
第28章 The Cheater作弊者

To know that we know what we know and that we do not know what we do not know,that is true knowledge.

The Cheater

Donald was not very good at mathmath n.数学.

He could not understand the teachers explanations. Even when the teacher explained something a second time, Donald still could not understand it.

“Never mind,” Donald told himself. “Im quite good at other subjects. Ill cheat in the math exam, then I wont be in trouble.”






“Ill sit next to the boy whos best at math,” he thought, and copy down his answers.

The day of the exam came, and Donald sat next to Brian Smith, who always was at the top of the class in math.

Donald carefully copied Brians answers on to his own exam paper.

At the end of the exam, the teacher collected the papers and gradedgrade vt.评分, 评级 them.

Then she said, “Well, boys and girls, Ive decided to give a prizeprize n.奖赏, 奖金, 奖品, 捕获, 捕获物, 战利品 to the student who got the highest grade. Its difficult for me to decide who to give the prize to, however, because two students, Donald and Brian, got the same grade.

“Let them share it,” one of the other students said.

“Ive thought about that,” the teacher said, “but Ive decided to give the prize to Brian.”









Donald was angry when he heard this.

He stood up and said, “Thats not fair. I got the same grade as Brian. ”

“Thats true,” the teacher said. “However, Brians answer to Question 18 was ‘I dont know’. Yours was ‘Neither do I’.”


