
第15章 Society and Culture社会与文化(6)

The traditional American family is a “nuclear family”. A nuclear family refers to a husband and wife and their children. The average American family today has two or three children (and maybe a few pets). In some cultures,people live close to their extended family. Several generationsgeneration n.产生,发生,一代,一代人 may even live together. In America,only in a few cases does more than one household live under one roof.

American values receive a warm welcome in the home. Many homes are run like a democracydemocracy n.民主政治,民主主义. Each family member can have a say. A sense of equality often exists in American homes. Instead of fearing Mom and Dad,children may think of them as good friends. Husbands and wives often share household chores. In many cases,a child can enjoy privacy in his or her own bedroom. From an early age,children gain responsibility in handling money. They may receive a weekly allowance or even work parttime jobs. Often parents give children freedom to make their own decisionsdecision n.决定,决心,决议,结果,果断,坚定. Preschoolers choose what clothes to wear or which toys to buy. Young adults generally make their own choices about what career to pursue and whom to marry.

Families in America,like those in every culture,face many problems. Social pressures are breaking apart more and more American homes. Over half of U.S. marriages now end in divorce. More than one in four American children are growing up in singleparent homes. As a result,many people believe the American family is in trouble.

Even so,there is still reason for hope. Many organizations are working hard to strengthen families. Americans almost unanimouslyunanimously adj.全体一致地,无异议地 believe that the family is one of the most important parts of life. The vast majority also feel that the traditional twoparent family is best for children. They realize that problems in family life in recent years have brought about serious consequencesconsequence n.结果,[逻]推理,推论,因果关系,重要的地位. As a result,more and more people are making their family a priority. Many women are quitting their jobs to stay home with their children. Families are going on vacations and outings together. Husbands and wives are making a concentrated effort to keep their marriages solid.

The United Nations has declared 1994 the “International Year of the Family.” Not just in America,but all over the world,people recognize the importance of strong families. How do you strengthen the family bond? Do special things for each other. Talk to each other. Play together. Spend time together. Oh,and one more thing: be thankful for each other. If you have a family,every day should be Thanksgiving.








Family in France

Daily social relations are always dominated by family ties.The family has been the focus of the individual,s loyaltyloyalty n.忠诚,忠心 and affection,of his economic interest,and even of his legal duty.Many an old Frenchman spent his youth in a world where he was expected to regard his cousin,uncle,and grandmather as more important to him than his friends of his own age.

French family needs and demands were put before those of local community or even those of the state:“I can,t pay my taxes because I have a duty to support my uncle.”has been a common French attitude.

The main change since the war is that the focus of loyalty has been steadily narrowed from “extended family”to the “nuclear familynuclear family n.核心家庭,小家庭,基本家庭(只包括父母和子女的家庭)”.But,many younger couples today prefer pleasure travelling with couples of friends to reuion with big families at weekends or in August.

Moreover,for several decades,although French goverments anxiouslyanxiously adv.忧虑地,不安地 reacted react vi.起反应,起作用,反抗,起反作用in population growth,the French birthdate has been falling steadilysteadily adv.稳定地,有规则地 as in other Western countries.




