
第2章 Borrowing a Book from the Library在图书馆借书

What makes life dreary is the want of motive.

Borrowing a Book from the Library

(A dialogue between a freshman and a librarian)

Librarian: Can I help you?

Zhang Hua: Yes, sir. I want to borrow a book from the library. But I dont know how to find it out, nor do I know how to borrow it.

Librarian: Are you newcomer?







Zhang hua: Yes, Im freshman. Its the first time for me to borrow a book from the library.

Librarian: No wonder you dont know. Its actually very simple. First,you need to find out the shelfshelf n.架子, 搁板 pressmark of the book you want in the cataloguecatalogue n.目录 card box. Then, you should fill the shelf pressmarkpressmark n.<英>(图书馆藏书上标的)书架号码 of the book in you checkout card and give it to me. I can pick the book out of the bookshelf very quickly according to the shelf pressmark on your checkout card. Finally, you should leave your card here till you return the book. Have you got it?

Zhang Hua: Yes, I have. Thank you very much for your introduction in detail.

Librarian: Dont mention it. Its my duty. Now, lets see what book youre going to borrow.





Zhang Hua: Im not quite sure. I just want to borrow a novel reflecting the American Civil War. You see, my major is history. I am very interested in the American history and literature.

Librarian: Thats easy. Ill recommendrecommend vt.推荐, 介绍, 劝告, 使受欢迎, 托付, the novel Gone with the Wind to you. Its written by Margaret Michael, an American female writer. Its based on the American Civil War and is a world famous novel. Many students like to read it.

Zhang Hua: Excellent! I heard of the novel and have seen the film adapted from the novel. Ill borrow it. Now, Ill consultconsult v.商量, 商议, 请教, 参考, 考虑 the shelf pressmark of the book in the catalogue card box. Many thanks to you for your help and recommendation!

Librarian: You are always welcome.



