More than 2 million people visit the reef each year generating more than AU2 billion in tourism dollars, making tourism a major earner for the northeastern Australian economy. Tourists are carried to the reef system by more than 500 commercial vessels, and tourism is permitted through nearly all the Park. Most of the Reef is part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and various parts of it are protected in certain ways - for example, fishing is restricted in some areas, particular animals - like whales, dolphins, green turtles and dugong - are protected.
But visitors value the reef,s beauty and diversity - that,s why they visit after all - and there is support from tourism operators and tourists as well as government agencies to develop approaches to tourism sustainable over the longer term.
One tourist who cares little for the beauty and diversity of the Great Barrier Reef system is the Crown of Thorns starfish. Since the 1960s the Crown of Thorns has been destroying the corals which make up the reef. Crown of Thorns outbreaks go through a series of stages which can take from 1 to 15 years. The impact of a Crown of Thorns infestationinfestation n.(害虫, 盗贼等)群袭, 出没, 横行 on sea and bird life can be significant as the corals, which support and sustain this life, die.
Disappearance of the coral gardens also has an impact on human activity - as the Great Barrier Reef,s visitors are largely drawn to the area to experience the reef. The Australian Federal Government supports a range of research programs to investigate Crown of the Thorns starfish, their impact on the reef system and possible biological and other control mechanisms for them.
The latest scourge of the reef is bleaching, where corals have died in large numbers. This phenomenon is not exclusive to Queensland,s Great Barrier Reef, but has been observed on reefs throughout the world. It is thought the bleaching has been caused by rises in water temperature related to the El Nino effect, although the evidence is not conclusive.
Even with these problems and challenges the Great Barrier Reef is still one of the natural wonders of the world - an environment of extraordinary beauty and richness, with a diversity of plant, animal and sea life which makes it essential we conserve and preserve it, and maintain it as great place to relax and experience part of Australia,s natural heritageheritage n.遗产, 继承权, 传统.
Blue Mountain蓝山
澳大利亚蓝山山脉(Blue Mountain)的众多溪谷已经成为各地溪降者们追逐的新贵。该山脉位于悉尼以西100公里,属新南威尔士州。之所以得名蓝山,是因为当地的桉树所挥发的一种气体折射阳光造成了独一无二的蓝色景观。这里溪谷幽深狭长,溪流经年累月地冲刷沙岩,形成了一个个竖直的缝道。很多溪谷深达50米,但入口宽度却不到1米,往往抬头只见一线蓝天,但下到深处却会发现别有洞天。这些包裹在山腹中的溪谷里藏有瀑布、深潭、岩洞、隧道和各种珍奇漂亮的动植物,溪降者每次都会有新奇的发现。(欧洲阿尔卑斯山脉是最早也是最出名的溪降圣地。因为溪降运动发源于欧洲,酷爱这一运动的人们首先看上了横亘西班牙、法国、瑞士等国的阿尔卑斯山脉。其中位于法国的Verdon山谷和Calanques溪谷是最出名的溪降地。)经常有人在此举行越野比赛,内容包括溪降、攀岩、独木舟漂流、山地自行车、丛林越野等等,通常要求参赛队员连续几天在野外穿行以考验意志力和探险的能力。
Blue Mountain, known on some maps as the Abajo range, is one of three laccoliths found in San Juan County. Formed by magmamagma n.(有机物或矿物的)稀糊, 岩浆, [药]乳浆剂 that pushed up the earth,s crust, Blue Mountain, La Sal Mountain, and Navajo Mountain bring to this part of the Colorado Plateau important lifegiving resources. Each of these formations provides moisturemoisture n.潮湿, 湿气 from the springs at their bases, the storms they attract in the summer, and the snows in the winter. In a land of little precipitation, the average thirtyfive inches of water that annually falls on the mountain stands in stark contrast to the ten inches found in the canyonscanyon n.<美>峡谷, 溪谷 and mesasmesa n.[地]台地, 岩石台地, 平顶山 below.
The Blue Mountain Story
In the fertile and precious Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Blue Mountain Vineyard and Cellars reigns high in its ability to make internationalcalibre wines that are consistent in quality and style from year to year, regardless of the seasonal variables nature deals. Along with exceptional terrainterrain n.地形, owners Jane and Ian Mavety credit their success to the integrity of their estate.
To the Mavety family, “estate” means more than the piece of land; it extends to the practice of both viticultureviticulture n.葡萄栽培 and wine making by the same owneroperators. At Blue Mountain, it also means the use of 100% estategrown grapes. Following the estate concept to its fullest extent sets Blue Mountain apart from most North American wineries. Indeed, in the burgeoning industry of the Okanagan Valley, Blue Mountain can make the rare claim of more than 30 years of continuous grape production by one family.
In 1971, as Lan completed his Agriculture degree, the Mavetys acquired the land which is now their vineyard. It is a site that has epitomized the wine industry in British Columbia - the undeniably striking scene of Blue Mountain,s vineyard has been cover material for many travel publications. Overlooking Vaseaux Lake, surrounded by protected wilderness area and framed by steep blue mountains, the prized geography of undulating hills and mountain protection was swiftly recognized to offer varying microclimates. The enormous potential prompted the Mavetys to establish the vineyardvineyard n.葡萄园.
For 21 years the Mavetys supplied premium grapes to commercial wineries when finally the allure of producing quality wines inspired them to craft their own label in 1991. In that time, they had championed new grape varieties in the region, honed their viticulture skills and developed their wine making techniques. Today, on their 26hectare estate, they make limited quantities of complex wines from noble varietals including Pinot Noir, Gamay Noir, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc and Chardonnay - the same varietals found in the Champagne, Burgundy and Alsace regions of France. In the vineyard, methods favor low crop yields to concentrate and intensify flavours. While using modern equipment in the winery, wine making is respectful of traditional methods.