
第3章 政坛精英(3)

As Ramos rose through the ranks of the Philippine military, he knew better than most the excesses of the Marcos regime. He had frequently thought of quitting, but had stayed out of loyalty to his men. “I have so many thousands of people to whom I am responsible,” Ramos told his friends. “I cannot just quit.” Besides, Marcos himself had promoted his savvy younger cousin to head the militaryled national police force.


Eventually, the break came. At 4 p.m. on February 21, 1986, MajorGeneral Fidel Ramos was preparing to face a gathering of angry neighbors. Juan Ponce Enrile, the defense minister, was asking him to join an uprising against Marcos.


Moments later, Amelita Ramos ushered the neighbors into their living room. The Philippines,s secondranking military officer sat patiently as his friends pleaded. “Please, sir,” one of his neighbors implored, “for the good of the country, resign. Leave Marcos.” Like most Filipinos, they believed the recent elections had been arranged by Marcos, denying Cory Aquino her rightful place as the new president of the Philippines.


As his neighbors left his house, Ramos was ready to join Enrile. Together they hoped to rally the philipine military to Aquino,s side, praying that enough popular support could be generated to keep themselves from being slaughtered by Marcos loyalists.


Four days later, the massive demonstrations fueled by the defections of Ramos and Enrile had triumphed. Marcos and his notorious freespending wife, Imelda, were forced to flee the country. Cory Aquino became the new president, and the People Power revolution quickly became a worldwide symbol of democracy.


Ramos, Aquino,s first military chief of staff and later her defense secretary, was at one point urged by officers to join an attempted coup. But he held firm to his belief in the democratic process. In 1992, Aquino endorsed Ramos in the sixcandidate race to succeed her.


Standing for Freedom:Madeleine Albright


President Clinton,s key advisers could hardly believe their ears when Madeleine K. Albright put it straight to tough guy Russian Foreign Minister Primakov.


Tense negotiations were under way in the State Department conference room. Primakov was insisting that Moscow could not accept a NATO committed to the defense of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic - the very states forced into the Soviet empire 50 years ago.


Fixing her eyes on his, Albright said firmly, “Neither the President nor I will allow the security or the rights of the Eastern European states to be bargained away.”


Primakov, the former chief of the Russian foreign intelligence service, had no answer for such simple yet resolute words that left no diplomatic wiggle room.


Secretary of State Madeleine Albright may look like a pleasantly rumbled housewife, eyes round and bright as full moons. But being an aide and security agent, she tools across the globe with the zeal of a supersaleswoman.


Her consuming wok is to explain to Americans the puzzles of postCold War foreign policy when, as she told Reader,s Digest, we confront “not an enemy with a face,” but huge problems such as international terrorism and nuclear proliferation.


Albright is particularly wellsuited to the job., Certainly on American Secretary of State in history could approach her personal experiences: a family run out of Prague, Czechoslovakia, first by Adolf Hitler, then by Joseph Stalin. Those dreadful events set her far apart from the rest of Clinton,s national security staffers - many of them postwar baby boomers whose views of the world were formed during the counterculture protests of the Vietnam War. Albright,s own life has taught her the meaning of freedom, the importance of national security - and the vital role the United States plays in restoring the world to order.


She was born on May 15, 1937, in Prague to Jewish parents. Shortly after Hitler arrived in Prague in March 1939, her father, Josef Korbel, a Czech diplomat, escaped with his wife and twoyearold daughter to a basement apartment in London, The city was soon in the middle of the Nazi blitz. “I spent huge portions of my life in airraid shelters, singing A Hundred Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall,” Albright said.