
第86章 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry



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The State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) is an American, specialized, doctoral-granting

institution based in the University Hill neighborhood of Syracuse, New York, immediately adjacent to Syracuse University, within which it was founded, and with whom it maintains a special relationship. Founded in 1911 to "help in the solution of forestry problems", the New York State College of Forestry was founded in partnership with Syracuse University. With the formation of the State University of New York in 1948, the College became recognized as a specialized college within the state university system, having been state-supported from the very beginning. The name was changed to the State University College of Forestry at Syracuse University.In 1972, the College"s name and focus were changed yet again, to better reflect the tradition and grounding of forestry in the environment, and the capabilities of academic programs. By special act of the New York State Legislature, the College became the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. ESF is a "specialized institution" of the State University of New York, meaning the College"s curricula focus on the understanding, management and sustainability of the environment and natural resources. Since it was founded in 1911 as the New York State College of Forestry, the college has expanded its initial emphasis on forestry to include professional education in environmental science, landscape architecture, environmental studies, and engineering in addition to distinguished programs in the biological and physical sciences.

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Academics: ESF has academic departments in the fields of chemistry; construction management and wood products engineering; environmental and forest biology; environmental resources and forest engineering; environmental science; environmental studies; forest and natural resources management; landscape architecture; and paper and bioprocess engineering.

City show: Syracuse is one of the few cities in the nation situated at the crossing point of two superhighways. It offers many cultural, recreational, and educational opportunities, including a symphony orchestra, museums, live theater, and historic points of interest. Syracuse has a humid continental climate and is known for its snowfall. Larger snowfalls do occur occasionally, and even more so in the northern suburbs.


bioprocess [baprses, -prses] n.


situate [sitjueit] vt. 使位于;使处于

superhighway [sju:phaiwei] n. 高速公路

symphony [simfni] n. 交响乐;和声

orchestra [:kistr, :kestr] n. 管弦乐队

continental [kntinentl] adj. 大陆的;大陆性的





纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院位于纽约州的雪城市"大学山",居高临下,可以俯瞰奥内达加湖。雪城市是纽约州中部最大的城市,拥有丰富的文化资源。雪城市居纽约州中部,素有 "中部纽约"之称。


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