And so, in a gentle fever of delight, you look uplook up v.向上看,尊敬,仰望,查寻,拜访,好转 the word for “too” in your dictionary, and you say, “Too hot?”It is one of the signs of our human kinshipkinship n.血族关系, and a blessing we never pause to appreciate, that in all languages, however the words may change, the vocalvocal adj.发嗓音的, 声音的, 有声的, 歌唱的 inflections have substantiallysubstantially adv.充分地 the same meaning:
You do not have to learn how to melodizemelodize v.谱成乐曲 a question in Russian, or a doubt, or a suspicion, or a declaration, or a caresscaress n.爱抚, 接吻. If you did, this industriousindustrious adj.勤勉的, 刻苦的 romance would probably run on the rocks in the first three minutes.
To your question, “Too hot?”, she will no doubt answer rapidly and at some length, forgetting your limitationslimitation n.限制, 局限性. Perhaps she will say, “Not if we could find a shady tree to sit under.”She will be a little shocked at your inability to graspgrasp vt.抓住, 抓紧, 掌握, 领会 this simple propositionproposition n.主张, 建议, 陈述, 命题. A flickerflicker n.扑动, 闪烁, 闪光, 颤动 of impatient contempt will cross her face. She has forgotten about your magnanimousmagnanimous adj.宽宏大量的, 有雅量的 offer to speak English, French, German, Italian or Bohemian. She has forgotten that there are any such languages.
She just primitivelyprimitively adv.最初地, 自学而成地 and quite naturally feels that a person who cant talk is a fool.
And here you must bring forward the second part of your equipment. But use it gently. Use it sparinglysparingly adv.节俭地, 保守地, for it is possible the experience may be too bitter, and her pride not strong enough to hold her to the task.
You may, I trust, have been able to isolateisolate vt.使隔离,使孤立,使绝缘,离折 one word in that insaneinsane adj.患精神病的, 精神病患者的, 极愚蠢的 rush of syllablessyllable n.[语]音节 that came out of her mouth. Look for it in your dictionary, and while you are looking, murmurmurmur v.发低沉连续的声音, 发怨言, 低声说 somewhat abstractedlyabstractedly adv.心不在焉的,出神的, “Is that a prepositionpreposition n.前置词,介词 or a participleparticiple n.分词?”
You will see that look of contempt upon her features give place to a flushflush n.奔流, 晕红, 激动, 萌芽, 活力旺盛, 发烧, 一手同花的五张牌, 惊鸟 and a catching of breath, and your companion will wrinklewrinkle n.皱纹 her brows, and lean over your shoulder to watch you find the word in your dictionary.
Her hair will brush your cheek helpfully, and her voice be all gentle sympathysympathy n.同情, 同情心 as she says, “Why, now, lets see, that must be—there it is! You understand?”
By this time no doubt you will have arrived at a shady tree, and at something far better than understanding, a consciousnessconsciousness n.意识, 知觉, 自觉, 觉悟, 个人思想 of your power.
You are in the peculiarpeculiar adj.奇怪的,罕见的,特殊的 position of knowing more than your teacher about the very subject she is going to teach.