书城外语Le Mort d'Arthur

第269章 BOOK XVIII(2)

And then the noble knight,Sir Launcelot,departed with right heavy cheer suddenly,that none earthly creature wist of him,nor where he was become,but Sir Bors.So when Sir Launcelot was departed,the queen outward made no manner of sorrow in showing to none of his blood nor to none other.But wit ye well,inwardly,as the book saith,she took great thought,but she bare it out with a proud countenance as though she felt nothing nor danger.


How at a dinner that the queen made there was a knight enpoisoned,which Sir Mador laid on the queen.

AND then the queen let make a privy dinner in London unto the knights of the Round Table.And all was for to show outward that she had as great joy in all other knights of the Table Round as she had in Sir Launcelot.

All only at that dinner she had Sir Gawaine and his brethren,that is for to say Sir Agravaine,Sir Gaheris,Sir Gareth,and Sir Mordred.Also there was Sir Bors de Ganis,Sir Blamore de Ganis,Sir Bleoberis de Ganis,Sir Galihud,Sir Galihodin,Sir Ector de Maris,Sir Lionel,Sir Palomides,Safere his brother,Sir La Cote Male Taile,Sir Persant,Sir Ironside,Sir Brandiles,Sir Kay le Seneschal,Sir Mador de la Porte,Sir Patrise,a knight of Ireland,Aliduk,Sir Astamore,and Sir Pinel le Savage,the which was cousin to Sir Lamorak de Galis,the good knight that Sir Gawaine and his brethren slew by treason.And so these four-and-twenty knights should dine with the queen in a privy place by themself,and there was made a great feast of all manner of dainties.

But Sir Gawaine had a custom that he used daily at dinner and at supper,that he loved well all manner of fruit,and in especial apples and pears.And therefore whosomever dined or feasted Sir Gawaine would commonly purvey for good fruit for him,and so did the queen for to please Sir Gawaine;she let purvey for him all manner of fruit,for Sir Gawaine was a passing hot knight of nature.And this Pinel hated Sir Gawaine because of his kinsman Sir Lamorak de Galis;and therefore for pure envy and hate Sir Pinel enpoisoned certain apples for to enpoison Sir Gawaine.And so this was well unto the end of the meat;and so it befell by misfortune a good knight named Patrise,cousin unto Sir Mador de la Porte,to take a poisoned apple.And when he had eaten it he swelled so till he brast,and there Sir Patrise fell down suddenly dead among them.

Then every knight leapt from the board ashamed,and araged for wrath,nigh out of their wits.For they wist not what to say;considering Queen Guenever made the feast and dinner,they all had suspicion unto her.My lady,the queen,said Gawaine,wit ye well,madam,that this dinner was made for me,for all folks that know my condition understand that I love well fruit,and now I see well I had near been slain;therefore,madam,I dread me lest ye will be shamed.Then the queen stood still and was sore abashed,that she nist not what to say.This shall not so be ended,said Sir Mador de la Porte,for here have I lost a full noble knight of my blood;and therefore upon this shame and despite I will be revenged to the utterance.And there openly Sir Mador appealed the queen of the death of his cousin,Sir Patrise.Then stood they all still,that none would speak a word against him,for they all had great suspicion unto the queen because she let make that dinner.And the queen was so abashed that she could none other ways do,but wept so heartily that she fell in a swoon.With this noise and cry came to them King Arthur,and when he wist of that trouble he was a passing heavy man.


How Sir Mador appeached the queen of treason,and there was no knight would fight for her at the first time.

AND ever Sir Mador stood still afore the king,and ever he appealed the queen of treason;for the custom was such that time that all manner of shameful death was called treason.Fair lords,said King Arthur,me repenteth of this trouble,but the case is so I may not have ado in this matter,for I must be a rightful judge;and that repenteth me that I may not do battle for my wife,for as I deem this deed came never by her.And therefore I suppose she shall not be all distained,but that some good knight shall put his body in jeopardy for my queen rather than she shall be brent in a wrong quarrel.And therefore,Sir Mador,be not so hasty,for it may happen she shall not be all friendless;and therefore desire thou thy day of battle,and she shall purvey her of some good knight that shall answer you,or else it were to me great shame,and to all my court.

My gracious lord,said Sir Mador,ye must hold me excused,for though ye be our king in that degree,ye are but a knight as we are,and ye are sworn unto knighthood as well as we;and therefore I beseech you that ye be not displeased,for there is none of the four-and-twenty knights that were bidden to this dinner but all they have great suspicion unto the queen.What say ye all,my lords?

said Sir Mador.Then they answered by and by that they could not excuse the queen;for why she made the dinner,and either it must come by her or by her servants.Alas,said the queen,I made this dinner for a good intent,and never for none evil,so Almighty God me help in my right,as I was never purposed to do such evil deeds,and that I report me unto God.

My lord,the king,said Sir Mador,I require you as ye be a righteous king give me a day that I may have justice.Well,said the king,I give the day this day fifteen days that thou be ready armed on horseback in the meadow beside Westminster.And if it so fall that there be any knight to encounter with you,there mayst thou do the best,and God speed the right.And if it so fall that there be no knight at that day,then must my queen be burnt,and there she shall be ready to have her judgment.

I am answered,said Sir Mador.And every knight went where it liked them.

So when the king and the queen were together the king asked the queen how this case befell.The queen answered:So God me help,I wot not how or in what manner.Where is Sir Launcelot?said King Arthur;an he were here he would not grudge to do battle for you.