
第79章 University of Alabama: Touching lives



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The University of Alabama (UA) is a public coeducational university located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States. Founded in 1831, it is the flagship university of the University of Alabama System, as well the senior and the largest in terms of enrollment among all of the universities in Alabama. As an academy-style

institution during the Antebellum period, the university emphasized the classics and the social and natural sciences.Numerous historical landmarks dot the campus, including the President"s Mansion, Denny Chimes, Foster Auditorium (a National Historical Landmark), and Maxwell Observatory.As one of the first public universities established in the early 19th century southwestern frontier of the United States, the University of Alabama has left a vast cultural imprint on the state, region and nation over the past two centuries.

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System: The university contains 13 colleges and schools, including the schools of arts and sciences, education, engineering, law, nursing and more. These colleges and schools offer a wide variety of bachelor"s, master"s, educational Specialist and doctoral degrees. College of Arts and Sciences, Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration, College of Communication and Information Sciences, College of Community Health Sciences, College of Continuing Studies, College of Education, College of Engineering, Graduate School, College of Human Environmental Sciences, School of Law, Capstone College of Nursing, School of Social Work. Eight of those divisions (A&S, C&BA, C&IS, Education, Engineering, HES, Nursing, and Social Work) grant undergraduate degrees. Degrees in those eight divisions at the master"s, specialist, and doctoral level are awarded through the Graduate School.

City Show: Tuscaloosa is the regional center of industry, commerce, healthcare, and education for the area of west-central Alabama known as West Alabama. Typical of the Deep South, Tuscaloosa experiences a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons. The Gulf of Mexico heavily influences the climate by supplying the region with warm, moist air. During the fall, winter, and spring seasons, the interaction of this warm, moist air with cooler, drier air from the North.


imprint [imprint] n. 印记;痕迹;特征

commerce [km(:)s] n. 贸易;商业

humid [hju:mid] adj. 湿润的;潮湿的

subtropical [sbtrpikl] adj. 亚热带的

moist [mist] adj. 潮湿的;多雨的






The way stretches endless ahead, I shall search through heaven and earth.


Life is indeed valuable; even higher is the price of love; if for the sake of liberty, both can be sacrificed.
