
第7章 Customs and Festivals风俗与节日(3)

February 14th is a complicatedcomplicated adj.复杂的,难解的but interesting holiday. First of all,Valentine,s Day is not a holiday from work. No one gets a day off. On Valentine,s Day people usually send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by. The cards are called “valentines”valentine n.情人,情人节礼物. They are very colourful,often decorated with hearts,flowers or birds,and have humorous or sentimentalsentimental adj.感伤性的,感情脆弱的 verses printed inside. The basic message of the verse is always “Be My Valentine”,“Be My Sweet Heart” or “Lover”. A valentine is anonymous,or sometimes signed “Guess who”. The person receiving it has to guess who sent it. This can lead to interesting speculationspeculation n.思索,做投机买卖. And that,s half the fun of valentines.

The affectionateaffectionate adj.亲爱的,挚爱的 message might be carried by a heart shaped box of chocolate candies,or by a bouquetbouquet n.花束 of flowers tied with red ribbonribbon n.缎带,丝带,带,带状物,带子. But in whatever form,the message is the same - “Will you be my valentine?”

One of the symbols of St. Valentine,s Day is the Roman god of Love,called Cupid. Cupid is often printed on the card,who is wingedwinged adj.有翼的,迅速的,飞行的,翼受伤的 infant without wearing anything,poised to shoot his arrow into a heart. He would shoot an arrow of love into a person,s heart to make the person fall in love immediately,maybe with the first person to come along. Sometimes one arrow would go through two hearts,holding them together. So on February 14th not only do we have picture of the ChristianChristian n.基督徒,信徒 adj.基督教的,信基督教的 St. Valentine but we also have pictures of the nonChristian Cupid,the Roman god of Love.

But it is from the Christians that we get the stories about Valentine,s Day that most people have come to believe. One story is about a Christian man whose name sounded something like “Valentine.” He lived around 250 A.D. At that time the Roman Emperor Claudius refused to allow any Roman soldiers to get married for any reason whatsoeverwhatsoever pron.无论什么. Christian couples came to Valentine to be married. So Valentine would marry them in a Christian way. He was discovered and put in prison by the Emperor.One tradition says that he wrote notes to his friends by marking on leaves and then throwing them out the window of his prison. And the leaves were shaped like a heart.

There are many favourite songs of Valentine,s Day. Here is one of them: Let me call you sweetheart,I,m in love with you. Let me hear you whisperwinged adj.有翼的,迅速的,飞行的,翼受伤的,that you love me,too. Keep the lovelight shiningshining adj.光亮的,华丽的,in your eyes so true. Let me call you sweetheart,I,m in love with you.






人们喜欢唱的情人节歌曲有很多。下面就是一首: 让我叫你一声甜蜜爱人吧,我已坠入了你的爱河,请你悄悄给我说一声,你也爱上了我。让爱之光照着我,那是你眼中喷出的真挚情火,让我叫你一声甜蜜爱人吧,我已坠入了你的爱河。


One story about Jack,an Irishman,who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingystingy adj.吝啬的,小气的,缺乏的,有刺的with his money. So he was sent to hellhell n.地狱,苦境,阴间,地狱中的人,训斥. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan),so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lanternlantern n.灯笼,提灯,幻灯,信号,天窗.

Well,Irish children made Jack,s lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnipturnip n.[植]芜箐,芜箐甘蓝,hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was “Jack with the lantern” or “Jack of the lantern,” abbreviated as “ Jacko,lantern” and now spelled “jackolantern.”

The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children,s fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary elementary adj.初步的,基本的,[化]元素的,自然力的school.

Children would make Halloween decorations,all kinds of orangepaper jackolanterns. And from black paper you,d cut “scary” designs -an evil witch with a pointed hat riding through the sky on a broomstickbroomstick n.帚柄,maybe with black bats flying across the moon,and that meant bad luck. And of course black cats for more bad luck. Sometimes a black cat would ride away into the sky on the back of the witch,s broom.

And on Halloween night we,d dress up in Mom or Dad,s old shoes and clothes,put on a mask,and be ready to go outside. The little kids (children younger than we were) had to go with their mothers,but we older ones went together to neighbors,houses,ringing their doorbell and yellingyell vi.大叫,忍不住笑,呼喊 vt.叫着说,“Trick or treat!” meaning,“Give us a treat (something to eat) or we,ll play a trick on you!” The people inside were supposed to come to the door and comment on our costumes.

Oh! here,s a ghost. Oh,there,s a witchwitch n.巫婆,女巫,迷人的女子 vt.施巫术,迷惑. Oh,here,s an old lady.