This yearly festival was later brought to the other regions of the world, including continental Europe and North America. Irish immigrants brought several customs with them, including one of the symbols most commonly associated with Halloween - the “Jack Lantern”.
According to Irish folklore, there once lived a man named Jack who was known for being a drunk and a prankster. One night Jack tricked the devil into climbing a tree, and quickly carved an image of a cross on the trunk, trapping the devil. Jack then made him promise that, in exchange for letting him out of the tree, the Devil would never tempt him to sin again. He reluctantly agreed, but was able to exact his revenge upon Jack,s death. Because of his mischievous ways in life, Jack was barred from entering heaven and because of his earlier trick; he was also barred from hell. So he was doomed to wander the earth until the end of time, with only a “Jack Lanterns” to warm him.
In Ireland, they originally used turnips for their “Jack Lanterns”, but upon arriving in north America, they discovered that pumpkins were abundant and easier to carve out.
万圣节在爱尔兰被叫做Samhain,公元第5 世纪开始被称为万圣节。
Samhain在10月31 日到11月1 日举行。在这段时间,据说在我们的世界和亡者世界的边界力量减弱,新近去世的鬼会还魂,附在活人的身上。
Adrenaline Junkies of All Ages Flock to Pamplona
Spain,s San Fermin bullrunning fiesta attracts all manner of thrillseekers.
“I,ve never been seriously injured. I lost my kidney one year,” said Bomber, a 56yearold Californian, after one early morning run.
Fellow American R.J. Smith of Spokane, Washington, ran with the bulls in Pamplona for the 31st time this year, despite a long white scar from a bull,s goring on his buttock and a false hip beneath it which bear witness to his bullrunning addiction.
Some come to San Fermin for the fiesta and never see a bull, some come to see their friends and others to follow writer Ernest Hemingway,s footsteps. But for many the bullrunning fiesta, which takes places from July 6 to 14, has become a mecca for adrenaline junkies from all over the world.
Smith, a 67yearold former air force pilot who still hangglides on skis, says bullrunning is obsessive.
“It draws you. Once you do it you want to do it again and again and again.” That seemed to be the case for his godson who came to Pamplona for the second time this year, despite swearing after his first experience he never would.
“I got out and I said I,m never doing this ever again. It scared me so damn bad,” Daniel Voltz told reporters the night before the first of this year,s runs. He ran the following morning along the slippery cobbled streets and survived unscathed.
That day, in an unusually clean run, only five people were taken to hospital.
Bomber says he has missed only one fiesta in the last 33 years.
“It,s very very difficult, your adrenaline ... and your imagination (are) running and it,s very hard not to run.”
Extreme sport aficionados say there,s nothing quite like a 1,300pound beast pointing his deadly horns at you with no one there to bail you out.
“I,ve done bungee jumping, parachuting, parascending, diving ... always finding the next stupid thing to do ... This is the best so far. I,m not sure what follows,” said Mark Kinder, a 31yearold information technology manager from England.
“I,m a little bit of an adrenaline junkie.”
Thanks and Apologies
As the American people,s concept of being polite is different from that held here, I,d like to discuss with you the use of “please”, “excuse me” and “thank you”. I have noticed that the Chinese people use “please” as often as we do on most occasions. But on some occasions they don,t use this word. For instance, Chinese teachers rarely say “please sit down” when their students have answered their questions and the traffic police here are also not accustomed to using “please” when they are on duty.
We say “please pass me the salt” instead of stretching out our arms to reach for it. So don,t forget to say “please” whenever the situation requires it if you are in the United States.
I believe we say “excuse me” more often and on more occasions than the Chinese people. We say “Excuse me” when we need to pass in front of someone, to leave a party or the dinner table or when we want to excuse ourselves from company or find ourselves late for an appointment and so on.
“Thank you” means that you appreciate what someone has done for you, very often very small and most ordinary things. So we in the West thank people all day long.
美国人对礼貌的概念与中国也有所不同。在这里,我想和你们一起讨论一下“请(please)”、“对不起(excuse me)”和“谢谢(thank you)”的用法。我注意到,在大多数场合,中国人和我们一样常常用“请”这个词,但在某些场合你们又不用。比如,中国教师在他们的学生回答问题后很少说“请坐”,中国的交通警在他们值勤时也不太习惯用“请”这个词。
Morals in Americans