
第21章 名校风采Famous Universities(2)

The School of Design at Massey is New Zealand ,s oldest and most prestigious design school and has a reputation for excellence in international quality art and design education.

New Zealandfocussed subjects of particular interest to recent students include: Maori Visual & Performing Arts, NZ Fauna & Flora, NZ Environmental Issues, Plate Tectonics & NZ Geology, MidTwentieth Century Aotearoa/ NZ Literature, Maori Language, Defence Studies, and the New Zealand Economy.

The University,s strengths also include Aviation, Biotechnology, Communication, Environmental & Ecological studies, Forestry, Food Technology, Genetics, Human Nutrition, Psychology, Performance Jazz, Sociology and Sports Studies.

Support Services

The International Students, Office is the central point of contact for international students with dedicated study abroad staff to provide you with ongoing support throughout your studies.

The University has a modern computerized library with in excess of 850,000 volumes, which is supported by an electronic online journaljournal n.定期刊物, 杂志, 航海日记, 分类账 service. Other student services include accommodation placement, free airport pickup, chaplaincy, computer facilities and support, disability services, a Health and Medical Centre, a Learning Support Centre and student counseling services.


Palmerston North, a centre of excellence for education with several tertiary and government research institutions, is the founding home of Massey University .

This vibrant, young person,s city with the highest student population per head in New Zealand , offers affordable accommodation, great restaurants, live theatre, sporting centres and indoor pools. For the adventurous, there are challenging mountain bike tracks, bungee jumping, river kayakingkayak n.爱斯基摩人用的皮船, 皮船 and equestrianequestrian adj.骑马的, 马的, 在马背上的, (古罗马)市民特权阶层成员的, 骑士阶层的 n.骑手 facilities.

Palmerston North,s central North Island location is conveniently close to several west coast beaches, the Hawkes Bay wine region, skiing and snowboarding at Mount Ruapehu and is only a 90 minute drive to the country,s capital city, Wellington. The airport also provides inexpensive international TransTasman flights to Australia .

The Massey campus is set amongst beautiful park-like grounds and offers students a university lifestylelifestyle n. 生活方式 like no other.

Victoria University of Wellington


维多利亚大学创立于1899年,是新西兰最古老的大学之一,顾名思义是为了庆祝维多利亚女皇陛下六十寿辰而设立,有着足以自豪的优良传统和贵族气质。作为一所以研究为基础向学生提供高质量教育, 以此培养上流社会精英的综合性大学,她已久负盛名。该大学位于新西兰首都惠灵顿市内,由于惠灵顿是新西兰经济、文化及政治中心,因此提供了学子们良好的政经学习环境,并有机会将其所学在此充分发挥与发展。学校有3个主要校区,其中最大的是Kelburn Campus, 而有百余年历史的The Hunter Building 为新哥特式建筑, 是惠灵顿的标志性建筑。大学的法学院设在古老的市政府大楼,紧邻国家法院;商业和管理学院设在惠灵顿的商业中心,商业气息浓郁;建筑和设计学院位于市中心,校园建筑风格独特,曾获新西兰奖项。

作为南半球第一流的大学,维多利亚有很多过人之处。学校设有5个学院,开设13个科系学位, 88个专业以供就读。图书馆藏书百万余册。维多利亚大学有着各种程度的学位专业可供选修,包括学士后学位、硕士学位、博士学位和荣誉博士学位。维多利亚大学向学生提供最大限度的选课灵活性。可供选修的学位有建筑、设计,法律、实用艺术(包括教育和音乐)、科学和技术等专业。联合学位为学生从事两个以上专业的高水平学习提供了机会,学校也鼓励交流学生和留学生申请攻读这些学位。维多利亚大学以法律和建筑闻名于世,这与其所在的位置有着极大的关系。建筑系需修业五年,相当专精,所以有许多南岛的学子纷纷前往首都就读。第一年为通修课程,由于申请通修课程的标准较低,许多学生都能轻易达到,至于毕业后的出路,则得视学生用功程度而定。在这五年学习中,学生需要学习各方面的建筑概念,包含技术与应用,设计图的绘制以及设计图的概念等等,如此方可造就出一流的建筑师。本校的法律系也是世界有名,不仅吸引新西兰各地的莘莘学子,许多来自澳洲及东盟国家的学生也到此学习法律,其知名程度可想而知。法学院甚至刻意与新西兰政府大楼、议会法院邻近,让法学院学生从大学时代,便接近将来可能的工作环境,以利观摩学习,此种得天独厚的地理位置,是世界罕有且难得的。 维多利亚有一流的商学院,近年学院在市中心购买了Rutherford House,设施之先进令同行刮目相看。商学院的经济学系与纽西兰政府有着密切的联系,很多任课教师即为政府官员。会计学提供了新西兰注册会计师职业证书,其权威性世界认可。

Victoria University of Wellington is situated in Wellington at the southern tip of New Zealand,s North Island. Victoria has a student population of around 17,000 and welcomes over 4000 new students every year. International students make up about 10% of the student community and come from over 75 different countries. Teaching and research are central to a tradition of academic excellence that reaches back over a hundred years and looks forward to the challenges of the current millenniummillennium n.太平盛世, 一千年. Over 20% of Victoria,s students are engaged in postgraduate study.

Victoria University of Wellington is built on more than a century of tradition. Founded to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, it began teaching in 1899 and today offers quality education in close to 100 subjects. Combining the best of innovation and tradition, the University is also one of New Zealand,s leading research institutions with particular research strengths in biosciencebioscience n.生物科学, materials science, business and law, policy, governance and society, logic and computation, the built environment, earth sciences and the creative arts. As New Zealand,s Capital City University, Victoria is proud of its strong ties to Wellington, the nation,s creative capital and home to Parliament, the Courts and the diplomatic corpsdiplomatic corps n.外交使节团. With annual revenues of close to 200 million and total assets of more than 400 million, the University is one of the city,s largest employers and makes a significant contribution to its economy and cultural and sporting life. Given its extensive links to the wider community, Victoria is a strong supporter of Creative HQ, recognising that many of the areas it supports in creative and smart technologies are also strengths of the University,s scholars and graduates. Through its programmes of education and research, Victoria is constantly seeking to foster innovation and entrepreneurship and is proud to be associated with an organisation with similar goals.

The University,s academic body is made up of five faculties, responsible for the administration of academic programmes and the awarding of degrees. The five faculties are Architecture and Design, Commerce and Administration, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law and Science. Each faculty consists of a number of schools committed to an academic specialisation. These schools are responsible for the research and teaching within their field.