
第8章 The Man Higher Up(4)


“There was an old, deserted cabin in the grove, and we three took possession of it. After dark Bill Bassett tells us to wait, and goes out for half an hour. He comes back with a armful of bread and spareribssparerib n.小排骨, 带肉肋骨 and pies.


“‘Panhandledem at a farmhousefarmhouse n.农场里的住房, 农舍, 农家 on Washita Avenue.’ says he.‘Eat, drink and be leary.’


“The full moon was coming up bright, so we sat on the floor of the cabin and ate in the light of it. And this Bill Bassett begins to brag.


“‘Sometimes,’ says he, with his mouth full of country produce, ‘I lose all patience with you people that think you are higher up in the profession than I am. Now, what could either of you have done in the present emergency to set us on our feet again? Could you do it, Ricksy?’


“‘I must confess, Mr. Bassett,’ says Ricks, speaking nearly inaudibleinaudible adj.听不见的, 不可闻的 out of a slice of pie, ‘that at this immediate juncture I could not, perhaps, promote an enterprise to relieve the situation. Large operations, such as I direct, naturally require careful preparation in advance. I—’


“‘I know, Ricksy,’ breaks in Bill Bassett. ‘You neednt finish. You need 500 to make the first payment on a blond typewritertypewriter n.打字机, and four roomsful of quartered oak furniture. And you need 500 more for advertising contracts. And you need two weeks’ time for the fish to begin to bite. Your line of relief would be about as useful in an emergency as advocating municipal ownershipmunicipal ownership 市政所有权 to cure a man suffocated by eightycent gas. And your graft aint much swifter, Brother Peters.’ he winds up.


“‘Oh,’ says I, ‘I havent seen you turn anything into gold with your wand yet, Mr. Good Fairy. Most anybody could rub the magic ring for a little leftover victuals.’


“‘That was only getting the pumpkin ready.’ says Bassett, braggy and cheerful. ‘The coach and sixll drive up to the door before you know it, Miss Cinderella. Maybe youve got some scheme under your sleeveholders that will give us a start.’


“‘Son,’ says I, ‘Im fifteen years older than you are, and young enough yet to take out an endowment policyendowment policy n. 人寿保险单. Ive been broke before. We can see the lights of that town not half a mile away. I learned under Montague Silver, the greatest street man that ever spoke from a wagon. There are hundreds of men walking those streets this moment with grease spots on their clothes. Give me a gasolinegasoline n.汽油 lamp, a drygoods box, and a twodollar bar of white castile soapcastile soap n.橄榄香皂(用橄榄油和碱制成的), cut into little—’


“‘Wheres your two dollars?’ snickered Bill Bassett into my discoursediscourse n.演讲, 论述, 论文, 讲道, 谈话, 谈论 vi.谈论, 演说. There was no use arguing with that burglar.


“‘No,’ he goes on, ‘youre both babesinthewood. Finance has closed the mahoganymahogany n.[植]桃花心木, 其木材, 红褐色 desk, and trade has put the shutters up. Both of you look to labor to start the wheels going. All right. You admit it. Tonight Ill show you what Bill Bassett can do.’


“Bassett tells me and Ricks not to leave the cabin till he comes back, even if its daylight, and then he starts off toward town, whistling gay.


“This Alfred E. Ricks pulls off his shoes and his coat, lays a silk handkerchief over his hat, and lays down on the floor.


“‘I think I will endeavorendeavor n.努力, 尽力 vi.尽力, 努力 to secure a little slumber.’ he squeaks. ‘The day has been fatiguing. Goodnight, my dear Mr. Peters.’


“‘My regards to Morpheus.’ says I. ‘I think Ill sit up a while.’


“About two oclock, as near as I could guess by my watch in Peavine, home comes our laboring man and kicks up Ricks, and calls us to the streak of bright moonlight shining in the cabin door. Then he spreads out five packages of one thousand dollars each on the floor, and begins to cacklecackle n.咯咯声, 高声笑, 饶舌, 闲谈 vi.咯咯叫,咯咯笑,喋喋不休 over the nestegg like a hen.


“‘Ill tell you a few things about that town.’ says he. ‘Its named Rocky Springs, and theyre building a Masonic temple, and it looks like the Democratic candidate for mayor is going to get soaked by a Pop, and Judge Tuckers wife, who has been down with pleurisypleurisy n.[医] 肋膜炎, 胸膜炎, is getting some better. I had a talk on these liliputian thesises before I could get a siphonsiphon n.虹吸管 in the fountain of knowledge that I was after. And theres a bank there called the Lumbermans Fidelity and Plowmans Savings Institution. It closed for business yesterday with 23,000 cash on hand. It will open this morning with 18,000—all silver—thats the reason I didnt bring more. There you are, trade and capital. Now, will you be bad?’


“‘My young friend,’ says Alfred E. Ricks, holding up his hands, ‘have you robbed this bank? Dear me, dear me!’
