
第7章 The 1,000,000 BankNote(7)

“Right, it was the What Cheer, went there at two in the morning, and had a chopchop n.砍, 排骨, 官印, 商标vt.剁碎, 砍, (风浪)突变 and coffee after a hard sixhours grind over those Extension papers, and I tried to persuade you to come to London with me, and offered to get leave of absence for you and pay all your expenses, and give you something over if I succeeded in making the sale, and you would not listen to me, said I wouldnt succeed, and you couldnt afford to lose the run of business and be no end of time getting the hang of things again when you got back home. And yet here you are. How odd it all is! How did you happen to come, and whatever did give you this incredibleincredible adj.<口>难以置信的 start?”


“Oh, just an accident. Its a long story—a romance, a body may say. Ill tell you all about it, but not now.”




“The end of this month.”


“Thats more than a fortnight yet. Its too much of a strain on a persons curiosity. Make it a week.”


“I cant. Youll know why, by and by. But hows the trade getting along?”


His cheerfulness vanishedvanish vi.消失, 突然不见, [数]成为零 n.[语]弱化音 like a breath, and he said with a sigh: “You were a true prophet, Hal, a true prophet. I wish I hadnt come. I dont want to talk about it.”


“But you must. You must come and stop with me tonight, when we leave here, and tell me all about it.”


“Oh, may I? Are you in earnest?” and the water showed in his eyes.


“Yes, I want to hear the whole story, every word.”


“Im so grateful! Just to find a human interest once more, in some voice and in some eye, in me and affairs of mine, after what Ive been through here—lord! I could go down on my knees for it!”


He grippedgrip vt.紧握, 紧夹 n.掌握, 控制, 把手 v.抓住 my hand hard, and braced up, and was all right and lively after that for the dinner—which didnt come off. No, the usual thing happened, the thing that is always happening under that vicious and aggravatingaggravate vt.使恶化, 加重 English system—the matter of precedence couldnt be settled, and so there was no dinner. Englishmen always eat dinner before they go out to dinner, because they know the risks they are running; but nobody ever warns the stranger, and so he walks placidly into trap. Of course, nobody was hurt this time, because we had all been to dinner, none of us being novices excepting Hastings, and he having been informed by the minister at the time that he invited him that in deference to the English custom he had not provided any dinner. Everybody took a lady and processioned down to the diningroom, because it is usual to go through the motions, but there the disputedispute v.争论, 辩论, 怀疑, 抗拒, 阻止, 争夺(土地,胜利等) n.争论, 辩论, 争吵 began. The Duke of Shoreditch wanted to take precedence, and sit at the head of the table, holding that he outranked a minister who represented merely a nation and not a monarchmonarch n.君主, but I stood for my rights, and refused to yield. In the gossip column I ranked all dukes not royal, and said so, and claimed precedence of this one. It couldnt be settled, of course, struggle as we might and did, he finally (and injudiciously) trying to play birth and antiquityantiquity n.古代, 古老, 古代的遗物, and I “seeing” his Conqueror and “raising” him with Adam, whose direct posterity I was, as shown by my name, while he was of a collateralcollateral adj.间接的 branch, as shown by his, and by his recent Norman origin, so we all processioned back to the drawingroom again and had a perpendicular lunch—plate of sardines and a strawberrystrawberry n.[植]草莓, and you group yourself and stand up and eat it. Here the religion of precedenceprecedence n.优先, 居先 is not so strenuous, the two persons of highest rank chuck up a shilling, the one that wins has first go at his strawberry, and the loser gets the shilling. The next two chuck up, then the next two, and so on. After refreshmentrefreshment n.点心, 饮料, 精力恢复, 爽快, tables were brought, and we all played cribbage, sixpence a game. The English never play any game for amusement. If they cant make something or lose something—they dont care which—they wont play.
