
第10章 爱心天使(2)


Briton Who Saved Jews Remembered


A British agent who saved thousands of Jews from the Nazis is being remembered with a plaque being placed outside the British embassy in Berlin.


Frank Foley was based in Berlin in the 1930s, working as a passport control officer, and using his position to provide papers for Jewish people.


It is believed Mr Foley saved tens of thousands of lives, even hiding people in his own home.


Foreign Secretary Jack Straw described him as “a true British hero”.

英国外交大臣杰克·司特劳称他是 “真正的大不列颠英雄”。

Eyewitnesses recall Mr Foley as an unassuming hero - a small, slightly overweight man with round glasses .


But he was actually Britain,s top spy in the city.


He not only interpreted the rules on visas loosely, enabling Jews to escape to Britain and Palestine, but he also helped to forge passports.


And, despite not having diplomatic immunity, he gave shelter to some people in his own home.


Mr Foley,s efforts have already been recognised by Israel, which declared him a righteous gentile, like Oskar Schindler, and he has also been honoured by his home town of Stourbridge in the West Midlands.


Michael Smith of the Daily Telegraph, who wrote a book about him, said that although it is not known exactly how many lives Mr Foley saved, archive evidence would suggest the number was in the tens of thousands.


He said, “With Schindler you had 1,400 people working in a factory, working with him, they worked closely together. Their lives were together.”


“So when they moved to Palestine, which later became Israel, they are all talking to each other, they are still on the phone to each other even if they are not living in Israel - they have a collective memory of what Schindler did.”


“But with Foley a lot of the people he helped probably didn,t even know he helped them.”


“They were helped in ones or twos or in small family units - five or six people perhaps. They have got to Palestine. They have a visa they know they shouldn,t have - they are not going to talk about it.”


When Love Was the Adventure


On a cold January morning in 1936, George V was given a king,s burial. Following his coffin was his eldest son, the handsome, much loved, Prince of Wales. He was about to be proclaimed the next king of England. He was that exceptional thing: a model royal. He was at ease in every company. Everyone expected him to shake the stuffiness out of the monarchy. But as time passed, as he span between the royal duties, people began to remark that the prince was approaching 40 and still unmarried. Only a privileged few knew that he,d been stepping out with the mysterious American, a woman who was cheating on her husband with the future king of England. This was the lady known as Wallis Simpson, whom he was determined to marry.


So now he was king, but no one could persuade him to give up Wallis. Not even Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin who spoke for the nation when he said Britain did not want an American divorcee for a queen. Ministerial car shuttled between Westminster and Buckingham Palace but the king could not be budged. He was forced to abdicate and all over the country flags flew at halfmast.


In the summer of 1937 there was a quiet wedding in France. The couple looked a bit nervous, especially the groom, but only a year before he,d been a king. Now he and his wife would be called the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.


So now the man who,d given up a kingdom and a woman who,d given up two husbands embarked on their endless round of fun and gaiety. In the war years they,d been trapped in the Bahamas, but emerged every now and then to attend the great cultural festivals where they startled the locals with the brilliance of their attire. But the man who,d been a king found he was now only a celebrity. There were even rumors that he and the duchess were breaking up so they had to parade their devotion for the cameras.


Four years later it was the nation,s turn to mourn the Duke and to reflect on one man,s decision to trade the crown of England for the love of Wallis and the price they had both had to pay.
