
第1章 New Zealand Overview(1)


美丽的新西兰位于大洋洲的西南方,紧邻澳大利亚,始建于公元1000年,由玻利维亚人发现,后经欧洲移民后裔开发和建设。有“白云之乡” (The land of the long white cloud) 美誉的岛国新西兰,像一叶扁舟漂浮在西南太平洋上。新西兰西隔塔斯曼海与澳大利亚相望,西距澳大利亚1600公里,北邻汤加、斐济,扼南太平洋的海、空交通要冲。面积为268 103平方千米,海岸线长6900千米。面积与日本及英国相近,北岛多火山和温泉。近一千年来,在这片有着广袤田野的土地上,古毛利人留下了丰富的传统文化,欧洲的探险家们又带去了先进的科学、宗教等欧洲文化,创造了今天繁荣富强的新西兰。

新西兰的美丽在于她的四季如春。她地处南半球,即使最寒冷的七月和八月,平均气温也不低于摄氏 10度;最炎热的一月和二月,气温则保持在摄氏 25度左右。潮湿温暖的气候使新西兰出落得清新又活跃,无论是茂盛的雨林、清澈的湖泊,还是绿草茵茵的山坡、水清沙白的海滩,无不把宽广的自然空间和优雅的现代化环境结合得恰到好处。




New Zealand is a country of immenseimmense adj.极广大的, 无边的, <口>非常好的 beauty: glacial mountains, fastflowing rivers, deep, clear lakes, hissing geysers and boiling mud. There are abundant forest reserves, deserted beaches and a variety of fauna, such as the kiwikiwi n.[鸟]几维(一种新西兰产的无翼鸟), <口> 新西兰人, endemic to its shores. Situated about 1600km southeast of Australia it stretches 1600km from north to south, consisting of two large islands and a smattering of smaller islands.


The New Zealand archipelago is located in the South Pacific and is comprised of three large islands (the North Island, South Island and Stewart Island) and several hundred smaller offshore islands. The country,s landmasslandmass n.大陆 has an area of 270,500 km2, and stretches from 48° South to latitude 34° South. The climate of the main islands is maritime and temperate, while its outlying islands vary climatically from subtropical to subAntarctic. It is a relatively young country and its landmass is a result of the collision of the Pacific and IndoAustralian plates.

Geologists believe that New Zealand broke away from the supercontinent Gondwana about 70 million years ago, before mammalsmammals n. 哺乳动物 were established on the landmass. Once separated from other landmasses by oceans, only plants and animals dispersed by water or wind could reach New Zealand. Thus, the New Zealand flora and fauna evolved in isolation, and is characterized by a high degree of endangered speciesendangered species n. 濒于灭绝的物种.

In the absence of mammalian competitors and predators, many of the species of birds and invertebrates in New Zealand evolved to occupy ecological niches that elsewhere in the world were occupied by mammals. The resulting assemblage of species is both unique and extremely vulnerable to the arrival of new animals such as those brought by man.

According to Maori legend, the country was discovered over 1000 years ago by Kupe, a great Maori navigatornavigator n.航海家. Kupe sailed from a place known as Hawaiki, believed to be Tahiti, to “Aotearoa” (Land of the Long White Cloud) known today as New Zealand. Today, New Zealanders are primarily of British descent. The government of New Zealand is a parliamentary democracy, and the country is a member of the British Commonwealth.

Following the arrival of the first people on its shores, New Zealand has undergone extreme changes: waves of human colonization resulted in extinction of some of New Zealand,s most unusual fauna, and have left a number of unique species and ecosystemsecosystem n.生态系统 with the dubious distinction of being threatened or endangered. Many of the current resource management challenges involve issues of biodiversity, ecological integrity and biosecurity.

With its myriad of landforms, New Zealand is an exciting place. The dynamic processes of plate tectonics that shaped the landmass are ongoing, as is evidenced by active volcanoes and occasional earthquakes.