream n.乳酪, 奶油, (护肤)面霜 of the crop of the UKs favourite holiday.




Own Home

For Norfolk born Kevin, it was, “the first time I had Christmas in my own house. This was because I could plan and organise everything myself, everyone had a great time and the house so wonderfully warm and friendly for some time afterwardsafterwards adv.然后, 后来地. In addition I didnt have a horrendously long journey and was able to be with my cats.”

Games and Goats

Judy from Hoylake cannot decide on her absoluteabsolute adj.完全的, 绝对的 favourite. “Two Christmases stand out: One was the first Christmas after my grandparents came to live with us when I was about 11 years old.





“ This was the first time we had three generations together at Christmas and we had a lot of games. My mother and my grandmother had a fund of Victorian parlourparlour n.营业室 games which we played endlessly, and in secret, my grandfather taught me and my brothers how to play poker using matchsticks for ‘money’.

“The other Christmas was in Africa in a very remoteremote adj.遥远的, 偏僻的, 细微的 village. We had a very simple Christmas by Western standards, but the whole family had new clothes for Christmas day; we walked through the cool morning to Church and listened to a beautiful mass sung to African music and rhythms, and then had an open house at home with cauldronscauldron n.(=caldron)大锅炉 of food and kegs of palm wine for anyone who dropped by. My little children loved the freedom, and went with other children to fetch water from the spring and to collect food for the goats.”


